Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Morning News

A bit of a mix today:

Clinton campaign attorney represented voting group now charged with registering dead people
Marc is currently the general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, but he’s had plenty of other assignments for the Democrats before this. It seems as if Marc’s specialty is dealing with pesky cases involving voter registration and election fraud. One of the latest examples on his resume dealt with a voter registration group in the Buckeye State who he represented earlier this year known as the Ohio Organizing Collaborative. They were challenging the state’s new voter ID law, though their usual purpose was supposed to be going out and registering voters of all stripes to increase citizen participation in the electoral process. A noble goal to be sure, but there are a few rules which must still be followed. For one thing,the people you register are supposed to be, er… you know… alive. (Washington Free Beacon)
Marc Elias, an attorney at Perkins Coie who has become the go-to fixer for Democrats and is now general counsel for Clinton’s presidential campaign, became involved with the Ohio Organizing Collaborative this May when he filed a lawsuit on its behalf to challenge the state’s voter identification laws.
Now the group is being investigated by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal investigation after a local board of elections alleged that 25 to 30 of the voter-registration applications that the group submitted appeared to be fraudulent…
“They have turned in roughly 530 voter registrations, of which five of them were dead people,” said Johnson. “They actually had the dead people’s drivers license numbers and Social Security numbers, and of course they forged the signatures of these dead people.”
You don’t often find a case of fraud this blatant and ham handed, but now Ohio is faced with the task of going back and surveying all of the group’s other registration forms to see what other surprises await. It’s true that the normal voter registration process can be subject to typical clerical errors with bad addresses or zip codes on forms, people who have moved or any number of other complications. But these are brand new registrations which include multiple forms filled out in the same handwriting for residents who have already shuffled off the mortal coil.
Who are we to discriminate against zombie voters, especially if they can be persuaded to vote democrat?

What you mean "we", white woman? Fiorina: We caught Hillary Clinton red-handed on Benghazi
"We need a fearless nominee who will throw every punch at Hillary Clinton; who will point out to the American people over and over again that she lacks a track record of accomplishment; that she is not trustworthy; and yes, indeed, she lied about the death of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya," Fiorina told the crowd. "And we have her red-handed."
If lying causes red hands, Ms. Clinton's should be dyed a brilliant crimson.
"If Hillary Clinton is forced to run on her track record of accomplishment, or lack thereof, if she is forced by a nominee to confront her lies, on that ground ladies and gentlemen, we will win this election," Fiorina said. "I tell you the one thing I will never do. I will never ask for your votes or your support because I am a woman, although I am proud to be one.
Like you had a choice. . . but, oh wait, according to current dogma you do! Anyway, we get your point.

Hillary Is Lying, People Are Dying
“What difference, at this point, does it make?”

The answer to Hillary Clinton’s now-infamous question is that the death of four Americans in Benghazi brought to light an aspect of Obama administration policy that continues to have consequences for U.S. national security. Was the “Arab Spring” a spontaneous occurrence or was it a result of a U.S. covert policy intended to overthrow the governments of Libya, Egypt and Syria? There have been reports that the United States supplied weapons to the rebels who toppled Libyan dictator Moammar Qaddafi and then sought to recover those weapons, shipping them to opponents of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

It is believed that Ambassador Stevens went to Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, as part of that operation, to conduct negotiations with Libyan rebels who were refusing to give up their U.S.-supplied weapons. This backstory of the Benghazi attack, as part of a much larger U.S. policy in the North Africa/Middle East region, is why this ongoing investigation cannot be dismissed as mere partisan politics or a trivial concern with Hillary Clinton’s personal emails. The current crisis surrounding ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq, which has caused the deployment of U.S. Special Forces to Syria, is directly connected to the policies that Hillary Clinton implemented and supervised during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Meanwhile, Islamic extremists are exploiting the instability that the Obama administration’s policies have created.
The Benghazi/video connection lie was just the most blatant of a number of lies and obfuscations by the Obama administration, backed by Hillary that have made a bad situation in Iraq, Syria and Libya far worse. They show a consistent lack of insight into the effects of their own policy. Either that, or they just don't care:

Hillary Clinton’s rogue agenda: Why Sid Blumenthal matters
Blumenthal was an aide to President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001 and one of his most reliable hatchet men. Luca Brasi without the charm, Blumenthal had smeared Monica Lewinsky, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, Republicans — and, when the time came, presidential candidate Barack Obama himself. His nickname: “Sid Vicious.”

E-mails show Hillary Clinton wanted him hired at State. But still smarting from Blumenthal’s attacks during the campaign, the administration nixed the appointment. Clinton was undeterred. Despite telling the Benghazi committee that Blumenthal was “not my adviser, official or unofficial,” records show the Clinton political machine paid him at least $320,000 a year.

Just after his rejection by the State Department, and through March 2015, the Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10,000 a month. Blumenthal’s job, according to Politico, was “highlighting the legacy” of President Bill Clinton.

From the summer of 2009 to the present day, according to Fox News, Blumenthal was paid $200,000 a year by Media Matters, an aggressive pro-Clinton information outlet led by David Brock.
And heavily funded by French felon George Soros.
Blumenthal provides “high-level strategy and messaging advice” to Brock and others.
Little exists in the public record showing work by Blumenthal for the Clinton Foundation or Media Matters, and both organizations did not respond to requests for clarification.

But there is plenty on Blumenthal’s labors for Clinton — hundreds of private e-mails.

Blumenthal’s unusual work arrangement was a triple play fraught with potential conflicts of interest: He simultaneously advised the secretary of state and possible future president; promoted the interests of her husband as the former president scoured the globe seeking millions of dollars in speech fees and donations to the Clinton Foundation; and provided advice to an organization devoted to destroying their enemies.
Three examples of deals that Sid the Shiv brokered:
In Libya, Blumenthal promoted a deal sought by US defense contractor Osprey Global Solutions. According to its Web site, Osprey offers a wide variety of services — including “security, training, armament” — as well as the sale of assault rifles.

In June 2009, Blumenthal began promoting Joseph Wilson, the former US ambassador who rose to fame challenging intelligence claims that Saddam Hussein had sought uranium “yellowcake” in Niger. Wilson was a fierce Bush administration critic and longtime Clinton supporter who had criticized candidate Barack Obama for “timid” views.  . . . Symbion, an electrical-power developer, had been “hugely successful” in Iraq and Afghanistan, Wilson wrote Clinton. Symbion was now setting up shop in Tanzania, Wilson noted, “where we will be bidding on all of the upcoming MCC-financed power generation and distribution projects. I have asked Sid to pass a memory stick with a four-minute video that explains what Symbion does and how it does it.”. . . In September 2010, MCC awarded Symbion $47 million in US taxpayer money for power projects in Tanzania.

In October 2009, Blumenthal promoted a scheme to make former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair president of the European Council, an influential arm of the European Union. . . .No one in the Blumenthal scheme appears to have given any thought to the shoddy ethics of having the secretary of state secretly lobbying for a result in a foreign election. . . Within two years, however, Blair would receive another plum post. Blair — along with Band, Cooper, Bill Clinton himself and many outgoing senior State Department officials — were put on the payroll of another Clinton-affiliated entity, Teneo Holdings.
Teneo Holdings is also the spinoff that provided the other half of Huma Abedin's income while she was double dipping at the State Dept.

As Benghazi inquiry fades, Clinton still faces legal questions about emails - Called "Too big to Jail"
The FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, which opened its review this summer after classified information was found in emails transmitted over Clinton’s private email server, is under pressure to act quickly, as Clinton is in the midst of running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016.

Attorneys who have handled classified information cases say the bureau, initially asked to examine whether Clinton’s arrangement compromised national security secrets, ultimately will have to consider whether she and her aides failed to sufficiently safeguard sensitive information.
They disagree about whether there’s enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it’s unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

“She’s too big to jail,” said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.
I thought we fought a revolution to rid us of the aristocracy. . . which brings us to one last point, the only matter on which Hillary has been utterly consistent is the idea of keeping guns out of the hands of "the little people" Hillary Clinton And Gun Control: Fun Facts To Know And Tell

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