"He said, 'Jackie, are you here, where's Jackie. She must not be here." From
the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.28.22, The Geller Reports “Where’s Jackie?” Demented Biden Asks, Referring to Rep. Jackie Walorski,
Who Died in August, Mary Chastain at LI,: Special K Melts Down When Media Doesn’t Buy Her Explanation for Why Biden
Asked for Dead Congresswoman and Scott Johnson at Power Line calls it the Senior moment of the day. At Wa Ex, Chris Datioc, Biden appears to ask if dead congresswoman is at White House speech, "President
Joe Biden
appeared to ask Wednesday morning if the late Rep.
Jackie Walorski
(R-IN) was in attendance for a speech he delivered in Washington,
D.C. Biden's mistake came during his remarks at the
White House
Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. Walorski, who was
tragically killed in a car crash in August, was a core congressional ally in planning the conference
. . ." Even the NYT, cited at Haut Hair deigns to notice, White House's bizarre, dogged denial over Biden's "Where's Jackie?" PM, White House says 'it's not all that unusual' for Biden to forget a
congresswoman is dead. At Red State Kira Davis calls him Lost in Space. 'Becca Downs at Town Hall, About Time: Even the White House Press Corps Realize Biden Isn't Making
Sense. Mincing no words, Ace,
The Dying-Brained "President" Asks If a Dead Congresswoman, Whose Death He
Recently Noted, Is Present With Him.
"Maybe his half-dead brain partly exists on the Ghostly Planes and so Biden
sees Jackie there, beckoning to him. John Sexton notes that Joe Biden issued a statement about how bereft he was
about Jackie Walorski's death due to a car accident"
It looks like the "Dobbs Bounce" is over, Capt. Ed at Haut Hair
Morning Consult boards its RV ... again: Biden job approval drops 5 points,
GOP gains in generic ballot. At WaEx Paul Bedard cites a
Rasmussen poll: Most fear '1930s-like Depression.' "In the latest
Rasmussen Reports
survey, 57% said that they believe the United States will enter a “1930s-like
Depression” soon, including 21% who think a depression is “very likely.” Just
32% don’t think the downturn will end that badly." Paul Mirengoff,
It's not just the economy. Concern about crime is also driving the midterms. "You can tell, because Dems are talking about Willie Horton"
From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.28.22, EBL reports Hunter Biden has his own potential ChiCom honey trap "AoSHQ:
Hunter Biden has his own "close" possible ChiCom spy,Daily Mail:
Hunter Biden's "close" relationship, Where is the DOJ and FBI on this?" Vicky Taft at PJ Media, Joe and Hunter's Fang Fang Problem.
JiaQi Bao |
JiaQi directed the then-vice president’s son to a scheme to “sell natural
gas to China in 2017”–you know, as your secretary does. Bao reportedly told
him “where the Chinese wanted to purchase the gas from,” according to
The Daily Caller.
JiaQi also gave Hunter pointers on oppo-research for the “big
guy’s” White House run. Sure, homegirl offered “opposition research for
Joe’s White House run and encouraged him to draw funds from the company’s
accounts when the joint venture collapsed and even ended up with Hunter’s
military dog tags.”
Beege Welborn at Haut Hair, Media out to damage DeSantis before Ian even landfalls. "Their desperation is showing, and the problem they’re running into is that we all have the receipts for everything they forget to mention, every tale they twist, every snide aside they drop into a report." Biz Pac, ‘That’s nonsense, stop politicizing!’ DeSantis blasts agenda-driven reporter over ‘lax response’ to storm. Paula Bolyard at PJ Media, The Left Is Hoping DeSantis Botches Hurricane Response. Here's What They Didn't Count On and details his response. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.28.22, at Twitchy, Rachel Vindman vows to harass Gov. Ron DeSantis again and again because he deserves it. Mrs. Bearclaw. As David Harsanyi at Da Fed notes Never Let A Devastating Natural Disaster Go To Waste.
Guy Benson at Town Hall says Fetterman Really Isn't Going to Want to Debate Dr. Oz After This Ad. Fox reports John Fetterman wipes Black Lives Matter section from campaign site amid attacks over crime, "Fetterman's website previously stated he has 'championed the idea that Black lives matter' before the phrase became a 'hashtag.'" At Zero Hedge, Beto Turns On Biden, Blames Prez For Latino Voters' Rightward Shift. “Republicans showed up with a very strong, compelling economic message,” Some truth there. But it's also cultural, as David Strom at Haut Hair notes, Salon: drop latinx...so we can invent another word. At Da Fed, Tristan Justice finds Ohio’s Tim Ryan Only Supports Natural Gas When He’s In A Close Race and Sofia Corso reports Actual Police Endorse Ron Johnson After Democrat Opponent Faked Law Enforcement Support. KT at Haut Hair sees how Wisconsin Democrats once again turn to Hollywood for election year victories.
Capt. Ed finds McConnell backs "modest," bipartisan Electoral Count Act reform -- and so do a majority of Americans and notes how it will also impede Democrats now routine challenging of Republican victories. At ET, Minnesota Counties Sued Over Duplicate Voter Registrations.
Life News, After Raiding Pro-Life Family’s Home, FBI Targets Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor in Another State. "According to Gibson, two agents questioned pro-life advocates on Tuesday, including a pro-life advocated named Henry who was a victim of an incident where a Planned Parenthood customer tried to use a box cutter to cut up a pro-life sign he was holding. Similar to the incident with Mark Houck, the customer ended up falling down as a result of the scuffle." Eric Lendrum at Am Great reports Donations Flood in for Family of Pro-Life Activist Raided by FBI. A good way to get on the FBI's list? From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.28.22, Da Tech Guy is still saying Novena to St. Matthew for the FBI Agents involved in the Mark Houck Arrest Day 3 Whistleblowing in the Wind and at Transterrestrial Musings How Corrupt Is The FBI? "Very. And this sort of thing is why conservatives are insufficiently tame. [Update a while later] The case for dismantling the FBI."As Da Wire points out, there are Still No Charges For Man Who Admits To Shooting 84-Year-Old Pro-Life Canvasser, "The man admits to "firing a warning shot" and then shooting the elderly woman by accident." Insty, HE’S NOT WRONG TO POINT THIS OUT: Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr "Are you paying attention yet? Logan Hall@loganclarkhall. "biden designated trump voters extremists, tim ryan said to "kill" the MAGA movement, mazie hirono endorsed "call to arms" on abortion. since then, a republican teenager murdered, FBI sent SWAT teams to arrest a christian, and an elderly woman was shot spreading pro-life causes." Insty also cites KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Fascist Creep Factor for Biden’s DOJ Gets Worse Every Day. “We’re almost in ‘stick a fork in it, it’s done’ territory when it comes to justice.”
At Da Caller, Americans Lose Trillions As Markets Dive and a POLL: Over One-Third Of Americans Say They Won’t Meet Their Retirement Goals. NRCC, Have you checked your 401k?. Getting scary. Louder with Crowder, 70% of Americans need second jobs to combat inflation. Joe Klein at Front Page, Biden Fiddles While Inflation Blaze Burns On, "And he lies about his record on inflation." To be fair, he's not really sure what the truth is. Da Wire, Biden’s America Stinks On Ice: Inflation Already Hurting Holiday Shopping At the Peacock, The ‘real cure’ for inflation has gone ignored, Steve Forbes says “The real cure is to stabilize the currency. You don’t have to make people poor to conquer inflation.” Hannity, WIPING OUT WAGES: Average American Household Has Lost $7,200 in Income Under Biden. Capt. Ed issues a Recession red alert: Durable goods orders drop for second straight month -- unadjusted for inflation. WaPoo's Michelle Singletary responds with 7 ways a recession could be good for you financially, "Hey, a recession isn’t all bad news. Here are seven silver linings." David Strom, WaPo: the recession is good for you, really! Insty, WAPO: 7 ways a recession could be good for you financially. "* And since there’s an Obama administration retread in the White House, enjoy the funemployment! “For the ‘funemployed,’ unemployment is welcome.” UPDATE: Not the Bee asks us to “Look at this actual WaPo headline from today:”" The Center Squarehas a Poll: 79% of Americans dissatisfied with the direction of the country. When Kudlow and Bernie agree, Kudlow Smacked Biden: He Inherited a V-Shaped Resurgence And Tossed It Into Toilet (Da Lid) and ‘Rough Shape’: Bernie Trashes Biden Economy (Wa Free Bee). I suspect their prescriptions might be at odds, though. At WaEx, Yellen on the skids? Treasury secretary eyed in White House midterm shake-up: Report. But why? As Wa Free Bee reports Dems are happy, The Stock Market Is Bottoming Out. This Democrat Thinks Her Party Saved The Economy.
Capt. Ed hears Biden: Forget that "mission accomplished" party -- and remember that gas station owners are the real inflation villains. OilPrice, U.S. Gasoline Prices Break Losing Streak, "Gasoline prices rose 3.2 cents from a week ago, according to new GasBuddy data published on Monday. The price hike is the first in 14 weeks. The national average for a gallon of gasoline in the United States rose to $3.67 on Monday, GasBuddy data showed." And it was only Wednesday when Biden makes inaccurate claim about gas prices for second time in a week (The National Desk). At JTN, Biden dangerously draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve like 'campaign credit card, industry warns, "With crude inventory in the SPR down to its lowest level since Ronald Reagan's first term, President of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association Tim Stewart said the reserve is being used by Biden to "buy down political risk" ahead of the midterm elections."
Da Geller Reports a Constitutional Crisis: Biden’s Student Loan Handout Could Cost $400 Billion, Congressional Budget Office Reports and STUMP, "Where Stu & MP spout off about everything," Taxing Tuesday: Using Taxes as Standing to Sue over the Student Loan Forgiveness.