Friday, July 26, 2024

Bear, Step Aside, Make Way for Cocaine Sharknado

 Boing Boing, Sharks test positive for cocaine

Cocaine Shark isn't the title of an exciting sequel to B-movie hit Cocaine Bear: it's science. 13 Brazilian sharpnoses tested positive for the drug after being fished out the sea just offshore.
The concentrations were as much as 100 times higher than previously reported for other aquatic creatures. The research, carried out by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, is the first to find the presence of cocaine in sharks. Experts believe the cocaine is making its way into the waters via illegal labs where the drug is manufactured or through excrement of drug users. Packs of cocaine lost or dumped by traffickers at sea could also be a source, though this is less likely, researchers say.


Sharks with performance enhancing drugs, a delightful combination. Now, about that B-Movie sequel…

The script practically writes itself, and the standards aren't too high. I mean, what could go wrong! 

Flotsam and Jetsam - Wray Testifies in Assassination Probe, Hamas Democrats Trash DC

Well, I had good intentions to get back to this yesterday, but, hey, it just didn't happen. Starting at the top, Biden's 'farewell, suckers' address is still in the news. Charles Lipson at Spec World, Joe Biden delivers his own eulogy "A short speech that said little and never explained why he withdrew." Dan McLaughlin at NYPo says In his ‘farewell,’ Joe Biden shows exactly why he had to go. Non compos mentis. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair adds, "Biden was who he's always been for the past 50-plus years -- twenty pounds of manure in a ten-pound bag. My thoughts on the speech last night went up shortly after Biden concluded, and I think the speech will wear even less well over the next few weeks and months." Jim Geraghty at NRO, President Quitter Can’t Explain Why He Dropped Out "Look, Biden chose to not pursue a second term either because of the polls, or because of his age and health, or both. The president just couldn’t bring himself to say it in front of the cameras." Capt. Ed, "He didn't tell the truth because he couldn't admit to it. The truth is that he's suffering from cognitive decline and he shouldn't have run in the primaries in the first place. As I'll write later, that doesn't make his tardy withdrawal "selfless" -- just the opposite, in fact." J Hans@blackhawkce457 claims "His watch wasn’t on the right time during his “live” speech. The internet is undefeated" Maybe, maybe not. Tyler O'Neal at Da Signal thinks it's ORWELLIAN: Biden Would Destroy Democracy in Order to ‘Save’ It. At PJM VodkaPundit has some sympathy for the old devil, The Fix Is in (Again): Dems Just Can't Help Cheating. Ben Domenech at Spec World, sees Gaslighting for Kamala "Joe Biden succumbs to a political coup."  At Am Great the Great Victor Davis Hanson details Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup. Kurt Schlichter at TownHall thinks Democrat Lies And Incompetence Make Conspiracy Theories Great Again. Twitchy says He's the GOAT: James Woods Mocks Kamala's Palace Coup As Only He Can (Then Goes on a Meme Tear). From NYPo, Trump says 25th Amendment shouldn’t be invoked against Biden, claims ‘dangerous’ Kamala Harris is ‘worse than he is’. It won't be so he's safe there. Dave Strom sees the new media narrative, Biden Is Suddenly George Washington. False teeth and hair. Capt. Ed, sees More Media Journolisting: The 'Selfless' Biden Narrative. Insty, THE PASSWORD IS “SWORDFISH” “SELFLESS:” More Media Journolisting: The ‘Selfless’ Biden Narrative. "“Nothing brings out my skepticism,” Ann Althouse wrote this morning, “like everyone using the same word.” Count me double on that, especially when the “everyone” applies to media outlets in the US and around the world. It’s as if the Journolist has never gone away! Which it clearly hasn’t, as Ann’s screenshot demonstrates:" Dave Strom at Hat Hair thinks KJP Has the Worst Job in D.C., and I Am Loving It.  "It's not like Biden's image as a president can be massaged; everybody knows that he is a vegetable." Jen O'Connell at RedState says The Jill Biden Revenge Tour Is One to Watch, While Obama Reworks His Plan for Democrat Dominance. "According to one article, the Bidens never really forgave Obama for pushing Joe aside in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton, and there is even more bitterness over Biden being forced into one-term presidency status."

Capt. Ed, thinks 'This Is Peak Kamala': Downhill From Here? and notes the Emerson Poll: The Swing-State Impact of the Harris Anointment Is ... "... the same as in the national polling since Sunday. Which is to say, not much at all." James Piereson at New Criterion, calls it  Kamala Harris’s Michael Dukakis moment. Paul Bedard at WaEx, sees Trump leads 50%-43%, no Harris bump. Breitbart highlights a YouGov Poll: Only 39% of Independents Say Harris Is ‘Qualified’ for Presidency and July Polls: Trump Crushes Harris in 13 National Surveys. A Larry video At Hat Hair, CNN Hosts Flabbergasted by Brutal Kamala vs. Trump Polls. Capt. Ed, MSNBC Voter Panel in WI: Kamala Knew About Biden's Infirmity -- and Covered It Up. Matt Vespa at TownHall examines Why MSNBC's Focus Group Brutalized Kamala Harris. Fuzzy Slippers at LI likes a Wisconsin Right-Leaning Female Voter Panel On Kamala: “do nothing” “idiot” and “no one respects her.” “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing.” NYPo, Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn’t endorsed her: sources. Insty, SHOT: "Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn’t endorsed her. Chaser: Obama Plans to Endorse VP Harris for President Soon. I guess we’ll know soon enough which story is closer to the truth but, in the meantime, enjoy the ongoing chaos."  Capt. Ed, NBC: Obama Finally Warming Up An Endorsement? Ace, Biden Family Source: Obama Hasn't Endorsed Harris Because He Knows She Can't Win   "I don't get the whole Kamala Harris play. You staged a coup against Biden because he couldn't win, and now you anoint someone else who can't win? This is what Obama must be thinking: We didn't stage a coup against one loser to nominate another loser.  

Althouse, "Can Kamala Take the Money … Legally?" "That's the new episode of the "Advisory Opinions" podcast (audio and transcript, here). . . . Is the legal question too abstruse to think about? I'd say yes, but one thing jumped out at me. I'll put it in boldface: LAWPROF DEREK MUELLER: That's, that's probably right. Although I would point out, and this is the slightly cynical take —right? — you know, we, we do have a candidate running who, uh, was, uh, convicted of felonies for intentionally misrepresenting paperwork relating to campaign finance funds. So if the Harris campaign is going in saying, like, we're just gonna sort of ignore the law and do what we think and not seek an advisory opinion and move ahead — not that we're in great precedent to think about those situations — but that there, there are other legal consequences that come down the line. Usually when we think about the FEC levying fines, it's, you know, the Obama campaign accidentally accepted $20,000 from non-citizens. And so therefore it has to figure out a way of dealing with it. You know, this is a, this is a pretty aggressive and large large move." "Accidentally", my ass.  Sundance, Carl Higbie Exposes the DNC’s “Smurfing” Scandal – $200 Million in Irregular Donations, Disguised to Appear Like Small Donors

At Da Wire, The Media Desperately Tries To Turn Mediocre Kamala Into A Star. Robby Soave at Reason, Media Coverage of 'Border Czar' Kamala Harris Is Cringe. "Vibes are not the same thing as votes." Beege Welborn at Hat Hair, She Didn't Build That: Media Providing Harris With #Bidenomics Cover. Jeff Charles at Da Caller has a REPORT: Leaked Democrat Memo Reveal Effort To Spin Kamala Harris’ Role As Border Czar. At Hollywood in Toto, MORE PROOF: ‘SNL’ Cast VP Harris as ‘Border Czar’. Nick Ballasy at JTN, Six Democrats join Republicans to pass resolution condemning Harris' performance as 'border czar'. "House Democrats who voted with all Republicans included Reps. Henry Cuellar of Texas, Yadira Caraveo of Colorado, Don Davis of North Carolina, Jared Golden of Maine, Mary Peltola of Alaska, and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington State." Insty calls it HUGE: Kamala Harris Receives Bipartisan Condemnation For Her Handling of the Border. "Swapping out Biden for Harris was supposed to calm jittery congressional Democrats in swing districts." Matt Margolis wonders Is Kamala Harris Trying to Get out of Debating Trump? The Babylon Bee snarks Kamala Harris Distances Herself From Kamala Harris.

Breitbart, Susan Rice: Calling VP Harris a DEI Hire Is ‘Extremely Offensive and Dehumanizing’, but true. NewsMax, Buttigieg Slams Vance for 'Childless' Comments. Althouse fleshed it out, "Three years ago... JD Vance... suggested in a TV interview that some Democrats including Vice President Harris are 'a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable.'" ""Those 2021 comments are resurfacing on social media now.... [M]any... are embracing and owning the 'childless cat lady' label as a point of pride.... 'There’s a movement,” declared Nikki Barnes, a previous member of the Democratic National Committee from Florida, accompanied by a 'Childless cat ladies for Harris 2024' image quickly amassing nearly 2 million views. On TikTok, people are snapping up 'Cat ladies for Harris 2024' stickers." But he's not wrong. At Reason, America Deserves a Boring Vice President. Capt. Ed counters "No -- America deserves a competent vice president."

Insty cites CJ on KAMALANOMICS: "While Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate, he has governed as one of the most progressive presidents in modern American history. In 2020, Biden sought to distance himself from self-declared socialist Bernie Sanders; after Biden as president pursued massive stimulus and spending programs, Sanders became one of his biggest supporters. Now that Biden has announced that he will not pursue reelection, the Democratic nomination will likely fall to his vice president, Kamala Harris. While Harris may campaign as a moderate, analysis of her economic record does not support that label." Alpha News@AlphaNewsMN "Trump slams Kamala Harris for supporting the Minnesota Freedom Fund: "Kamala Harris wants to be the president for savage criminals and illegal aliens. I will be the president for law-abiding Americans of every race, religion, color and creed."" Capt. Ed adds "This will be a very effective line of attack on Harris, especially when she poses as a "prosecutor president." How long before the media starts calling Harris' involvement in the Minnesota Freedom Fund "misinformation" -- despite their own contemporaneous reporting on it? And her own tweet?" Jay Bhattacharya@DrJBhattacharya, "The Biden/Harris admin expunged Navy Seals who refused the covid vas, denying them religious exemptions. Now the Navy has settled, restoring the Seals' records & admitting it violated the Seals' religious liberty. The mandates harmed national security & civil rights." At NYPo, Michael Goodwin thinks Kamala Harris puts the ‘lie’ in allies when it comes to supporting Israel. Eli Lake at Freep, Kamala Harris Should Not Have Snubbed Bibi "The VP missed an important opportunity to show Americans where she stands on Israel." Nope, she showed 'em. Duane Patterson at Hat Hair, Democrats Really Have a Problem With Jews

Two days ago, FBI Directory Wray testified to the house on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Compared to the now gone and disgraced SS Director Cheatle, he was practically translucent. US News, The Secret Service Chief Resigns. The Investigations Endure. "Ten days after an assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the buck stopped with Kim Cheatle. But Congress isn’t satisfied." Ward Clark at RedState reports a Bipartisan House Committee Formed to Investigate Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump. ET, FBI Director Says Gunman Flew Drone Near Stage Hours Before Trump Shooting "Wray discloses new details on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania." Even Sundance at CTH gives him some credit, Something New – FBI Director Chris Wray Provides Actual Details About FBI Investigation – Video Segments “8 Cartridges” – “No other suspects” Which make the two-shooter theory pretty much go up in smoke. He's still holding out on ruling out foreign involvement, however. Twitchy, Dem Reps. Nadler and Schiff Compete for Distinction of Biggest Dirtbag at Hearing on Trump Shooting. A tough choice. Ace, FBI Director: The Assassin's Gun Was Legally Bought and Then Sold to Him "Which only serves as proof to Democrat gun-grabbers that all guns, legally or illegally purchased, must be outlawed." Dave Strom at Hat Hair VIP, Wray Dropped This to Fuel Conspiracy Theories. Bob Hoge at RedState, Trump Unloads on Chris Wray After FBI Boss Bizarrely Questions Whether He Was Actually Shot, was it a bullet or shrapnel that struck his ear? Does it matter? "I'm unclear why there's "some question" when the former president's physician said quite clearly Trump "sustained a gunshot wound to the right ear."" Ace, Criminal FBI Director Wray Chums The Water of "Trump Wasn't Shot" Conspiracy Theory, and Leftwingers Go Into Feeding Frenzy. Dave Strom says No More Stonewalling on the Assassination Attempt! At Da Caller, Video Captures Immediate Aftermath Following Trump Assassination Attempt.  OTP reports Trump Gunman Thomas Crooks Likely Used Gab Platform To ‘Support’ Biden: CEO. "Trump Gunman Thomas Crooks Used Gab Platform To 'Support' Biden: CEO." Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Trump Shooter's Father Speaks Out... Sort of. "All he really said was that the family was trying to take care of themselves for now and he asked reporters to "give them some space."" Nice Deb at Am Great, Whistleblower Report: Local LEOs Refuse to Share Information With FBI Due to ‘Disturbing Loss of Trust’.

Jordan Boyd at Da Fed hears CNN say It’s ‘Wildly Irresponsible’ For Trump — Who Was Shot In The Head — To Say Secret Service Didn’t Protect Him, when they manifestly didn't. Fuzzy Slippers at LI has a Report: Local Law Enforcement Offered Drones To Secret Service Before Trump Was Nearly Assassinated, Were Refused "How does this happen?" Cutie Pavlich at TownHall  hears Whistleblowers Detail Why Drones Weren't Used at Trump's Butler Rally. No answer. Capt. Ed, Secret Service to Trump: The Roofs? We Can't Handle the Roofs! VodkaPundit at PJM, Secret Service Tells Trump to Stop Being Trump... or Die? Ace, Secret Service Confesses Incompetence, Tells Trump It Can't Protect Him In the Outdoors. "Isn't that convenient? They're telling Trump he has to stop holding large outdoor rallies. Also known as "Trump's greatest campaign promotion tool." How nicely this works out for the Deep State and Democrat-Media Regime! Allow him to be shot, and then tell him he can no longer build voter enthusiasm for the election!"  Active Response, defends, partially, the woman fumbling to holster her weapon at LE Weapon Handling During the Assassination Attempt "I’ve seen this same problem crop up with lots of female and shorter male officers. The agent is short-waisted and a bit chubby.  She’s wearing her pants very high around her waist and has a fairly high rise belt holster. She is also wearing soft body armor.  She can’t see her holster mouth or “look the gun in” while  reholstering. Her instructors should have fixed this. If she had lower-waisted pants or a holster with a slight drop shank, she would probably do just fine . . .  The problem is that a lot of law enforcement agencies are more concerned with uniformity of appearance than practical performance.  That’s been a point of frustration with me since the day I became a cop.  Not all gear fits all people.  I’m all for looking professional, but it’s OK to have some minor variances in gear appearance to allow people to perform better."

Campus Reform reports Anti-Israel group linked to Students for Justice in Palestine dumps maggots in hotel where Netanyahu is staying. "Activists with an anti-Israel group connected to Students for Justice in Palestine dumped maggots and other bugs inside the hotel where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying." Which should have been under SS protection. Capt. Ed, "Gee, this seems like political terrorism to me. Shouldn't the FBI and DoJ be looking to make a RICO predicate to prosecute all of the groups involved? Or do they only take that kind of interest when it comes to pro-life demonstrators?" UnHerd heard a Third of Democrats wish Donald Trump had been killed. Althouse, "They say something happened to me when I got shot, I became nice. If you don’t mind, I’m not going to be nice, is that okay?" "Said Donald Trump."

WokeSpy, The “Best Political Website Ever” Has Just Launched…If you try to visit it redirected to the URL

Rick Moran at PJM, Trump Readies Mar-a-Lago for Netanyahu Visit While Harris and Many Democrats Boycott the Speech. Capt. Ed, Oh My: Deal Brewing Between Trump, RFK?. Matt Margolis, Gamechanger: Is a Trump-RFK Jr. Alliance in the Works? Ace, Is Trump Offering RFKJr. a Spot In His Cabinet? "The rumor goes that Trump is offering RFKJr. the job of Secretary of Health and Human Services. One one hand, RFKJr. is a leftist and would push for Moar Socialized Medicine. On the other hand, he'd be aggressive in fighting Big Pharma." There are several disposable departments he probably couldn't make worse. The Populist Times reports J.D. Vance Pledges to Champion Forgotten Communities as Trump’s Running Mate. Tax Prof Blog, Feldman: Why Yale Law Is So Good At Producing Reactionaries Like JD Vance. Dennis Prager at Hat Hair says it was A Great Convention -- With One Big Mistake "I have never understood why Republicans always concentrate their fire on their Democratic opponent while ignoring virtually any mention of the threat posed by the Democratic Party and the Left.|

From the College Fix, Students across party lines more concerned with economy than social issues: poll. James Carville got one thing right. At the Conservative Brief, ‘A Sham’: Longtime Dem Slams Party As Being Out of Touch.

Althouse sees an Instant book. "Screen capture from Axios:" and "Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered California state officials... to begin dismantling thousands of homeless encampments..." ""... the nation’s most sweeping response to a recent Supreme Court ruling that gave governments greater authority to remove homeless people from their streets.... His executive order could divide Democratic local leaders in California, some of whom have already begun to clear encampments while others have denounced the decision from conservative justices as opening the door to inhumane measures to solve a complex crisis. The order also comes as Democrats are uniting around Vice President Kamala Harris, a former senator and prosecutor from California.... Republicans have frequently pointed to homelessness in California as an example of the state’s purported decline...." So, is he running, or trying to protect Kamala? 

Josh Blackmun and Seth Tillman at Am Spec Jack Smith — There He Goes Again. "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit should reject his past political justifications to expedite his latest appeal." Capt. Ed, "Cannon also threw out the indictment, so the US Attorney for Florida's southern district would have to empanel a new grand jury to get a fresh indictment first."

Paula Bolyard at PJM, Palestinian Flags Fly Over Historic D.C. Landmark as American Flags Burn Dave Strom, The Protests in Washington Today Were Insane and NPR: Protests in D.C. Were 'Largely Peaceful'. Beege Welborn, House Republicans Went Out Re-Hoisted Old Glory After D.C. Hamas Terrorists Tore Them Down to Burn UPDATE. OTP, Protesters Burn American Flag Near Capitol, Hoist Palestinian Flag As Replacement. Althouse, "It appears that every historical monument in DC is being vandalized with no intervention from the police." "Writes Ian Miles Cheong on X, with this video:" Insty, POUNCE!POLITICO@politico, "Republicans pounce after Netanyahu protesters burn U.S. flags – and wave Hamas ones instead."  The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "Criminals In Congress Begin Helpfully Holding Up Signs To Identify Themselves" So do we expect them to get the full J6 treatment at the hands of the media and government? Of course not! Insty, OH, THAT LIBERAL FASCISMVivid.🇮🇱@VividProwess, "BREAKING: Hamas supporter in front of the Watergate Hotel yelled at Israel supporters: “Jewish motherfuckers. We’re gonna kill all of you. We’re gonna burn you. Allah Akbar. Hamas!” Campus Reform reports a Court orders anti-Israel group to disclose donor information amid foreign funding suspicions "On July 16, the anti-Israel American Muslims for Palestine was forced to disclose its donors by a court order, at the request of Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares. AMP has faced increased scrutiny and legal challenges, including a lawsuit alleging it aids Hamas and has ties to Hamas through its financial sponsor."

FIRE puts out a Statement: The Kids Online Safety Act gives government ‘dangerous powers’ over Americans’ expression "KOSA hands government bureaucrats a powerful weapon to wield over social media websites — one that threatens every American’s ability to express themselves online."

At, Pentagon to review Medals of Honor awarded to soldiers for 1890 Wounded Knee actions. "Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a review of 20 Medals of Honor given to U.S. soldiers for their actions during the 1890 Battle of Wounded Knee, which later became known as a massacre of Native Americans, to make certain the awards were warranted." The past is being edited.
From Hollywood in Toto, Chuck D: Why Today’s Artists Can’t Fight the Power. "Rap pioneer breaks down fear that controls biggest, brightest stars." “They’re all scared, man … Musicians, artists, entertainers have now been governed by fear, fear of being canceled.” “In my case, I’m like, I don’t know who’s orchestrated this all. All I know is it’s madness.”

Fish Pic Friday - Bree Emilius

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Bruised Biden Gives 'Farewell' Address

Bruised metaphorically, if not physically. Don't go away mad, just go away. It's pretty clear we won't be seeing much of him anymore, but he will remain in the job as long as Jill fingers can grip the window sill. Stacy McCain notes we are Living in Interesting Times. Sundance at CTH posted the address at  Joe Biden Addresses Nation After Decision to Drop Out of 2024 Race – 8:00pm ET Livestream  Breitbart, Trump Campaign Demands Equal Time from Major Networks if Carrying Biden’s Kamala Boosting Primetime Address. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Biden Valediction: Time to Pass the Torch ... In January. Althouse wonders Why is Biden doing an Oval Office address? Does it suggest he plans to do more than explain why he withdrew from the campaign for reelection? and Biden, in strange heavy makeup, just struggled through saying the words on a teleprompter. "And the news is he thinks he can continue as President. He's just fine, and, in fact, he'd still be in the race for reelection if he didn't put the power of the Democratic Party first, and the Party has told him that he cannot win. We're called to celebrate him for subordinating "personal ambition" to the Party's ambition." Sundance sees the heavy makeup as covering bruises; did he fall, or was he hit? Biden Gives Exit Speech Showing Clear Signs of Injury. Cathy Salgado at PJM, Joe Biden’s Mumbled Oval Office Speech Was Nothing But Lies and Gaffes.NYPo, Biden ‘absolutely’ sharp enough for second term, no ‘coverup’ of mental decline, White House insistsJohn Hasson@SonofHas "Five days ago: Jon Meacham says reports of him working on a Biden exit speech are “totally false” Tonight: Biden gives an exit speech written by Jon Meacham Mark Halperin vindicated once again." WaEx's Byron York thinks Joe Biden owes the country an explanation. We didn't get that. Jim Treacher, Who's Joe? "All Hail Kween Kamala." ReasonTV, Joy Reid ADMITS Biden was ousted by ‘Pelosi Coup’. Capt. Ed thinks "This is an excellent discussion, so be sure to watch it all. Duke calls out Democrats for their "massive cover-up" that necessitated the 'coup' that Reid somehow semi-endorses. She also goes into the anti-democratic anointing of Harris, while Soave speaks to the hypocrisy of Democrats dispensing with democracy." Stephen Moore at PJM asks Where Does Joe Biden Rank Among America's Worst Presidents?

From the Wombat's In the Mailbox: 07.24.24, Twitchy, Send in the Clowns: Democrats Praise Joe Biden for Lying to the American People,  BattleSwarm, Breaking: Biden Drops Out, Presidential Election Update for July 22, and Has Josh Shapiro Already Been Anointed Kamala’s Veep Pick?, Da Tech Guy, Remember: The MSM Would Have Called You a Deep Fake Conspiracy Theorist if You Predicted Joe Biden Leaving #election2024 on June 26th or before, A fresh look at the movie Hillbilly Elegy, Biden Bye Bye Under the Fedora, We Now Return You to Our Unquestioning Press, and “Unquestioning” Media Isn’t Strong Enough, How About “Blatantly Lying to Your Face!” Media?, Power Line, Mid-Week in Pictures: Bye-Bye Biden Special Edition

Capt. Ed calls it Curious: DNC Announces Last Call for Any Harris Competitors, "maybe it's only a parliamentary i-dotting and t-crossing." At Hat Hair, Beege Welborn whines My 'K-Files' Bookmark Is Already Packed and It's Only Wednesday UPDATE, Dave Strom hears European Leaders Laugh Behind Kamala's Back and Capt. Ed looks at Veep Veepstakes: Picking the Dead-Ender. Ace, Deranged Adulteress Mika Brzezinski Has Discovered a New Form of Right-Wing Racist Hate Speech: Pronouncing "Kamala" Incorrectly, "If you were really against racism, you'd know which way Kamala is pronouncing her name." The Blaze, WATCH: Kamala Harris gets ANGRY as NBC host calmly corrects her lie. Insty, YES, SUPERFICIAL INDEED: Claire Lehmann@clairlemon "I know its superficial, but I like that Kamala can dance and that she looks incredible for her age. She looks like the kind of person you'd like to have a margarita or two with." Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, Democrats Seem Pretty Nervous About Kamala Losing Her War Chest.

Capt. Ed has the Anointment Blues: Have Polls Moved At All? Not much, everybody knew Kamala was next in line and Joe was a short-timer. Also, The Most Devastating Campaign Ad of the Cycle? Larry at Hat Hair, CNN Stunned, Hopes Shattered, Polls & Ads Wreck Kamala's Chances! Althouse, "So far, indeed, polls of the matchup since Biden announced he wouldn’t seek a second term have been all over the place, showing everything from an 8-point Trump lead to a 4-point Harris edge." "Nate Silver writes, displaying a list of 9 polls, only one of which shows Harris ahead of Trump. One has the 2 candidates tied, and 7 show Trump leading. Trump is up by 8 in one, as Silver notes. He's up by 6 in two, by 4 in one, and by 2 in three." Sister Toldja at RedState wants you to WATCH the 'Merciless' New Dave McCormick Ad Laying Kamala Harris' Record Bare Has People Talking. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw reports Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Kamala for Some Reason "A GOP lawmaker on Tuesday introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris over her handling of the southern border, as Republicans lay into the new Democratic presidential candidate in the days after President Joe Biden stepped down from the campaign trail. Rep.Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., introduced a resolution calling to impeach Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors, arguing that during her term as vice president, Harris “has demonstrated extraordinary incompetence in the execution of her duties and responsibilities.”"

Mediaite reports Axios Accuses GOP of Fabricating Kamala Harris’s ‘Border Czar’ Title — 3 Years After Reporting She Was Biden’s Border Czar. NewsBusters note Fact-Checkers Slap 'False' Labels On Claims Harris Was 'Border Czar'. Capt. Ed, "Both Guy Benson and I called this shot this morning. That's absolutely why media started the Republicans Pounce narrative in the last 24 hours, and it intends to remove any personal responsibility from Harris for the catastrophe at the border." Capt. Ed, Narratives: Axios Tries 'Republicans Pounce®!' on Harris Border-Czar 'Confusion,' But ... Ace, Axios and CNN Push New Psyop: No Matter What You Remember, You're "Confused" If You Believe that Kamala Harris Was Ever Biden's "Border Czar". Insty, OCEANIA HAS NEVER BEEN AT WAR WITH THE BORDER CZAR:

and More airbrushing here: GovTrack Tells Axios to Hold Its Beer, ERASES Kamala’s Record As ‘Most Left-Leaning Senator.’ Gaslighting the Public on Kamala Harris as ‘Border Czar.’ “We can be sure of this much: If the border was not a mess, if this was not a winning GOP issue, Kamala Harris would be running on it right now. And her media sock-puppet friends—who seem to believe in nothing except making sure she wins—would be celebrating ‘The Greatest Border Czar Who Ever Was.’” Dave Strom thinks The Gaslighting Is Off the Charts, use a log scale. The Unsinkable Mollie@MZHemingway, "This is horrific to watch in real time. GovTrack should now be viewed as straight propaganda."

Susie Moore at RedState reports BREAKING news Hunter Biden's Legal Team Just Got Scorched by Judge for Making False Statements in CA Tax Case. Judges don't like that for some reason. 

More later? We'll see. 

Tattoo Thursday

The study, published July 2 in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, investigated the presence of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in commercial tattoo inks and permanent makeup.

Aerobic bacteria survive and thrive only when oxygen is present, while anaerobic bacteria—such as the bacteria that cause tetanus—don’t require oxygen to live and spread. In the case of contaminated tattoo ink, these pathogens can infect injured human tissue, particularly the skin’s dermal layer.

Researchers analyzed 75 tattoo inks from 14 manufacturers in the U.S. market using standard incubation methods for aerobic bacteria and an anaerobic chamber for detecting anaerobic bacteria.

The study found that about 35 percent of sealed and unopened inks contained both types of bacteria. This was true even when product labels claimed sterility. Over half of the inks were labeled sterile yet were contaminated with bacteria. This suggests that either the sterilization process was ineffective or the sterility claims were inaccurate.