Stacy McCain continues to follow the Gov. Northam (D), Coonman scandal with this
Ralph Northam Press Conference

The Virginia Democrat’s raging dumpster fire continues:
Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) revealed in a press conference Saturday that he once darkened his face as part of a Michael Jackson costume in 1984.
The admission came after denying he wore backface or a KKK outfit in a photo published in his 1984 medical school yearbook.
“My belief that I did not wear that costume or attend that party stems, in part, by my clear memory of other mistakes I made in the same period of my life,” Northam told reporters. “That same year, I did participate in a dance contest in San Antonio in which I darkened my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume.”
“I look back now and regret that I did not understand the harmful legacy of an action like that. It is because my memory of that episode is so vivid that I truly do not believe I am in the picture in my yearbook.”
Prior to the eyebrow-raising admission, Northam has vowed to remain in office despite widespread calls for his resignation after a racist photo resurfaced on Friday in his yearbook page from more than 30 years ago.
Northam stated at a news conference Saturday that he had prematurely apologized for appearing in a picture of a person in blackface and another wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit. The photo appeared in his Eastern Virginia Medical yearbook.
The Democrat governor said Saturday that he, in fact, was not in the photo and had never even seen the yearbook until Friday.
His refusal to resign signals a potential bruising fight between Northam and his former supporters. Leaders in both parties have repeatedly urged Northam to resign, saying he’s lost the public’s trust.
The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, the state House Democratic Caucus and the state Senate Democratic Caucus all called on Northam to resign, along with several key progressive groups that have been some of the governor’s closest political allies. . . .
Several Democratic presidential hopefuls and potential presidential candidates, including Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker [and] former Vice President Joe Biden, also called on Northam to resign.
By the way, Northam couldn’t explain something else:
Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam said on Saturday that he was not sure why friends called him “coonman” in college. . . .
CBS News uncovered a page from Northam’s yearbook at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) that had nicknames under his name, which includes “Coonman,” a racial slur.
During the press conference, Northam said that many friends often called him “Goose” due to his changing voice; however, he does not know why some college friends called him “Coonman.”
“I don’t know what their intent was with that,” Northam said during the press conference.
Northam said that he never wore a KKK robe, nor has he ever been a member of the KKK.
Scott Johnson: “It takes a certain crazy willfulness for him to defy the mob when he has become such an inconvenience to his party’s vested interest in deploying the race card at will. Northam’s fellow Democrats badly want him to disappear. So long as his memory remains cloudy and the evidence remains less than conclusive, they deserve his continued tenure in office. He fairly represents the (black)face of the Democratic Party.”
Ann notes that Trump is piling on:
What Gov. Northam did was "unforgivable" Trump says... but look at what he's calling "unforgivable."
. . . Theory #5: I'm adding this after reading the post to Meade. This is a verbatim quote from Meade: "Above all else Trump is a media genius, and what Northam is asking for is for us to let him off the front page, and that's what his groveling is all about, and that's what Trump is focusing on. Not so fast. You need to stay on the front page."
I think Meade's about right. Democrats don't really care if Northam stays or goes after the abortion gaffe and the blackface scandal. They have a back up, who's the right ethnicity and philosophy. They would like to get past it ASAP whatever the outcome. Trump is just rubbing their face in it.
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