Thursday, August 26, 2021

Beach Report 8/26/21

A Bald Eagle carries a fish back. I didn't see whether he/she caught it fair and square, or stole it from an Osprey. I give it about even odds.
Another hot humid day, with lots of clouds, and rumbling in the distance. It hasn't rained yet, but according to the radar it could happen soon.
Any hopes I had of winning the daily fossil hunt were pretty much dashed when Georgia's first tooth was this top shelf Cow Shark tooth. Still, it was a slow day, only 10 teeth, a couple crab claws, a drum tooth, a porgy tooth, and a couple of complete ray plate segments. 

The north end of a south bound Osprey scanning the water. He/she has chicks to feed and taxes to pay.


  1. So shooter was never identified for 8 months officially but now with the Biden debacle in Afghanistan the MSM media runs cover for him by bringing up the “insurgency” in January. I’m sure the interview won’t be biased at all.....
