Saturday, December 5, 2020

Rule 5 Saturday - More Fortitude with Verónica Echegui

The inspiration for last week's Rule 5 post featuring Sienna Guillory was inspired by the British TV show Fortitude, which we had been watching on Amazon Prime. But Sienna wasn't the hottest woman in Fortitude (IMHO). That honor would have to go to Verónica Echegui, who played Elena Ledesma, the owner operator of the town's watering hole, the Blue Fox, and the second woman in every important relationship.

Verónica Fernández Echegaray (born 16 June 1983), known professionally as Verónica Echegui, is a Spanish actress. She has been nominated for three Goya Awards.
Honestly, how hard is it to be the hottest women in a town of 400 in one of the most awful places on earth?
Echegui was born and grew up in Madrid. Her father is a lawyer and her mother a civil servant.  In a 2015 interview she said she wanted to be an actress since she was eight but her parents wanted her "to study a career. My great-auntie was dying and told me I had to do what I wanted, although I must not tell my mother". Moving to London, she trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts while working as a waitress and as a dog-walker.

Not exactly shy, some NSFW.

Linked at Pirate's cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. Wombat-socho has and Rule Five Sunday: The Vintage Doll and FMJRA 2.0: Stratosfear up and running on time and under budget. Linked at Proof Positive in the weekly Best of the Web* and at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama.

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