Thursday, April 10, 2014

Shockingly, Middle School Kids are Little Beasts

And they're not especially worried about it either.  A typically concern trolling article about the frequency of "sexual harassment" in Middle School students, from CBS Chicago:

Middle School Sex Harassment Widespread, Goes Unnoticed At School
An alarming number of instances of inappropriate sexual behavior among middle school students appear to be going unnoticed by teachers and other adults, a new study concludes.

The study, written by three University of Illinois researchers, found that 21 percent of the students in the survey experienced some form of physical sexual harassment.

The students reported instances like being slapped on the buttocks, being rubbed against their bodies sexually or being forced to kiss another student. Much of the behavior happened in open areas, most commonly in the hallways, classrooms or gymnasiums.
The middle school years are the period when humans beings are becoming aware of sex and sexuality, and really starting to feel it.  It's also a time before the brain and personality become mature, so naturally, there's going to be a lot of stupid, juvenile behavior.  Because they're juvenile
Additionally, about 19 percent of students said they were victims of rumour spreading, verbal sexual commentary or homophobic name-calling. For example, one student said “someone wrote on the bathroom stall that I was a skank.”

The study by Sarah Rinehart, Namrata Doshi and Dorothy Espelage, examined survey responses of 1,391 students from four Midwest middle schools (grades 5-8). The survey sample was evenly split between boys and girls.

The researchers also noted that many of the students dismissed the behavior as joking or not that serious. Others said “that you get used to it” or “it doesn’t really bother me any more.”

That dismissive behavior is cause for concern, the researchers say.
I notice that they didn't make a big deal out of male on female behavior.  I suspect it's because, at that age, girls are generally more mature physically and psychologically than the boys, and a majority of the misbehavior they found was girl on girl aggression.  And that just doesn't fit the "rape culture" meme.

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