Nerd Prom Drama Queens: Employees of Minor Cable Network Are Pouting
You may have never heard of this thing called “CNN,” an obscure cable TV network with lower ratings than the Food Network. Anyway, Jake Tapper and Brian Stelter are employees of CNN, and they are unhappy because the President of the United States doesn’t like their annual party:
The White House has ordered Trump administration officials to boycott the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, according to a senior administration official.
The order was issued Tuesday morning by White House Cabinet Secretary Bill McGinley, who announced that all Trump administration officials are being ordered to boycott the dinner, scheduled for Saturday night.
An administration official adds that the order came from Trump personally, though staffers have been trying to talk him out of it.
The move marks yet another deterioration in relations between the White House press office and the press corps, though President Donald Trump had announced earlier this month that he would be skipping the annual dinner for the third year in a row. The President will instead hold a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the same evening. . . .

Good for Trump.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders also previously told CNN she would not be attending the dinner, instead traveling to the Trump rally with the President.
Sanders had attended the two previous dinners under the Trump administration. Last year, she was infamously roasted by comedian Michelle Wolf while sitting at the head table on stage.
Afterward, while commentators debated whether the performance was too mean-spirited, Trump said Wolf “bombed” and set her up as a symbol of Hollywood elitism, someone for his base to oppose.
Last year’s so-called “roast” was (a) grossly insulting and (b) not funny. Anyway, Ace of Spades points out that Tapper and Stelter falsely claim the purpose of the White House Corresponsdents’ Association dinner (a/k/a “nerd prom”) is to raise money for journalism scholarships. In fact, the percentage of proceeds going to fund scholarships has declined sharply, from nearly 60 percent in 2009 to less than 13 percent in 2016. So the lying liars at CNN are, you guessed it, lying again.
Somehow the media think it is entitled to have the Trump administration come and sit in their personal dunking booth.
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