Saturday, March 8, 2014

Coulter Likens Immigration Policy to Rape

Ann Coulter on Illegal Immigration and Demographics: ‘No, You’re Raping Me.’
Vivid analogies are not evidence of hate and, while I’m sure this is going to become another one of those “CPAC controversy” headlines, the point Ann Coulter was making is entirely valid:
“My favorite network for humor is MSNBC. They’re always sneering, demographics are changing. No this isn’t a natural process,” Coulter said. “It’s like you’re being raped and the guy is telling you ‘my penis is in you.’ No, you’re raping me. Demographics are changing by force. There is nothing natural about it.”
That’s the quote according to the Blaze, and my memory of what Coulter said at today’s Eagle Forum immigration panel is slightly different, but there were dozens of bloggers at the event, so we’ll see video eventually and be able to check it word-for-word.
. . .
Our nation’s demographics are being changed as a result of deliberate government policy, and anyone who tells you otherwise — whether it’s the clowns on MSNBC or the clowns running the Republican Party — is lying. If people knew the truth about our current immigration policy, they would be very angry about it, but there are people deeply invested in keeping people uninformed and misinformed, so that indeed, we are like rape victims who are being told by the perpetrator that we aren’t actually being raped.
It is a vivid analogy, and it's not far off the mark. We're told we have to accept the legalization of millions, literally, of people who do not fully share the values that we (most of us anyway) cherish in America.  The fact is, we don't, and saying so isn't immoral.

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