One day you wash up on the beach, wet and naked. Another day you wash back out. In between, the scenery changes constantly.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
The Final Beach Walk of 2020
We were happy, sort of, to see Whitey (aka Oliver) down in the shallow water by the posing post, adding 16 days to the record for the latest staying Great White Heron to ever visit Maryland. Will he ever smarten up and get back to Florida?
A look back toward the posing post. Whitey can be just barely seen above the nearest groin, and to the left of the post. You may have to click on the pick to see the larger version.
The best of 10 shark's teeth, a nice little Sand Tiger I believe. Also found, a fragodile, a Tilly bone and a broken ray chevron. Tomorrow we have to get a final count on our teeth, and clean up the kitchen window sill for another year, for the annual Opening of the Year Jar post.
On our way back, Whitey had repaired himself to the posing post as we walk past. He seemed to be having a bad feather day.
On the Seventh Day of Christmas Election 2020 Gave to Me
Seven pols a-lying, six pole workers cheating, five Electors, four poll watchers, three hanging chads, two spoiled ballots and a phone call from a phone tree.
The talk of the day yesterday was Sen. Josh Hawley promise to challenge the certification of the election in the Senate. I could cite the NYT or WaPoo, but you don't want to read those anyway. Instead, listen to AllahPundit at Hot Air whine Josh Hawley: I’ll Object To Certifying The Election Results On January 6. Natalie Winters at TNP, Senator Hawley Pledges To Object To Election Certification On Jan 6
Senator Josh Hawley revealed he will object to the certification of electoral college results on January 6th.
Hawley notes his decision is a response to the “unprecedented effort of mega-corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election in support of Joe Biden” along with “allegations of voter fraud.”
He emphasizes that “following both the 2004 and 2016 elections, Democrats in Congress objected during the certification of electoral votes.”
“For these reasons, I will follow the same practice Democrat members of Congress have in years past and object during the certification process on January 6 to raise these critical issues,” his statement concludes.
Politico whines Hawley vows to challenge Biden electors, forcing vote McConnell hoped to avoid, like they care about what McConnel wanted. Althouse cites CNN in "Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said Wednesday he will object when Congress counts the Electoral College votes next week, which will force lawmakers in both the House and Senate to vote..." in saying it just prolongs the inevitable coronation of Joe. Ace, Breaking: Josh Hawley Will Object to Claimed Results of Electoral College, Setting Up Vote of State Delegations and then China-Partnered Corporate Leviathan Walmart Attacks Josh Hawley for Objecting to #FakeElection Results
Corporations are our TrueConservative frenz!!!
I agree with Hawley: It's time to start punishing these corporate criminals partnering up with the vicious Chinese Communist regime to use slave labor. All to depress the world labor market so they sell cheap plastic shit even cheaper.
Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 12.30.20 (Evening Edition) The Geller Report has Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) Says He’ll Object To Certification Process, and McConnell & Pelosi Rumored To Cut Deal Blocking Members From Objecting To Biden. How's that working? Also, The Federalist After Walmart’s Twitter Account Attacks Sen. Hawley, #BoycottWalmart Begins Trending On Twitter.
And the voice of reason (sometimes, but don't get her going on that gay stuff) Ann Althouse: "Mr. Hawley’s challenge is not unprecedented... Democrats in both the House and Senate challenged certification of the 2004 election results..."
"... and House Democrats tried on their own to challenge the 2016 and 2000 outcomes, though without Senate support. ... Senator Barbara Boxer of California... briefly delayed the certification of George W. Bush’s victory... cit[ing] claims that Ohio election officials had improperly purged voter rolls... which Mr. Bush carried by fewer than 120,000 votes. Nancy Pelosi, then the House Democratic leader, supported the challenge.... The House voted 267 to 31 against the challenge and the Senate rejected it 74 to 1... After the 2016 election, several House Democrats tried again, rising during the joint session to register challenges against Mr. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in various states. The Democrats cited reasons ranging from long lines at polling sites to the Kremlin’s election influence operation."
From "Hawley Answers Trump’s Call for Election Challenge/The Republican senator said he would object to certifying the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, a move that is unlikely to alter President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory" (NYT).
So... in the last three decades, every time a Republican won, Congressional Democrats challenged the certification of the election, and every time a Democrat won, Congressional Republicans did not challenge the certification.
That certainly puts a different light on what Josh Hawley is doing!
Capt. Ed at Hot Air reports Gohmert Court Filing: We Tried To Get Pence To Join Us, But He Refused; Update: Pence Trip To Israel Canceled
From Wombat's In The Mailbox: 12.30.20 (Morning Edition) The Federalist: also, A National Popular Vote Won’t Fix The Electoral College, But Smaller Government Will. So would flying unicorns, but I don't expect to see them soon either.
Paul Bedard at WaEx, Expert: Biden win ‘suspicious,’ 289,000 election-changing ‘excess’ votes
A must view from the Georgia hearing on potential voter fraud, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Testimony @ GA Senate Judiciary CommitteeA Simple Test for the Extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election: Georgia and Pennsylvania Data #AbsenteeVotes #VoteFraud
— John R Lott Jr. (@JohnRLottJr) December 29, 2020
Even if Tenney holds on to her lead after today, that could still change when the lawyers get going next week. Last week it was clear that the attorney for Democrat Anthony Brindisi was getting on Judge DelConte’s nerves. Hopefully the judge will return from his break determined not to let Brindisi’s camp get away with anything.
Bottom line: It ain’t over yet but there’s still a good chance Claudia Tenney is going to pull this out and be another pickup for the GOP. We’ll know more next Monday.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
RIP: Mary Ann
OK, WuFlu, now you've managed to really piss me off. In the eternal question "Ginger or Mary Anne?" I was always a Mary Ann guy:
Dawn Wells, the girl-next-door actress and former beauty queen who played the sweet Mary Ann Summers on the iconic CBS sitcom 'Gilligan's Island,' died Tuesday of causes related to COVID-19
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) December 30, 2020
She said her character on the sitcom "was molded by me, from me" and that the "values and principles" of the Kansas farm girl mirrored her own.
Dawn Wells, the girl-next-door actress and former beauty queen who played the sweet Mary Ann Summers on the iconic CBS sitcom Gilligan's Island, died Wednesday morning. She was 82.
Wells died in Los Angeles of causes related to COVID-19, her publicist announced.
Other than Tina Louise, Wells was the last surviving member of the regular cast of the Sherwood Schwartz-created show, which featured three women and four men marooned on a desert island after their three-hour boat tour off the coast of Honolulu went inexplicably awry.
The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Mindy Robinson ready for your digital amusement.
Maryland Farmers and Fishermen to Get WuFlu Relief
At the direction of Governor Larry Hogan, the Maryland Departments of Agriculture (MDA) and Natural Resources (DNR) have now provided more than $9 million in COVID-19 relief funding to farmers, watermen, and producers.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented hardship for so many, and while Maryland’s farmers and producers are certainly no exception, they have continued to work hard every single day to support our food supply chain,” said Governor Hogan. “We remain strongly committed to helping Maryland’s agricultural community as we weather this storm together.”
This relief is part of the more than $600 million in emergency economic relief that the state has announced during the COVID-19 pandemic. MDA’s Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Fund granted nearly $5 million to farmers impacted by the pandemic. DNR has dedicated $3 million for direct payments to commercial, for-hire, aquaculture, and seafood processing operations whose 2020 revenue has suffered a loss of greater than 35% due to COVID-19, plus $1 million to fund seafood marketing and business support for individuals in the seafood industry.
“This year has been a challenge unlike any other, and that is especially true for the state’s food production businesses,” said MDA Secretary Joe Bartenfelder. “While we understand this money will not make everyone whole, it is the least we can do to provide some relief to the men and women who have worked throughout this public health crisis to ensure that we continue to have reliable access to a safe food supply.”
The Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program was announced by Governor Hogan on October 19. The program provided direct payments to contract poultry growers at a rate of $1,000 per poultry house (capped at five houses per farm). Growers whose flocks were depopulated due to disruptions related to COVID-19 were eligible for an additional $1,500 per house. The program also provided 15% bonus payments to any Maryland farmer who received funding from the federal Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 1 (CFAP1). This covered a wide range of commodities, including grain, livestock, dairy, and produce.
The Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program paid $1.99 million to poultry growers and $2.86 million in CFAP1 bonus payments. In total, the program dispersed $4.86 million to 1,363 Maryland farm families. MDA worked swiftly to review applications within seven days of receipt. Approved applications were forwarded to the comptroller’s office for payment.
DNR began its program November 4, and already more than $330,000 has been paid out in the first round of funding. To date, the state received more 440 applications for relief to the seafood industry, and about 340 have already been approved; the department will continue its outreach until the application deadline of February 28, 2021. Additional money will be distributed to grantees in spring 2021.
Beach Report 12/30/20
A pretty nice day, for the next to last day of 2020. Sunny, lower 40's and calm. Skye and I were on our own today.
I managed six shark's teeth, including one small but pretty Snaggletooth.
Not a bad day for some cold water kayaking.And sailors don't get the day off for anything.
On the Sixth Day of Christmas Election 2020 Gave to Me
Six pole workers cheating, five Electors, four poll watchers, three hanging chads, two spoiled ballots and a phone call from a phone tree.
Alex Nitzberg at JTN, Trump campaign wants Supreme Court to consider Wisconsin election case. I'm sure he does, but it's pretty clear that the Supes are going to stay out of it, unless some new extraordinary development forces them to step in.
From Sundance at CTH, Sidney Powell Gives Her Elevator Pitch to Supreme Court
Dan Chaitin at WaEx has another story on the discrepancy between the number of people who voted in Pennsylvania according to the records, and the number of votes apparently cast, Pennsylvania Republicans find 'alarming discrepancy' twice the margin of Biden's victory
Their analysis, released on Monday by state Rep. Frank Ryan and more than a dozen colleagues, found different vote counts when comparing Election Day data from counties and the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors, or SURE, system used by Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar. They also raised suspicions about there being tens of thousands fewer votes in the presidential race than overall ballots.
Natalie Winters at TNP reports 368,000 ‘Fraudulent Votes’ Across Swing States
A new report from Department of Justice adviser John Lott concludes that up to 368,000 “excess votes” tipped election outcomes to favor Joe Biden in critical swing states.
Lott, a noted crime and gun researcher, alleged the wide-scale vote fraud plagued the recent presidential election, potentially “account[ing] for Biden’s win in” states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania.
Georgia Election witness speaks: ‘Abnormal 20,000 vote spike’
Michigan AG Dana Nessel Pursues Sanctions Against Lawyers Questioning Election via @BreitbartNews These lawyers are true patriots who are fighting for the truth and, obviously, getting very close. AG should be sanctioned. Fight on!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2020
In other words, this clearly-compromised judge ruled in favor of her sister's vote fraud organization.
A county agreed to take 4,000 names off the voting rolls. For a very good reason: the Post Office had received a change-of-residence notification from these people, indicating that they had moved and were no longer eligible to vote from their old address.
Stacy Abrams' corrupt sister ruled that just because you've moved out of your address, doesn't mean you can't still vote from there.
If you're a Democrat, at least.
Sundance, Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections Hearing on Election Laws – 9:00am Livestream. Day 2.
Regarding the two outstanding house seats, which look like they should fall to the Republicans, David Avella at WaEx wonders Are House Democrats prepared to steal two elections? Yes, they are.
Will Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi rob Iowa voters by seating Democratic House candidate Rita Hart instead of the actual election winner in Iowa's 2nd District, Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks?
Hart is challenging the certified election results and seeking for the U.S. House to declare her the winner. The same may occur in upstate New York, where Democratic incumbent Rep. Anthony Brindisi and former Republican congresswoman Claudia Tenney are separated by fewer than 20 votes.
House Democrats refusing to validate certified election results in two closely contested districts is not exactly a crime. However, it certainly would rob voters in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District and New York’s 22nd District of what they decided with their votes. This would unlikely bother Speaker Pelosi, as it would give her two more Democratic votes that are completely beholden to her. It is almost impossible to imagine a single action by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats doing more to unite House Republicans and becoming more determined in their opposition.
Recently, some House Democrats have openly suggested they might ignore these outcomes and simply seat the Democrats based on the Rules of the House that allow that body to make the ultimate decision as to who is allowed to hold office in the chamber.
It is certainly in Democrats’ playbook for keeping power and control. In 1985, when the Democrats were in the majority in the House, there was a very close election in the 8th Congressional District of Indiana. Republican Rick McIntyre was certified the winner by the Indiana Secretary of State. However, the House Democrats chose to ignore that outcome and seat the Democrat, Frank McCloskey. No Republican Speaker has ever required the House to take such action.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Russiagate: Pardon Me Boy
The pardons are the peak subject: WSJ, Trump’s Weissmann Pardons
Mr. Weissmann is the former deputy to special counsel Robert Mueller on the Russia collusion probe. He’s a Democratic partisan who can be seen even now on MSNBC suggesting that Mr. Trump obstructed justice in the probe that never turned up evidence of collusion. He and his fellow prosecutors spent two years, with the full resources of the federal government, trying to prove a case that didn’t exist.
Instead they indicted individuals in the Trump orbit of crimes unrelated to their main purpose. They pursued Paul Manafort on a foreign-lobbying statute that is rarely enforced and then turned up evidence of tax fraud. They coerced George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan into copping pleas on a single count of making false statements. Roger Stone was convicted of obstructing a Congressional investigation.
Mr, Manafort’s tax offenses are serious crimes, and that’s how a jury saw them. He and Mr. Stone, former business partners, have long been political scoundrels of the type Mr. Trump likes to have around him. But there’s no doubt they were targeted not for their specific offenses but because they associated with Mr. Trump. Prosecutors were out to get Mr. Trump—many of them still are—and they were happy to take down others in the hope they would have evidence against the President
Political clemency will inevitably follow political prosecutions.
But the Peter Baker at NYT (at YaHoo) whines For a Defeated President, Pardons as an Expression of Grievance. Matt Vespa at Town Hall, Liberal Reporter's Take on Some of Trump's Pardons Are Bound to Trigger Progressives.
People of disreputable character can be said to have been "victimized" by overzealous, ill-founded prosecutions. Occurs on a regular basis. This just happened to be a high profile example that was mindlessly cheered on by the media/activist class for short-term political reasons
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) December 24, 2020
NPR whines Shock And Dismay After Trump Pardons Blackwater Guards Who Killed 14 Iraqi Civilians, but as Jazz Shaw at Hot Reminds us Ho, Ho, Ho. NY Governor Gives Christmas Pardons, Commutations To Illegal Aliens, Murderers, but that's different because reasons! Brian Darling at Town Hall argues President’s Pardon Power Is Broad and Should be Used Liberally I agree.
Yougov at Hot Air, Poll: Americans Are Divided On Whether A President Can Pardon Himself. I'm shocked, shocked that Americans are divided. Just wait until Joe Biden needs a pardon.
And how are our pardon alumni coming along? Mediaite, Roger Stone Says He’s Going To Sue Bill Barr and Justice Department For $25M After Trump Pardon. Good luck, Roger. John Solomon at JTN says George Papadopoulos wants to know if FBI spied on conversation with Fox News executive. Of course they did, silly!
In a wide-ranging interview with Just the News after his pardon, Papadopoulos said he was troubled by a text message recently released by the Justice Department. In the message, the FBI's lead Russia case agent Peter Strzok appears to be told there is audio of Papadopoulos talking to a Fox News vice president.
In the text, Papadopoulos is referred to by his FBI codename, "Typhoon."
"I know you're not point on this anymore, but typhoon got a call from the VP at Fox News yesterday, who advised that the government was conducting 'checks' on him a few months back," the Jan. 12, 2016 text message from an unidentified FBI employee to Strzok reads.
"I haven't listened to the exact audio, but i'm guess[ing] that's the FARA checks that we did with DOJ on our 4 main guys; especially given the article that you pushed yesterday," the text message added.
From the Canadian Freepers, Gen. Michael Flynn—Will the American Republic Survive?--Part Two
On the Fifth Day of Christmas Election 2020 Gave to Me
Five Electors, four poll watchers, three hanging chads, two spoiled ballots and a phone call from a phone tree.
The latest scheme? Via Wombat's, In The Mailbox: 12.28.20,Ted Noel at Am Think thinks It’s For Mike Pence To Judge Whether A Legitimate Presidential Election Was Held At All, AllahPundit whines Louie Gohmert, Kelli Ward, Others Try To Overturn Election By Suing … Mike Pence? From Tyler O'Neil at PJ Media, Louie Gohmert Lawsuit Seeks to Give Mike Pence Power to Overturn Electoral College Vote
The lawsuit seeks to empower Pence to effectively overturn the election results by selecting alternate slates of electors and counting their votes instead of the votes cast by the state’s official electors based on the states’ certified election results.
Sundance at CTH The Guarantee Clause, The Electoral Count Act of 1887, The DNI Ratcliffe Report on Foreign Interference and VP Mike Pence
If DNI Ratcliffe produces a report (prior to January 6th) that outlines foreign interference in the election; and if the argument can be made the states with the contested (dual sets) of electors were subjects/targets of that interference; then a foundation to nullify the electors from the contested states is laid in congress.
In this approach the electoral nullification argument would appear to rest on The Guarantee Clause; where the state election outcome was not valid – as it is not representative of a republican form of government, and the majority vote requirement was manipulated.
WJAC TV, PA Republican lawmakers: Analysis finds presidential election numbers don't add up. A hundred thousand votes here, a hundred thousand votes there, and eventually you have real problems.
According to Ryan, the analysis compared official county election results to the total number of voters who voted Nov. 3, as recorded by the Department of State.
Ryan says they found that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicated that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted.
Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates, according to Ryan.
He says the difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to a discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
Behind the Black, PA: Number of votes exceeds the number of voters by more than 200K
That’s nice, but what is the state legislature going to do about it? It is their responsibility, and just whining about voter fraud allegations accomplishes nothing. They need to actually vote to decertify the election if they are convinced it “was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”
The problem of course is their Republican leadership, which doesn’t want to do that, because it might hurt the feelings of the Democrats. God forbid! It is all right to disenfranchise millions of Republicans and allow for election fraud, but allowing Democrat feelings to be bruised cannot stand!
And some tinfoil hat mathematics, PROOF! Pennsylvania "STATE ACTOR" Removed over 600,000 Votes!
Add the Electoral College to the list of American institutions that the Democrats have destroyed (along with education, media, entertainment, Silicon Valley, sports, big cities, the justice system, the family, the FBI-CIA, the Supreme Court, etc.). By manufacturing massive fraudulent vote counts in the big cities they control, Democrats invalidate suburban and rural votes in key battleground states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona. Elections simply become who can produce the most votes, which is most easily accomplished in large Democrat-run cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee. The Democrat machines that control those cities can effortlessly run up large vote counts for Democrats without fear of being found out by manipulating the voting rules and by manufacturing ballots. Local Democrat judges "on the payroll" look the other way, while Big Media leads in the cover-up with information blackouts. Large Democrat donors, Silicon Valley bigwigs, and geopolitical rivals like China bankroll the operation. By relying on big city votes to swing the national elections, our electoral system degenerates into a de facto direct voting structure, thus invalidating the Electoral College and violating the Constitution.
PM, Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams says 'Republicans do not know how to win without voter suppression' Democrats always telegraph what they are doing by accusing you of it.
Matt Margolis at PJ Media hopes Here's How a Republican Could End up Speaker of the House Instead of Nancy Pelosi If pigs could fly.
Is this really possible? Well, let’s see.
While House members can vote by proxy due to emergency rules adopted in May to protect members from getting and spreading COVID-19, but, as The Hill reports, “the proxy-voting rule expires with the new Congress, requiring lawmakers to be in the Capitol in person if they want to participate in the Jan. 3 floor vote for Speaker.”
New rules governing the 117th Congress happen after the vote for speaker.
House Democrats have been taking advantage of this proxy-voting rule in significant numbers. On December 18, nearly 90 Democrats voted by proxy.
This means that candidates for speaker of the House must receive a majority of the votes cast in person to be elected speaker. Democrats already have a thin majority of 222 seats following the 2020 election, and three moderate Democrats say they don’t intend to vote for Pelosi when the vote takes place on January 3. In addition, several Democrats have health conditions that have kept them from the Capitol in 2020. It would only take a small number of Democrats being exposed to COVID-19 prior to the vote for Pelosi to potentially be in trouble.
Sundance at CTH, President Trump Confirms Support for January 6th MAGA Assembly in Washington DC
President Trump tweets his support for American voters to travel to Washington DC to have their voices heard on January 6th, the same date the Senate is scheduled to certify the results of a fraudulent election result. [Unofficial Information – Not From POTUS]
But from Carol Brown at Am Think, Will Washington, DC lock out Trump supporters on January 6th? They might try.
Tuesday Tanlines
The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Mindy Robinson ready for your digital amusement.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Legal Dispute Closes White's Ferry
The resolution of a decade’s-long court case brought by a Virginia property owner required White’s Ferry, the historic Potomac River crossing in Poolesville, Maryland, to stop using its traditional landing across the river.
As a result, the ferry operator announced its closure via a Facebook post at 10 a.m., December 28, 2020.
For over two centuries, the ferry has docked on the Virginia side of the river.
A Virginia court ruled the ferry could no longer dock on the opposite shore at White’s Ferry Road in Loudoun County.
Loudoun County released a statement on Monday afternoon noting that the dispute is between two private parties, and that the land owners and ferry company are working on a resolution.
In fact, the judge, Stephen E. Sincavage of the Loudoun County Circuit Court awarded damages to the Virginia property owners in excess of $100,000, agreed that White’s Ferry had been trespassing since the end of a licensing agreement in 2004 and through an injunction, prevented White’s Ferry from continuing to use the land. The decision was written in late November.
The ferry operator has been in court with Rockland Farm, LLC for over a decade, according to Loudoun Circuit Court filings, in the case of Rockland Farm, LLC, et al. v. White’s Ferry, Inc.
The owners of the land in Virginia, known as Rockland, complained that White’s Ferry was unlawfully occupying its land. White’s Ferry argued for its right to use the landing due to having customers and business operations on that side of the river for over two centuries.
The case has been postponed and delayed and dismissed throughout the years before the most recent decision, written by Judge Steven E. Sincavage on Nov. 23, 2020.
The judge found that the ferry operators have been trespassing on the Virginia land since a licensing agreement ended in 2004. The judge considered a number of arguments about the right to public use of the land in Virginia, going back to a case in 1871.
Sincavage ultimately decided that the ferry operators would likely continue using the land in Virginia without an injunction, and granted that injunction to stop the docking.
In addition, the judge awarded financial damages to Rockland because of what the owners called property damage along with the unauthorized use of the Virginia property, totaling just over $100,000 plus interest.
I rode this ferry once, back in the late 80s, after we first moved to Maryland, on a visit with my aunt and uncle, who live up in Germantown MD, not far from the ferry. It was kind a cool thing to find out in the countryside, not terribly far from the nations capital. From the photos with the story, it hasn't changed much from then.
I think this is kind of a shame, and I hope they find some way to work it out.
Hilaria Baldwin is married to Alec Baldwin, the mouthy star who does a terrible impression of Donald Trump for Saturday Night Live. Hilaria, or Hillary Hayward Thomas as she was known growing up in Boston, is on the receiving end of internet sleuths who seem to be out to cancel her for faking a Spanish accent and lying about where she was born. Page Six has the story.
Hilaria Baldwin has been forced to defend her fluctuating Spanish accent — and admitted that her name is “Hillary.”
The wife of Alec Baldwin took to Instagram Sunday morning after a Twitter storm erupted following a tweet which read: “You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to her decade long grift where she impersonates a Spanish person.”
Baldwin’s own bio on her agency’s speakers site states that she was born on the island of Mallorca, Spain, and raised in Boston. Her 2016 interview with Hola! magazine also stated: “Hilaria, who was born in Spain, has made certain to raise her children with her native language, Spanish.”
During TV appearances, she has spoken with a pronounced Spanish accent, and on one occasion during a cooking segment she even seemingly forgot the English word for “cucumber.”Here’s an ABC video of her with a strong accent describing married life, and another of her “forgetting” how to say cucumber.
Here she is pretending not to know how to say cucumber in English 😭 is having a lot of fun digging up the inconsistencies in her constantly-changing stories.
— elena ilana alana alina elana (not) (@lenibriscoe) December 21, 2020
A minor crime. Let's stone her!
On the Fourth Day of Christmas Election 2020 Gave to Me
Four poll watchers ,three hanging chads, two spoiled ballots and a phone call from a phone tree.
Ted Noel at AmThink is holding out for Mike Pence de Machina ending. It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All
On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection "out of order" or "denied." His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on "certified" electors, or he can uphold the law.
Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution gives state legislatures "plenary authority" as enunciated in Bush v. Gore. This is key, since the counting of votes is discussed in Article II, the 12th Amendment, and 3 USC 15. To this we must add the history of counting and objections recounted by Alexander Macris (here and here). Put bluntly, it's as clear as mud. Add to that the fact that the contested states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have sent dueling slates of electors to D.C. This means that the V.P. has to decide how he will handle the situation when two sealed envelopes are handed to him from any of those states.
For better or worse, I don't think Pence has the stones to make that move. I'm sure he will see his role as almost completely ceremonial, although I'm sure that's not what the founders intended. They put each and every thing that's in the constitution for a reason. Note; I lost my taste for ceremonial pomp by reading the Gormenghast trilogy. (Link goes to my Amazon site, and buying it will put a bit in my pocket).
Matt Margolis at PJ Media provides a Legal Memo Outlines Strategy for Trump to Succeed Having Supreme Court Hear Election Dispute
The authors of the memo contend that by refusing to hear Texas v. Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court” abdicated its constitutional duty to resolve a real and substantial controversy among states that was properly brought as an original action in that Court,” resulting in intense criticism that they had evaded “the most important inter-state constitutional case brought to it in many decades, if not ever.”
“However,” the authors say, “even in its Order dismissing the case, the Supreme Court identified how another challenge could be brought successfully — by a different plaintiff.”
Just because Texas did not persuade the Justices that what happens in Pennsylvania hurts Texas does not mean that the United States of America could not persuade the justices that when Pennsylvania violates the U.S. Constitution, it harms the nation. Article III, § 2, cl. 2 confers original jurisdiction on the Supreme Court in any case suit brought by the United States against a state. Thus, the United States can and should file suit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. Like the Texas suit, that new suit would seek an order invalidating the appointment of the electors appointed by those four defendant States that refused to abide by the terms of the Presidential Electors Clause.
Olsen and McSweeney say that if this happened, it would “leave it to the state legislatures in those four states to “appoint” electors — which is what the Constitution requires. The United States suffered an injury when those four states “violated the Constitution by allowing electors who had not been appointed in the manner prescribed by the state legislature.”
I'm sure the Supreme Court can find some excuse to artfully dodge this case too. As Jerome Michaels, also at Am Think thinks A Supreme Court in Hiding is Dangerous for Our Country
Americans paying attention to the 2020 Election must be baffled by our courts. A thousand sworn statements about election wrongdoing, bizarre 4 a.m. “vote spikes” for one candidate, hundreds of thousands of ballots driven from one state to the another, counting machines with 68% error rates, etc., etc. Such claims should at least get a day in court.
Yet so far, they can’t get a sniff. With few exceptions, no state or federal court in our country has had the courage to look at the merits of these claims. The most significant challenge to our Constitutional Republic since the first Civil War can’t get a parking ticket.
Josh Philips, 2020 Election Investigation:Who is Stealing America?
I have admired Andrew McCarthy since I was a diplomat in the Middle East, and he filed the indictment against Sheikh Omar for the 1994 bombing of the World Trade Center. He has been right, and courageous, about many things in the years since then. But he is wrong about the massive election fraud in November, and especially about the Allied Security Operations Group report signed by Russ Ramsland that focuses on the role of the Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County, Michigan.
In “A Whopper of An Election Rigging Claim,” McCarthy clarifies the misunderstanding about the reported 68 percent error rate. But he goes on to accuse Ramsland, wrongly, of many other errors. It seems as though McCarthy is basing his criticism on reporting in the Detroit Free Press, and he fails to understand several important matters. Let me point them out in no particular order.
John Dietrich at Am Think, The intimidation of Melissa Carone
Dominion Voting Systems is presently going on attack. Attorneys Thomas Clare and Megan Meier, representing Dominion, sent letters to President Donald Trump's supporters demanding that the cease making false and "defamatory" claims about the company's role in voter fraud. Their letter to Melissa Carone, dated 22 December 2020, has been posted on the internet. The letter reveals that Dominion may not be competently represented. The attorneys claim that Carone was Rudy Giuliani's "star witness" who made outlandish accusations "without a shred of corroborating evidence." Who designated Melissa Carone a "star witness"? Giuliani had several witnesses.Da Blaze, Republican congressman lashes out at Trump, GOP colleagues for challenging Joe Biden's win: 'An utter scam' The CIA's pet reporter at WaPoo whines Until Biden’s win is certified, the U.S. remains vulnerable.
Trump’s last-ditch campaign will almost certainly fail in Congress. The greater danger is on the streets, where pro-Trump forces are already threatening chaos. A pro-Trump group called “Women for America First” has requested a permit for a Jan. 6 rally in Washington, and Trump is already beating the drum: “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
Government officials fear that if violence spreads, Trump could invoke the Insurrection Act to mobilize the military. Then Trump might use “military capabilities” to rerun the Nov. 3 election in swing states, as suggested by Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser. Trump “could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election,” Flynn told Newsmax in a Dec. 17 interview.
AllahPundit at Hot Hair, Lin Wood: We Can Prove Trump Was Cheated — If Republicans Boycott The Georgia Senate Runoffs
Wood would have you believe that some sort of “algorithm” inside Dominion’s machines is subtracting Republican votes and adding Democratic ones. How can he and Sidney Powell prove that? Simple: All Republicans need to do is mass-boycott the Senate election on January 5, tricking the algorithm into producing impossible “negative” vote totals for Republicans in heavily Democratic areas. E.g., if the fabled algorithm is designed to automatically switch 100 votes from red to blue and only 50 Republicans turn out to vote, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue will each get -50 negative votes in that precinct — the smoking gun that vote-stealing is going on.
If they're cheating algorithm is that stupid, they need to hire better mathematicians and programmers.
Natalie Winters at TNP, Dem Senate Hopeful Urged Americans To Follow Chinese State-Run Media
Jon Ossoff, a Democratic Senate candidate in Georgia, hyped the reporting of Xinhua News – a Chinese Communist Party-run news outlet – with a shoutout on Twitter and has shared clips praising the advances of China’s Navy.
The unearthed remarks – occurring on Twitter in 2012 – are in addition to Ossoff’s financial ties to another Chinese state-run media company – a relationship he failed to include on financial disclosures and labeled “paperwork oversight” by his campaign.
To be fair, could it be worse than CBS News, for example?Esp. during 18th Party Congress, #follow @XHNews (Xinhua - Chinese state media). #ff
— Jon Ossoff (@ossoff) November 8, 2012
Your Monday Morning Stimulus
Sunday, December 27, 2020
12/27/20 Beach Report
I saw the guy who owns this truck and runs a commercial boat out of the Harbor ('Doodle Dog'), tow in a smaller fishing boat. Doing his good deed for the day. The other numbers are his boat, and his commercial fishing license number. That TFL is worth a lot more than he's making with it.
I'm tempted to ask him what a bushel costs. I haven't had ersters in a long time.
Not an especially good fossil day, only 4 shark's teeth, 2 each.
A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Break
Renea Baek Goddard, 22, came to the United States as a child when her Air Force father, who had met her mother while stationed in South Korea, was transferred to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. The family later moved to Arkansas when her father was transferred to Little Rock AFB. While a student at the Little Rock campus of the University of Arkansas, Goddard became a journalist and worked last year for a public radio station (KUAR) while also writing for other outlets including the left-wing site Truthout, where she wrote that “journalists have a responsibility to be vigilant” against white supremacists.
Well, I guess somebody needs to be “vigilant” against journalists, too:Four suspects, including a journalist, from Little Rock, Ark. with extreme far-left ties were taken into custody and charged by federal authorities last week in connection to coordinated firebombings of police cruisers over the summer.You can read the rest about this motley crew, but my favorite tidbit in this pathetic saga was unearthed by Andy Ngo:
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Arkansas announced that Brittany Dawn Jeffrey, 31, Renea Baek Goddard, 22, Aline Espinosa-Villegas, 24, and Emily Nowlin, 27, were arrested following a months-long ATF investigation.
The four suspects have been charged with malicious destruction of property belonging to an entity receiving federal funding, conspiracy to commit those acts and possession of a destructive device.
Attention, kids. You can overthink things.Renea Baek Goddard, the social-justice journalist who has been federally charged over a firebombing attack in Little Rock, is also an amateur porn star. She interned for Arkansas Public Media & reported for KUAR. She goes by "Slutty Asian Teen" on OnlyFans despite being 22 y/o.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) December 26, 2020
On the Third Day of Chistmas Election 2020 Gave to Me
Three hanging chads, two spoiled ballots and a phone call from a phone tree.
The MSM is going on a full court press to try and convince somebody that Trump should concede. NYT, Trump’s Fraud Claims Died in Court, but the Myth of Stolen Elections Lives On. It's paywalled, but I don't really expect you to read it. The claims have never really been tested in court; the courts keep finding new ways to dodge the issue. From Breitbart, Washington Post: Denying Election Results Is like Denying Holocaust. Always with the Nazi comparisons. HuffPoo, Donald Trump’s Mass Voter Fraud Conspiracies Could Get Somebody Killed. AllahPundit at Hot Air crows, Thune: We’re Trying To Convince Tommy Tuberville Not To Object To The Election Results On January 6
McConnell and the GOP leadership can and will try to talk Tuberville out of objecting but the effort is doomed. Even if Tuberville stands down, some other populist in the chamber will break ranks and do it. It’s a simple matter of incentives. Without any objections from the Senate, there’ll be no floor debate about election irregularities and no floor vote on whether to accept a particular state’s election results in either chamber. Dozens of House Republicans are preparing floor speeches about vote-rigging conspiracies — but they won’t get a chance to deliver them unless and until at least one senator objects.
Josh Blackmun at the Volokh Report reports SCOTUS Shadow Docket De Facto Denies Trump's Latest Challenge to Pennsylvania Vote Count
The Court has not formally acted on Eastman's motion to expedite. But the Court, through the shadow docket, has de facto denied the motion, and indeed the entire challenge. A notation on the docket indicates that Pennsylvania's response is due on January 22. Two days after the inauguration. And sixteen days after Congress assembles. Game over.
It is unclear if Circuit Justice Alito was responsible for this de facto denial, or if the ruling came from the Clerk. My guess is the former. I doubt the Clerk would act alone on such a significant issue without consultation from the Circuit Justice.
Earlier this month, Circuit Justice Alito de facto denied another emergency appeal from Pennsylvania. He set the reply date after the safe harbor date. But then Alito walked it back.
The shadow docket abides.
ET, Trump Says Supreme Court ‘Incompetent and Weak’ Over Election Fraud. Incompetent? I don't think so. Politicized? Absolutely.
Dr. John at Flopping Aces, The Presidential election was absolutely rigged and the Georgia election is also rigged and from Dan Chaitin at WaEx, Top Michigan state senator: 'Clarifying questions' remain for Dominion after CEO testifies. Better be careful with those "questions", or you'll find yourself being sued.The U.S. Supreme Court has been totally incompetent and weak on the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have absolute PROOF, but they don’t want to see it - No “standing”, they say. If we have corrupt elections, we have no country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2020
As CTH noted after the media manipulation of the election began… “There is no precedent here. Seventy-four million angry American voters resolved to a common objective is not something to be trifled with.”
We do not yet know where this political crisis and ongoing battle is going to end; but we do know approximately 100 million Americans will not accept the outcome of a political process transparently filled with fraud and manipulation. That makes President Trump a very dangerous entity to the DC system, regardless of whether they admit what surrounds them.
Mediaite, Lin Wood Calls for Perdue, Loeffler to be Arrested; Urges Republicans to ‘Break’ Georgia Election by Not Voting. I understand the impulse to burn the house down, but we live in it, alas.