Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Now, This is Interesting!

A few weeks ago, for Tuesday Tunes, I featured Ivory Hecker, a Fox News reporter at Fox 26 in Houston, who also sidelights as a country singer. I made a little fun of her guitar prowess and singing, but it looks like she may be counting on that for the future, as she gets into bed with James O'Keefe and Project Veritas. I've seen the story a couple places now, but let's go to Sundance at CTH where I saw it first: Oh Boy, This Was Brilliant – Fox Journalist in Texas Uses Live Broadcast Opportunity to Notify Public of Network Censorship

A brilliant display of strategy as Fox26 (Houston, Texas) Journalist Ivory Hecker uses a live broadcast to notify her audience that Fox News has been censoring the content of media reporting for ideological reasons.

The network couldn’t block the transmission because it was live, and they didn’t know it was coming.

Obviously James O’Keefe and Project Veritas knew this was coming in advance, as highlighted by their capture of the moment. Brilliant coordination and use of the corporate machine against their own interests. Breitbart is smiling, James.

Story by Capt. Ed at Hot Hair too:  Local Fox reporter: I'm being muzzled -- and James O'Keefe will blow the lid off it today. Stay tuned!

The Wombat managed to squeeze Rule 5 Sunday: 2D > 3D? in under the wire.

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