Sunday, July 5, 2015

Eagles, Sharks and Berries at the Beach

We hit the beach for a low tide right around noon. Being the July 4th weekend, it was pretty busy.
We had a pretty decent day finding teeth, 19 over all, including this Snaggletooth lower that I found.
But Georgia had the best find of the day with this shark vertebra. Sharks had a lot of teeth in their lifetime, but only one spinal column. You can tell it's shark and not a fish or porpoise by the lack of pores "vascularization".
The Wineberries are ripening, but they've been heavily picked by the beach visitors. To get enough to bake with, you would have to climb up the cliffs through the spiny vines. We settled for a few mouthfuls.
A couple of Bald Eagles were putting on a show, flying up and down over the trees at the top of the cliff.
This one pushed another one out of its perch so it could sit and tear into a fish it brought back. Did it steal it from an Osprey? Probably, but if so, I didn't witness the piracy.

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