Big businesses largely came out in support of the Paris Agreement on global warming, but most contacted by The Daily Caller News Foundation were silent on whether they would give up flying private jets. TheDCNF wanted to test the commitment of big companies, foundations and outspoken activists who back the Paris accord. The question: Would you support a ban on private jet travel to help stem global warming?
Most companies and individuals TheDCNF reached out to did not respond, including Facebook, Apple, Google and other companies that often tout their “green image.” Not even former Vice President Al Gore, the father of climate activism, responded to TheDCNF’s question. In fact, all but two of the 26 corporations were silent when asked by TheDCNF if they would support a ban on private jets to help cut greenhouse gas emissions in line with what the United Nations says is needed to meet the Paris accord. TheDCNF asked a total of 31 companies, foundations and individuals if they would support a private jet ban.
Facebook and Google are just two of the thousands of companies that signed the “We Are Still In” pledge formed in the wake of President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris accord in 2020. The group is led by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and boasts big corporations and U.S. states as signatories. The pledge is meant to show that prominent individuals, companies and states will “not retreat from the global pact to reduce emissions and stem the causes of climate change,” according to its website.
Whatever shall we do on this long trip? |
Facebook, for example, signed the pledge, but did not respond to TheDCNF’s question if it would support banning private jets to help meet the Paris accord. A 2016 Financial Times (FT) investigation into corporate spending on private jets found that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg “billed Facebook for a combined $1.2m of personal flights in 2013 and 2014” making him “one of the top 10 spenders in both years.”
Apple CEO Tim Cook is reportedly forced to fly private jets for security reasons, and while Microsoft executives didn’t receive corporate jet perks, co-founder Bill Gates owns a massive private jet, a Bombardier BD-700. A representative of Microsoft asked TheDCNF for more information about a proposed private jet ban, but never followed up.
I think a 50% tax on the gross income from social media companies to offset their contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere are justified.
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