Sunday, February 28, 2021

Reclaiming Russiagate on a Rainy Day

Just a nasty cold wet day, maybe I can get this done before Skye insists I take her out for a walk around the neighborhood.

Two day ago, Sundance at CTH posted U.S. Attorney John Durham Announces His Departure from Office, No Details of Special Counsel Role Continuing, pointing out, as he has before that technically, John Durham was not qualified to be a special counsel because he was also currently a US Attorney. 

However, here’s the issue… under DOJ regulations [28 cfr 600] a special counsel must come from “outside government“; so did John Durham resign his position prior to the appointment, or has Bill Barr just given the appearance of a special counsel appointment while knowing the legal validity of it will collapse upon challenge?

 But clarifying this, Chuck Ross at Da Caller reports John Durham To Step Down As US Attorney, Will Continue Investigation Origins Of ‘Russiagate’ and ET, John Durham Announces Resignation as US Attorney, Will Continue Role as Special Counsel. Good, because there's plenty to investigate still, and good knows the O'Biden administration DOJ ain't gonna jump right on it. Sundance, JoeBama Put The Gang Back Together Inside The DOJ – John Carlin Returns as Acting Deputy AG

John Carlin was the assistant attorney general and head of the National Security Division inside the DOJ when efforts against the Trump campaign and incoming administration were underway. John CarIin was previously chief of staff to FBI Director Robert Mueller.

In September of 2016 Carlin manipulated the FISA court by misleading them on the Section 702 certifications. Carlin never informed the court of FBI contractors having access to the NSA database and exporting the search results to unknown actors. The FBI was using the database to monitor 2016 political campaigns and political opposition.

John Solomon at JTN, Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign

The now-declassified operational handling reports for FBI confidential human source Stefan Halper — codenamed "Mitch" — provide an unprecedented window both into the tactics used by the bureau to probe the Trump campaign and the wide dragnet that was cast to target numerous high-level officials inside the GOP campaign just weeks before Americans chose their next president in the November 2016 election.

Among the revelations, the memos make clear that:
  • Almost immediately after the FBI opened a Russia collusion probe on July 31, 2016 narrowly focused on the foreign lobbying of a single Trump campaign aide named George Papadopoulos, agents pressed Halper for information on more than a half dozen other figures, including future Attorney General Jeff Sessions, foreign policy adviser Sam Clovis, campaign chairman Paul Manafort, economic adviser Peter Navarro, future National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and campaign adviser Carter Page.
  • Halper provided significant exculpatory evidence to the FBI — including transcripts of conversations he recorded of targeted Trump advisers providing statements of innocence — that was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that approved a year of surveillance targeting the Trump campaign, and specifically Page.
  • While current FBI Director Chris Wray has insisted the bureau did not engage in spying on the Trump campaign, Halper's taskings include many of the tradecraft tactics of espionage, including the creation of a fake cover story (he wanted a job at the Trump campaign), secret recordings, providing background on targets, suggested questions to ask and even contact information for potential targets.
But the memos' most explosive revelations are the sheer breadth of the FBI's insufficiently predicated dragnet targeting the Trump campaign, and the agents' clearly stated purpose of thwarting any Trump campaign effort to get dirt from Russia that could hurt his Democratic rival.

Matt Margolis at PJ Media,  Dem Senator Says It’s a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to Say Dems Were Out to Get Trump From Beginning. It's one of the least controversial aspects of all this; many of them were quite public and explicit about it from the day he won the election. But if you repeat a lie often enough. . . .  At Am Con, The Lies Aren’t Secret "Thanks to friendly courts, the Deep State continues to avoid accountability, triumphant at home and abroad."

The Logan Act must be tested: Fox, John Kerry meetings with Iran and Michael Flynn talks with Russian officials: Two different treatments? Jazz Shaw at Hot Hair, Did Biden And Kerry Undermine Trump’s Relations With Iran? Absolutely. Tyler O'Neil at PJ Media, Former Obama Staff Colluded With Iran to Undermine Trump. Insty, LOGAN ACT! Report: Biden Team Members Including John Kerry Colluded With Iran to Undermine Trump. . . .Earlier: Gen. Flynn Never Violated Logan Act, But John Kerry Violated It Often.

Sophie Mann at JTN, Congressional Republicans request FBI briefing on Swalwell's connections to Chinese spy "Swalwell remains seated on several committees that are regularly briefed on top secret information pertaining to American national security." So sleeping with the enemy is bad?

The Peacock's Carol C. Lam  whines Trump's tax documents are with New York prosecutors. But the clock is ticking. Market Watch, Manhattan prosecutor obtains copies of Trump tax records after long fight. If even a digit leaks, Cy Vance Jr. needs to go to jail. They're fishing for a crime.

Election 2020: Insurrection or Not?

 Althouse finds a Sheryl Attkisson tweet: The riot at your doorstep is an insurrection.

Any "riot" is bad. But while traveling across US, I hear some say Congress overreacted like little kings & their experience was far milder than what many went thru in the past yr without the same fervor for hearings, to prosecute, find organizers, etc. What do you think?

Henry Rodgers at Da Caller, Sources: ‘Conversations’ Pelosi Had With Sgt At Arms About National Guard Presence Factored Into ‘Blender Of Decision Making’ That Led Up To Riot. What did Nancy know and when did she know it?

In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Former Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving recalled to House Admin how previous discussions with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her office factored in to his “blender of decision making,” according to three sources with direct knowledge of Irving’s talk with House Admin.

Pelosi’s office had previously impressed upon Irving that the National Guard was to remain off Capitol Grounds, Irving allegedly told House Admin. The discussions, which centered around “optics,” allegedly occurred in the months prior to the Jan. 6 riot, during a time when deployment of federal resources for civil unrest was unpopular with Democrats and many members of Congress.
PM, Tucker Carlson argues cause of Capitol riot was financial troubles—not white supremacy. Democrats are attempting to force the link that any resistance to any of their goals is due to "white supremacy" from white supremacists. This must be resisted at all times, where ever it appears. Tweet apology. CNN says Trump supporters who breached the Capitol: 'It was not Antifa' How  do they know? Did they know everyone inside? I'm willing to concede that the majority of the invaders were Trump supporters but we know there were at least two leftist agitators, John Sullivan and his girl friend. But muh narratives! 

WSJ wonders If Nice Guys Finish Last, How Could Trump Have Lost? "At the very least, outright nastiness seems to be a strike against a politician." Massive cheating? ¡No Pasarán! instructs on How to Reply If You Are Being Badgered by Leftists Insisting that You Accept the 2020 Outcome as Fair'n'Square
About the Tour de France. I fully accept that Lance Armstrong is the winner of the Tour de France (not just once but seven times), and that anybody questioning his victory is a crank, a seditionist, and a conspiracy theorist, as well as a jealous sourpuss.

— The Tour de — wait a minute! Those events have nothing to do with each other!

True, a sports event has little to do with a (with any) nation's election, but the reaction is similar: the politicians and media outlets all over the country were claiming that the election was fair and square the within half a dozen days! They — as well as just about everybody else — did the same for Lance Armstrong's (record seven) victories for a dozen years — yes, exactly 12 years (!) — before we all discovered that fraud was involved.

So tell me: Who made the leftists of 2020 all-knowing? Who made 'em God?

From JTN,  Joe Collins, defeated GOP challenger to Maxine Waters, vows to use ballot harvesting in rematch. As I've noted before, Democrats will only agree to ban it if it bites them in the ass.

"So one thing that I learned from this last election is we should have collected the ballots," Collins said in an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "They collected the ballots and turned them in — 'threw [theirs out], turn ours in' — that's the game they play, we should have played the same exact game.

On the war for the Republican base, Mediaite, Matt Gaetz Trashes Liz Cheney to Applause at CPAC: She Would Be Booed Off the Stage If She Showed Up. Insty, SHE’S GONE FULL LINCOLN PROJECT. YOU NEVER GO FULL LINCOLN PROJECT: Liz Cheney says include pro-Trump media in Jan. 6 investigation.

Palm Sunday

Not being one to let a good thing go to waste, this chapter features Krista Kemp again:

Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Irina Meier awaiting your digital delight. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Annals of the Biden Crime Family: Candy is Dandy, but Incest is Best

From across the pond at Da Mail, Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her 'prince'. Andrea Widberg at Am Think, Apparently, Hunter Biden's life was even more sordid than we knew. Ace, Daily Mail: Hunter Biden Wasn't Just Banging His Brother's Wife, He Was Also Banging His Brother's Wife's Married Sister

I'm not even mad. I'm impressed.

In addition, newly available emails and texts suggest the possibility that Hunter Biden was already banging his dead brother's wife on the day after he died.

White trash at its ugliest.
What's the fun of being born in the to nation's elite if you can't have a little light debauchery?

The politicization of everything continues apace. Rick Moran, PJ Media, Biden Fires Chicago U.S. Attorney Hot on the Trail of Democratic Corruption. Just business a usual, but ask yourself what would they have said if Trump did it. James Corum at Am Think, How the Biden Administration is Politicizing the Military, and Kelsy Bolar at Da Fed reports on how the Biden Administration Prepares Way For Banks To Refuse Service To Democrats’ Enemies, by reviving "Operation Choke Point". "Make your own banks." Karen Townsend at Hot Hair, Biden Kicks Texas To The Curb – Denies Statewide Major Disaster Declaration Request. Weasel Zippers, Biden Admin Cancels ICE Operation Removing Sex Offenders From US… "The US is now a sanctuary state for sexual predators."

Alex Nitzberg at JTN, More than two dozen House Democrats ask Biden to relinquish sole authority to launch nuclear weapons ""We respectfully request that you, as president, review ways in which you can end the sole authority you have to launch a nuclear attack, and to install additional checks and balances into the system," the letter states." Capt. Ed at Hot Hair wonders Say, Why Are House Dems Calling On Biden To Give Up Full Control Of Nuclear Weapons? Newsweak, Matt Gaetz Claims Democrats Elected Joe Biden Because He's 'Too Frail' to Make Decisions  "I'd be concerned about giving Joe Biden the code to my garage door opener." Ace, Democrats Demand That Biden Give Up His Power to Launch Nuclear Missiles "The Democrats claim they're just making this demand because no one man should have this power. But... they didn't mind when Obama and Clinton had it. What makes Biden different, I wonder?" At paywalled ET, Roger Simon writes Biden and the Nuclear Code–Yikes!. Fortunately Insty has a lengthy quote:
Do 36 Democrat House members calling for Joe Biden to relinquish sole authority over the nuclear code know something we don’t know?

Not in the slightest!

The idea of a man who couldn’t remember what state he is in (figuratively and literally), who refused to take a cognitive test so normative most sixth graders could pass it, who plagiarized in law school but still graduated at the bottom of his class (it wasn’t Harvard), who was the only person in the room that voted against assassinating Bin Laden, who makes so many gaffes nobody even notices anymore (certainly not the press), making such an epochal decision by himself is, well, mortifying (check the derivation of that word).

Maybe he could call a “lid” on nuclear war, give himself some time…

Newsmax, Gordon Chang: Chinese 'Don't Respect' President Biden. Nobody respects the hired help."This is going to be a continuing story, because there's a money trail," he continued. "There's going to be a lot that comes out in the next several months." Fox, Senate confirms Linda Thomas-Greenfield as UN ambassador, despite controversy over China remarks

The speech, excerpts of which were reported by The Washington Post, called Chinese intervention in Africa a "win-win-win situation" in which the communist regime and the U.S. could promote good governance, gender equity and the rule of law.

"I see no reason why China cannot share in those values," she said. "In fact, China is in a unique position to spread these ideals given its strong footprint on the continent."

On the subject of how personnel drives policy, I suppose you might be aware that Biden's nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget, Neera Tanden, is taking some heat for mean tweets.  Fox, Collins opposes Tanden for Biden budget director, in another blow to confirmation, Capt. Ed, Bye, Partisan: Collins Shoots Down Tanden Nomination At OMB; UPDATE: Romney Too? and Nearer The Tandenpocalypse: Toomey, Portman Announce Opposition — As Counterattacks Get Desperate; UPDATE: Trouble In Committee? But from WaPoo, Hugh Hewitt opines   The GOP should forgive Neera Tanden. I disagree,  "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

And the more he talks, the more I'm convinced we dodged a bullet when Merrick Garland was refused his seat on the Supreme Court. Merrick Garland treads carefully on Durham probe, Hunter Biden questions at confirmation hearing, Jazz Shaw at Hot Air, Merrick Garland Doesn’t Know If He’ll Prosecute Illegal Border Crossings, PM, Biden AG pick says he sees 'no distinction' between equality and equity, Breitbart, Merrick Garland Says He Is Unaware Drug Cartels Game U.S. Asylum System. And then from Da Wire, Biden Associate Attorney General Nominee Wants To Eliminate School Police Officers "Vanita Gupta openly advocates to “end the use of police in schools as a solution to student discipline.”" I wish they weren't necessary

And then there's Biden's transgender nominee to HHS; Tyler O'Neil at PJ Media, Biden HHS Nominee Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration, Megan Fox, also from PJ Media, Rand Paul TORCHES Biden's Trans HHS Nominee for Supporting the Chemical Castration of Kids, Capt. Ed, Paul To Deputy HHS Nominee: If We Condemn Genital Mutilation Of Minors, Why Do You Support Transgender Therapies For Children? Good question. Ace, Rand Paul Is the Only Republican Willing to Ask Biden's Transsexual Deputy Secretary of Health About His Views That Parents Should Be Cut Out of a Child's Decision to Amputate His or Her Genitals

And as for Rachel's proposed boss, Sara Carter reports Biden’s HHS pick refused to support free elections in Cuba in 1997 after meeting with Fidel Castro "President Joe Biden’s nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, refused in 1997 to call for free elections in Cuba. He made this decision following a meeting with then Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, Fox News reported Tuesday." Free elections bad.

PM, Biden State Department nominee claimed Israel controls American politics, says Jews have dual loyalty "Uzra Zeya, who formerly worked for the Washington Reporter on Middle East Affairs, compiled research for the book Stealth PACs: How Israel's American Lobby Took Control of U.S. Middle East Policy, which the book credits her for."

Tyler O'Neil again, 5 Times Biden's Interior Nominee Refused to Answer Basic Questions on Energy "Rep. Deb Haaland (D-N.M.), President Joe Biden’s nominee for secretary of the interior, refused to answer basic questions about energy and fossil fuels on public lands. Haaland had previously campaigned on eliminating oil and gas production in New Mexico and Biden has pledged to eliminate drilling on public lands, yet the nominee played dumb when faced with elementary questions on these issues."

Trump Shot Scheduled

A friend called Georgia this morning with word that Walgreens and CVS pharmacies in the county had slots available in the near future. Armed with that info, Georgia got online, and scheduled us both appointments in the midweek. After that she called a friend with the news, and she and her husband got scheduled as well. The women's network saves the day. So, barring some unforeseen event, we should be on the road to immunity late next week.

She's been trying furiously for days now, ever since we became eligible by the States criteria, but none of the local pharmacies or the health Dept. were offering vaccines outside the more critical groups. Seems to be strictly a supply issue.

Looking at the state site, you can see that overall, Maryland had distributed a little less than 900,000 first doses, out of a state population of about 6,000,000, roughly 13%. Our county, Calvert is a little ahead of average, 14.9%, with 7.9% having had the second dose. By contrast, Kent County (across the bridge from Annapolis) leads, with 22% having the first dose, and Prince George's County, nestled in DC's armpit, trailing with only 7.3%  being vaccinated..

As near as I can discern, the plan for vaccinating MD has not changed since Jan. 20, so not only credit for the development of the vaccine, but the rollout of the vaccine should be given to Trump.

Note that from both the point of view of new cases, and deaths, Maryland seems to be safely on the downward slope:

Election 2020: AZ Senate to Get Maricopa Ballots

First in  The Left’s Tucker Carlson Fixation  Stacy McCain takes on Megan Garber of The Atlantic

What lies at the heart of Garber’s grievance — other than the fact that Tucker Carlson hasn’t been banished from TV, deplatformed on social media, and generally silenced — is that millions of Americans don’t believe Joe Biden actually won the 2012 election. As I have elsewhere explained, skepticism toward the 2020 election is entirely justified, once you realize that Biden’s combined margin in four states — Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada — adds up to slightly more than 75,000 votes. A little less than 13 million total votes were cast in those four states, which means that the average margin was around 0.6%. Flipping those four states from Biden to Trump would have shifted enough Electoral College votes to re-elect Trump. If you don’t think Democrats could find a way to fabricate an extra 12,000 Biden votes in Georgia or Arizona, you suffer from a deficit of imagination.

So while I certainly do not claim to have specific proof that the presidential election was “rigged,” it seems to me ludicrous for liberals to claim it’s a “conspiracy theory” to doubt the outcome. And that’s what the liberal media’s endless blabbering about QAnon is really about. What they’re saying is, “See? These right-wing kooks believe this bizarre stuff about satanic cannibal pedophiles, which is just slightly more outrageous that believing that Biden didn’t win the election.”

QAnon, in other words, is a special breed of “squirrel.” On the one hand, calling attention to a kooky fringe belief distracts from the real issues surrounding the 2020 election (e.g., universal mail-in balloting as an avenue for fraud) while, on the other hand, it serves as a convenient smear to discredit anyone expressing skepticism toward the result. If it can be shown that some election skeptics are also into QAnon, then it is easy to imply that every election skeptic is a conspiracy theorist.

Or, as I like to say, Q = Immanuel Goldstein. No one knows who or where he is, or what he really stands for but the Democrats and the media really want you to really hate him. And via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 02.26.21 from Paul Bradford at Am Great The Imaginary Menace Behind Everything Wrong In America "This white supremacist bogeyman will continue to be seen as America’s primary threat and the one responsible for all manners of misdeeds." In a truly bizarre instance, from Ace, Lady GaGa's Dogs Dog-Napped; FBI Investigates Case To See If... TRUMP SUPPORTERS Kidnapped the Dog

No, really: They've decided to take jurisdiction in a local dog-napping because of the possibility that MAGA Terrorists kidnapped the dog because this idiot sang (or warbled) at Joe Biden's (fake) inauguration.

FBI investigates whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga's bulldogs was politically motivated because she sang at Biden's inauguration

The FBI is reportedly probing whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga's bulldogs was politically motivated

Source claimed it could be politically motivated since she sang at President Joe Biden's inauguration
. . .
Update: I posted about this in the previous thread. The description of perps is "two black men" and I'm sure those two white supremacists were mad as hell that Gaga sang for brain impaired Joe. Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Multiracial whiteness for the win!

John Sexton at Hot, FBI Has Pinpointed Assailant In Assault On Officer Sicknick. Going with the bear spray hypothesis. 

Authorities are getting closer to maybe answering how Officer Sicknick died. Today the NY Times reports the FBI has pinpointed a specific individuals but hasn’t identified him yet.
In a significant breakthrough in the case, investigators have now pinpointed a person seen on video of the riot who attacked several officers with bear spray, including Officer Sicknick, according to the officials. And video evidence shows that the assailant discussed attacking officers with the bear spray beforehand, one of the officials said.

While investigators narrowed potential suspects seen in video footage to a single person this week, they have yet to identify the assailant by name…

In the hours after Officer Sicknick was rushed to the hospital, officials initially said that he had been struck with a fire extinguisher. They later said that there was no evidence to support that he had died from any blunt force trauma. More recently, F.B.I. officials homed in on the potential role of an irritant as a primary factor in his death.
The first point to note is that this once again puts an end to the claim made early on that Sicknick died after being hit with a fire extinguisher. No one is claiming that now and the FBI appears to be zeroed in on the bear spray incident.

That's going to make a murder conviction very difficult. Assuming this caused his death is a whole lot less plausible than assuming fentanyl killed George Floyd.  If they do know who bear sprayed him, though, they should put him in jail. Now, who shot Ashli Babbit?

At the Pipeline in After the Leftist Reign of Terror, the Deluge George Morton likens our current politics to the French Revolution and it's aftermath. It might be a bit hyperbolic. 

The Terror instituted mass conscription, confiscation of grain from the farmers (read: oil), set price controls on essential goods and wages (read: minimum wage), de-Christianized the country (read: well, that one’s obvious), arrests via the “Law of Suspects” of all opponents of the Revolution (read: the enemies list of former Trump employees), and in the final irony, established a national religion called (I kid you not) Cult of the Supreme Being and that Supreme Being allegedly was “Reason” (read: climate change).

That’s the chilling analogy. But there’s more, and here’s where things get interesting. . . 

At Wa Ex, Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are 'legal and enforceable'. Sundance at CTH, Arizona Judge Rules State Senate Can Review 2.1 Million Maricopa County Ballots. I wonder if they will suffer a convenient accident along the way. We wouldn't be half as suspicious if they didn't try to hide things quite so hard. 

And the weaponization of law continues apace as Libs Call for Investigating Justice Thomas' Wife After He Dissents in PA Election Case (Western Journal). 

Rule 5 Saturday - Krista Kemp

This week's Rule 5 winner is Krista Kemp, who showed up in my Facebook feed without warning, where she calls herself a "fitness model". Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg!
About the only thing I've been able to discern about her is that in 2018 she tried out for Maxim's Cover Girl contest for Canada:

A fashion model driven by wanderlust, Maxim Cover Girl CA contestant @kristakemp is in it to win it! Don’t forget to go online and vote for your favorite #MaximCoverGirl and follow @maximcovergirl for contest updates, model news, and more.
Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Cathryn Li and
FMJRA 2.0: High Energy Protons awaiting your digital pleasure. Linked at Proof Positive in the weekly  Best of the Web* and at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama.

Friday, February 26, 2021

MD to Vote on Whether to Let PG County Freeze in the Dark

 Maryland Matters, Bill Would Prevent More Power Plants From Being Built in Prince George’s

There are four power plants within 13 miles of Brandywine, an unincorporated town in southern Prince George’s County. Other industrial hazards such as a sand and gravel mine and a fly ash landfill also exist in the community, which helps explain the dozens of diesel trucks that pass through the town on a daily basis.

So what's magic about 13 miles, other than by using 13 miles, they could get the most facilities in the circle, including at least one out PG County? 

More than 70% of Brandywine’s population is Black. Some residents call it an environmental sacrifice zone for Maryland and the Washington, D.C., region — and Maryland lawmakers are trying to change that.

The Prince George’s County Stop Environmentally Unjust Coal and Gas Plants Act of 2021, a bill proposed by the Prince George’s House delegation, would preclude the Maryland Public Service Commission from permitting any more coal or gas fired power plants to be constructed in Prince George’s County.

I would hope the would build no more coal plants there; Chalk Point is quite enough. 

House Bill 613 had originally prohibited any power plants to exist in Prince George’s County altogether, but Del. Julian Ivey (D-Prince George’s) said the delegation is working on amending the bill so that it is “prospective legislation rather than retroactive” and allows current energy generating facilities to continue operating.

“For the time being, it would draw the line and say no new coal or gas power plants would be allowed in Prince George’s County limits,” Ivey told the House Economics Matter Committee Thursday.

“As we’re doing the work of moving away from fossil fuels, moving towards renewable energy, this is really just one iteration of that fight,” he continued.

There are currently three energy generating facilities in Prince George’s County.

There are two energy generating facilities in our much smaller county, a 3 gigawatt nuclear plant, which happens to be three miles from me, and a gas fired plant recently added to provide power for the the Dominion LNG facility at Cove Point. Except for providing fishing opportunities (and many local jobs) neither impacts my life significantly. PG County has a population of approximately 900,000, while Calvert has a population of about 90,000, so per capita, we have almost 5 times as many! 

Ivey said the bill has not been voted out of the Prince George’s delegation, but he plans to push for a vote on it next week.

James Lawson, a resident of Accokeek, referred to a 2019 health assessment published by the county health department and the University of Maryland and said residents in southern Prince George’s County have been found to suffer from higher rates of respiratory illness, which Lawson blamed on the power plants in the region.

“Prince George’s County should not be should not be a place where every polluting undesirable industry project is welcome,” Lawson said. “Prince George’s County has more than its share of power plants and the resulting adverse health effects.”

They should demand a nice clean, quiet nuke plant immediately.  

Beach Report 2/26/21

Mr. and Ms. Bufflehead scooting out of the way as Skye and I walked down the dock to the beach.
After a sunny, clear morning, clouds were just starting to gather in the north when Skye and I reached the beach. Temperatures were in the low 40's but the wind was negligible. It's supposed to rain later today.

We did really well on fossils today, 43 shark's teeth, and a sting ray barb, but only one worth bragging about on the internet, this 1 1/4 inch crocodile tooth.
By the time we finished the walk, the clouds were here in earnest. 

Election 2020: Not Yet Over

But it does seem to be running a little thin today. Not a lot this morning by the usual standards. First up, according to David Marcus at Da Fed, the Senate Hearing On The Capitol Riot Exonerated Trump, although I'm sure Democrats won't see it that way.

The key testimony came from former House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who described in some detail what the authorities expected from the rally and march on Jan. 6. “The intelligence was not that there would be a coordinated assault on the Capitol, nor was that contemplated in any of the inter-agency discussions that I attended in the days before the attack,” Irving said.

This runs completely counter to the Democratic House Impeachment Managers claims that Trump should have somehow known the attack was coming and is therefore guilty of inciting it. In fact, nobody saw it coming. Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified that he and other officials anticipated that Jan. 6 would resemble the MAGA rallies in November and December. That is to say, they thought scuffling between extreme groups on both sides could occur, but they did not anticipate anything remotely like the riot that took place.

From LI, Mother of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Believes He Died From Stroke, but She Still Can’t Get Answers. And we're still not sure who killed Ashli Babbit. And from Breitbart, WATCH: Democrat Uses ‘Fine People Hoax’ in Hearing, Gets Fact-checked on the Spot

Rick Moran, PJ Media, 9/11 Commission Members Warn Pelosi About 'Partisan' 1/6 Commission. And when Chris Coons is the voice of reason, Capt. Ed at Hot Air reports Coons Rebukes Pelosi? “Important” To Have A 50/50 Split On January 6 Commission

Mary Rose Corkery at Da Caller, Trump Will ‘Spend The Rest Of His Years In Civil And Criminal Courts,’ Eric Swalwell Says. Be careful of the weaponization of the law, representative who slept with Chinese spy.

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 02.25.21 at Am Great, GA Secretary Of State Refuses To Support Bills Targeting Voter Fraud

In a tweet on Wednesday, Raffensperger announced that “once we see something that prioritizes the security and accessibility of elections, we’ll throw in support.” He falsely accused some of the bills of being “reactionary to a three month disinformation campaign that could have been prevented,” without explaining what exactly constituted such “disinformation.”

Several of the bills have already passed through at least one chamber of the Georgia legislature. One such bill that has passed in the state senate would require all voters to present either a driver’s license number, a state identification card number, or a photocopy of some other approved form of identification in order to be allowed to cast an absentee ballot. Another bill, which has been approved by a state senate subcommittee, would force voters to provide a legitimate reason for voting by absentee ballot rather than in-person.

But, Georgia State Senate Passes Bill Requiring Photo ID for Absentee Voting anyway (Breitbart). Also via the Wombat, Da Tech Guy “For The People Act” Will Make Stealing Elections The New Normal For Democrats. Human Events, New Hampshire Senate Votes Unanimously to Perform Audit of Windham Nov. 3 Elections

The Windham Board of Selectmen have unanimously requested an investigation into what happened on November 3, as have several of the Republicans and Democrats involved in the races under question. There was an official vote recount held already that, while not changing the declared winners (all Republicans), did find the four Republican candidates had votes materially undercounted by just over six-percent. This appears to be the largest recount-to-actual difference in the history of New Hampshire elections.
. . .
While the voting machines used in Windham are machines comprised of both Dominion-owned hardware and software, Eyring says that unlike in other cases, his group of concerned citizens is not making any claims of fraud or election tampering. “I am a data person. When the data shows such a discrepancy as we have here, you need to test and determine what the actual cause might be. We are not accusing Dominion of anything.” According to Gateway Pundit, these types of machines are used to tally approximately 85% of New Hampshire votes.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero at AmThink, Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads? Julie Kelly at Am Great, Kavanaugh and Barrett’s Share of the Shame.  Ken Masugi at Am Great, The Pennsylvania Case Is Not Only About Trump

Contrary to the Democrats’ demagoguery, Justice Thomas argued to hear the case based on Pennsylvania’s denial of the Constitution’s requirement that state legislatures have authority “to determine the ‘Manner’ of federal elections. . . . Yet both before and after the 2020 election, nonlegislative officials in various States took it upon themselves to set the rules instead.” The case is not about federalism but constitutionalism.

Against “an unambiguous deadline for receiving mail-in ballots: 8 p.m. on election day,” the Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended that deadline by three days and without evidence that the ballots were mailed by election day. Thomas allows that the rule may not have affected enough ballots to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election but “that may not be the case in the future. These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority nonlegislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”
. . .
One wonders what this Court waits for. We failed to settle this dispute before the election, and thus provide clear rules. Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us.

Dan Payne at JTN reports Mitch McConnell sees favorability drop after break with Trump, trails far behind Schumer, McCarthy. I don't think he cares. Sundance at CTH, DeceptiCon On Display – Mitch McConnell Says He Would “absolutely” Support President Trump Again If He Secured The Republican Nomination in 2024

Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup.

Fish Pic Friday - There once was a girl from Nantucket - Morgan Matson


This week's Fish Pic Friday features Morgan Matson, who hales from Miami and Nantucket.  

Linked at Proof Positive in the weekly Best of the Web* and at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Cathryn Li  awaiting your digital pleasure. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Nuke the Bay!

Some hairy guy with an nuclear power plant behind 
Bay Journal, It may be time to reconsider nuclear energy options

Both solar and wind energy are renewable but have very large land-use footprints. They also have a fundamental flaw: They create energy on the timeline of nature, not the timeline of use. They rarely create the exact energy we need at exactly the time we need it. Energy storage technologies are not going to be available for systemwide use in time to make up for the variability of energy output from these two sources. For these reasons, they rely largely on fossil fuel for a backup. Thus, these renewable technologies may not be the correct way to meet the Chesapeake Bay region’s long-range goals for clean energy.

The term “renewable” energy caught on when there were serious concerns that we would run out of energy, particularly oil. For all practical purposes, that fear has been laid to rest. The larger problem we face today is not lack of energy, but too much atmospheric carbon from the use of energy. We should retire the term renewable and replace it with either “clean” energy or “zero-carbon” energy. By doing so, we open the field to revisit old energy technologies and examine new ones.


It is time we take a renewed look at nuclear power, both the second generation power plants that most folk envision when they think of nuclear and the newer nuclear technologies being tested and deployed today. First, nuclear plants in use today produce 100 to 2,000 times as much energy per acre as solar and wind do. While land use is not the only measure of energy efficiency, it is a measure in which nuclear power has always excelled. New nuclear technologies are even more land efficient.

Second, and to slay the elephant in the room, nuclear is both safer and cleaner than either wind or solar by any relevant measure. Feel free to do your own research on these points. What you find may surprise you.


Most residents of the Chesapeake region have not really revisited nuclear technology in decades. Fear, pretty much overblown fear, of the potential for nuclear plant disaster is what resides in the recesses of their minds. But despite that fear, nuclear power is by far the safest of any of the current energy technologies. By-and-large, though, people really do not accept this. I think the combination of the movie, The China Syndrome, with the meltdown of Three Mile Island is the last thing people really remember about nuclear power in the United States.

But this might be my personal view. The younger folks’ fears of nuclear power are more likely driven by episodes of The Simpsons. Where else is there any public discussion of nuclear power? Nuclear power does not make news because it routinely and safely produces clean energy.

The last U.S. nuclear meltdown was Three Mile Island, more than 40 years ago. It resulted in no deaths, and only temporary evacuations. It also produced carbon-free energy for those 40 years. What other energy can make that claim?

Of course, I've always been a strong supporter of nuclear energy, and not just for the fishing. I'd much rather live close to a larger nuclear plant than a coal powered plant of similar capacity. But I'm gratified to see some sensible 'environmentalists' finally coming around to that conclusion. 


Beach Report 2/25/21

Before we left for home I checked the weather at Cove Point, and it was showing 42 F with a stiffish north wind, but by the time Skye and I made it to the beach, the wind had mostly died and temperatures were climbing. I was just a hair overdressed.

One thing about living near Patuxent River Naval Air Station is you never know what bizarre kind of air craft are going to show up.

The best of 23 some teeth (and one crab claw), a well worn, but interestingly colored Snaggletooth.

Election 2020: The Show Trials Must Go On

Well the show trials in the House and Senate over the Jan 6 Capitol incursions drags on as Ex-Capitol Police, security officials testify at Senate hearing that riot was ‘coordinated attack’ (Fox), with such stellar witnesses as former CNN newsreader Soledad O'Brien. PM, REVEALED: The Democrats' 'expert' in Senate hearing on 'misinformation' is a prolific conspiracy theorist. All in booster of Jussie Smollett hoax, the Trump-Russia hoax and the Covington kids hoax. WaEx, MSNBC analyst who told ISIS to bomb Trump Tower testifying in domestic terrorism hearing, Malcom Nance, "“This is my nominee for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property,” Malcolm Nance, an author and political commentator, wrote in 2017 in a since-deleted tweet with a picture of Trump Towers Istanbul." Lovely. At NYPo, Michael Goodwin takes on Democrats’ cynical ‘Jan. 6’ politics.

If you still think Democrats still think ex-President Donald Trump’s speech incited the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, you aren’t paying attention. The claim was impeachment bait that expired when the former president was acquitted.

Ever since, Dems have been shifting toward another politically convenient bogeyman. Their latest claim is that there was nothing spontaneous about the riot, that it was a plot from the start.

“It was a planned insurrection, we know that now,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota said after a Tuesday congressional hearing. A fellow Dem, Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan, echoed her, calling the riot “domestic terrorism” by white supremacists and others. He likened the intelligence failure to see it coming to the failure to stop 9/11.

As Lily Tomlin once said, “No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.”

LI reminds us that Still More DOJ Charging Documents Show Facebook — Not Parler — Most Used By Capitol Hill Rioters. Amazon, Facebook and Twitter need to be taken down as monopolies. 

At RCP Paul Sperry explores the mystery of who shot Ashli Babbitt. With Ashli Babbitt Killing Shrouded in Mystery, Capitol Officer Who Shot Her Is in Hiding for His Own Safety

Natalie Winters at TNP, Dems Want Mayor Bowser – Who REFUSED Troops For Jan 6 – To Have Full ‘Commander-In-Chief’ Powers In DC. What, they don't trust Biden? 

Rick Fuentes at Am Think covers Congressional Democrats new plan for a Bill of Attainder in  Congressional Whack-a-Mole

Two congressional bills, both in the hopper well before a verdict was announced, continue to keep the former president on the cobbled road to Calvary. House Continued Resolution 6 directs the Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms to ban Trump from ever setting foot inside the Capitol Building. House Resolution 484, ironically titled, The No Glory for Hate Act, is pure Democrat bile intended to cancel all memory and reference to his presidency by preventing any federally-funded building, monument, or property to bear his name, denying him a burial of honor in Arlington National Cemetery, and removing the pension for a president who, by the by, donated all his paychecks to government agencies and other charities while in office.
Via the Wombat' s In The Mailbox: 02.24.21 The Lid reports GA Senate Passes Bill Requiring Voter ID For Absentee Ballots.  Margot Cleveland at Da Fed thinks Supreme Court Denial Of 2020 Election Cases Invites ‘Erosion Of Voter Confidence’ What confidence? C. Murry at AmSpec write of the Stacy Abrams Voter Manipulation Scheme That May Have Clinched the Georgia Runoffs for Democrats, "Election mailer pressured Republicans into changing their vote." Remember, it's only bad when Republicans do it. Anxious whines that Matt Gaetz is training for conspiracy-driven fight against voting machines From  Ace, Michael Anton: Why Do Those Who Claim The Election Wasn't Rigged Require Us to Confirm That Claim For Them? "Why, if this is so obviously a "fact," are some people so insecure about it?" I&I Mark Zuckerberg Meddled In Battleground State Elections: Here’s How 

On his much desired break up of the Republican party, AllahPundit at Hot Hair contrasts McCarthy: Trump Should Speak At CPAC. Liz Cheney: He Shouldn’t Have A Role In The Party, and at Am Con, Liz Cheney Lays Down Her Marker "Spared defenestration from House leadership, the anti-Trump neoconservative has made clear she wants a Republican Party civil war." Also from the Wombat' s In The Mailbox: 02.24.21, David Marcus at Da Fed,  Hey, Liz – Since When Is The GOP A White Supremacist Party? To be fair, she lives in Washington DC and probably reads the WaPoo. Bulwark Girlz think Anti-Trump Republicans Must Explore Options. Sundance at CTH doesn't believe Adam Kinzinger, GOP Will Be A Minority Party Forever Supporting Trump

Tattoo Thursday


The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Cathryn Li waiting your digital pleasure. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Annapolis Joins Climate Shakedown Suits

Da Sun, Annapolis sues 26 oil and gas companies for their role in contributing to climate change

The City of Annapolis is suing 26 oil and gas companies for what it calls the costs and consequences of climate change.

The city filed the lawsuit Monday in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court. It names some of the biggest fossil fuel companies, including ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP and Shell. Similar lawsuits have begun to pop up across the country. Annapolis is the 25th state or local government to file such a lawsuit, the city said.


The city will argue the companies violated the Maryland Consumer Protection Act and five other actions, including public and private nuisance, negligence, failure to warn and trespass, according to a statement released by Mayor Gavin Buckley’s office Tuesday morning.

“The fossil fuel industry knew for the past 50 years that their industry was pushing the environment to a tipping point where combating climate change would become progressively difficult,” Buckley said during a news conference to discuss the lawsuit. “The companies worked to deceive people of the danger, hiding their knowledge and engaging in an intentional campaign to mislead the public about the science, proving the growing danger posed by fossil fuels.”


The city has retained Sher Edling LLP as outside counsel on a sliding contingency fee that ranges from 16% to 25% based on how much the city is awarded if they are successful. The percentage drops the larger the payout is, said City Attorney Mike Lyles. There will be no out-of-pocket costs to city taxpayers, Lyles said. However, there could be “soft costs” of taking city officials away from their primary duties focus on the suit.


Anne Arundel County is also considering similar litigation against oil and gas companies, County Executive Steuart Pittman said Tuesday during his weekly media briefing. Pittman pointed to the county’s 130 miles of coastline, parts of which are also at risk to rising sea levels. The county will retain Sher Edling as well in their lawsuit.

“Same law firm, similar kind of case, but it’s a separate case,” he said. 

There simply is no convincing statistical evidence that climate change caused by fossil fuels is negatively affecting the US, let alone Annapolis. This should be illegal.

Virginia Bans Balloon Releases

WRIC, Hold your helium: Virginia bans outdoor balloon releases

Last week the Virginia General Assembly passed a bill banning the outdoor release of nonbiodegradable balloons.

H.B. 2159, which was introduced by Del. Nancy Guy (D-Virginia Beach). The Chesapeake Bay Foundation said this legislation will greatly help Virginia’s efforts to prevent litter from polluting waterways.

“Balloons are often released out of doors to mark celebrations, but too often, they end up clogging our waterways and choking dolphins, birds, turtles, and other wildlife,” said Peggy Sanner, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Executive Director, in a prepared statement.” Confining balloons to indoor settings is a simple step that will protect wildlife beloved by our children and keep our waterways running clear and safe.


Anyone who violates this new law will have to pay a civil penalty of $25 per balloon to the Game Protection Fund. Current legislation prohibits anyone from releasing 50 or more balloons within an hour, and fines $5 per balloon.

A bill that will prohibit food vendors from using plastic foam containers also passed both houses. Currently, a committee of legislators is working out the difference between the two pieces of legislature.

This seems more sensible than Maryland's law, Hold That Balloon: Maryland Bill Would Levy $250 Fine For Releasing Balloons

I just want to know who the balloon police are. 

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Cathryn Li awaiting your digital pleasure. 

Beach Report 2/24/21

A strong southeast wind bringing cold air from down the Bay kept it from being quite as nice as yesterday, but it was still sunny,

Not a great day for numbers, but these two are great specimens. Georgia found the big shark vertebra, and I found the 1 3/8ths inch Snaggletooth, which claimed the prime spot in the kitchen window by virtue of quality, not weight.

Election 2020: Coverage Continues

So did you hear Tiger Wood got in a car accident? I don't see how you couldn't, but just in case you didn't, Tiger cracked up his rental car in a roll over accident in Southern California on a twisty hill side on his way to a business deal, and had to be extricated from the car, with a compound leg fracture and severe ankle injuries. There, that's about all you need to know.

And back to the election. It was a big day on Capital Hill as senators vied to be the most critical on the subject of the Capitol Incursion, Sundance at CTH, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on January 6 Capitol Hill Riot, Video at link. WaPoo, Intelligence failures blamed in riot and FBI alert on eve of the unrest wasn’t seen by police leaders. If something is really that important, an email isn't the best method. Also, Optics aren’t everything. Sometimes they are the only thing. Insty,   THEY’RE BASICALLY BAD AT EVERYTHING EXCEPT TARGETING THEIR POLITICAL ENEMIES: ‘A wake-up call’: FBI’s intel failure ahead of Capitol riot goes beyond a missed email, experts say. Tyler O'Neil at PJ Media, Capitol Police Witnesses Struggle to Explain How Rioters Breached the Capitol on January 6. . “Based on the intelligence that we received, we planned for an increased level of violence at the Capitol and that some participants may be armed, but none of the intelligence that we received predicted what actually occurred.” Victory Girls, Intelligence Did Not Support Troops For January Six Intelligence should be in quotes. Insty,  WELL, WHEN YOU CONSIDER WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, THEY WERE RIGHT:

Look, if January sixth deserved the sort of bs they’re claiming was needed, judging by the fact the only dead were by police aggression or natural causes, then every time ANTIFA sneezes we should deploy 30k troops. Seriously, just like the covidiocy, this is all nonsense and theater. I guess it’s the left’s way of trying to purge us. What they’re actually doing is guaranteeing a civil war.

But HuffPo located Immanuel Goldstein, Capitol Defendant Bragged About Brawling With Cops On Pro-Trump Forum and from Breitbart, National Security ‘Experts’: GOP ‘Behaving Like a Terror Group,’ to Be Viewed ‘as Enemy Combatants’ National Security 'Expert' advocates dropping a bomb on GOP.

Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 02.23.21, Da Tech Guy has also, Andrew Sullivan, Nikki Haley, & Others Shocked, SHOCKED Under The Fedora

People are shocked SHOCKED that lawmakers and staff in the capital are seeking therapy over the events of Jan sixth.

Having whipped up a narrative that only the most ignorant can buy is it any wonder that the most ignorant and isolated of the swamp bought it to the extent that they can not function without help.

 Also fromthe Wombat's In The Mailbox: 02.23.21, Tristan Justice at Da Fed keeps bringing up Mother Of Officer Sicknick Says Media Got Her Son’s Death Wrong, Rejects NYT Fire Extinguisher Story and the PM, Mother of Officer Sicknick confirms media got cause of death wrong: ‘He wasn’t hit on the head’. Even the NYT has walked back that claim I believe, albeit as quietly as possible. Just Facts Daily has a long list of  how The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Ace, Julie Kelly: Feds Keep Claiming It Was an "Armed Insurrection." And They Keep Failing to Produce the Actual "Arms" Carried During It.  How could it have been an "armed insurrection" when none of the "insurrectionists" were carrying arms? As an insurrection it was a joke; it was barely a day at the office for Antifa. Megyn Kelly, (Tweet warning)

"They don't recognize any American government. They view the entire United States and all its institutions as irredeemably wicked..."

WaFreeBee, Prosecutors Offer Plea Deal to NYC Lawyers Who Firebombed Police Vehicle "The leftwing attorneys are accused of distributing Molotov cocktails to fellow protesters"

Victory Girls detail how SCOTUS Punts Pennsylvania Election Case. A good short summary. ET intones With Supreme Court’s Non-Decision, Citizens Must Reform Electoral System

Sundance, Georgia ‘Professionally Political’ Republicans Blame-cast Base for Senate Election Result, A Great Example of the GOPe Disconnect. Politicians are allergic to accepting blame. Never-Trump Republican AB Stoddard whines The Big Lie Is Trump's Litmus Test for 2022. Jazz Shaw at Hot Air (VIP) wonders How Would A “New Trump Party” Work?