Friday, August 6, 2021

Election 2020: Judge Rebukes Trespassers

 Anxious, "Not patriotism": Sentencing judges rebuke Capitol rioters

A federal judge sentencing a Michigan man in D.C. Wednesday over his role in the U.S. Capitol riot dismissed any notion that he's a political prisoner.

Driving the news: U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson said that she wasn't sentencing Karl Dresch, of Calumet, "because he is a supporter" of former President Trump, noting that "millions of people" had voted for him "and did not heed his call to descend on the nation's Capitol," per the Detroit News. . . Jackson sentenced Dresch to six months in prison. With time served since he was incarcerated in January while awaiting trial, he is set to be released Wednesday or Thursday, per his attorney.

As I foresaw, most of the rioters will get more time in jail from no-bail pretrial detention than they get for the misdemeanors they're being charged with. WaT, Biden awards Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who defended Capitol on Jan. 6. Their leaders failed them. Aljazeera reports Biden called Jan 6 a ‘violent attempt’ by ‘terrorists’ to hold ‘power’, which of course is a lie, but a lie that the majority of Democrats and journolists (but I redund) have agreed to continue to foist upon the public. Paul Bedard at WaEx reads a Marjorie Taylor Greene letter to Capitol Police: Pelosi used you as ‘political pawns’. She's right. Like a Bulldog, Julie Kelly at Am Great asks Why Won’t the Government Release Officer Fanone’s Bodycam Video? I didn't know he had it, but she goes into great detail how the government is trying to prevent it being released (even though snippets have been on CNN). 

Dan Chaitin at WaEx reports that Ashli Babbitt family lawyer says officer killed her in 'ambush' without warning. Seems likely, but even if he did, I doubt the killing would be BLM approved if it happened to an Antifa bitch trying to burn down the federal courthouse in Portland. Paul Sperry at RCI, Lawyer: Capitol Cop Who Shot Ashli Babbitt 'Ambushed' Her on Jan. 6 Without Warning. The officer "suspected" in the shooting sounds like a real piece of work, but I'm not surprised, having met some Federal cops. At Town Hall, Matt Vespa writes Ambushed? Here's the Latest Development in the Ashli Babbitt Story, and new Neo, The latest installment in the killing of Ashli Babbitt. It appears the Babbitt family is going to file a wrongful death suit. Good for them, it may be the only way to pry evidence out of the feds.

Kyle Shideler at Am Great asks Why Congress Won’t Investigate the 2020 Summer Riots. Strictly a rhetorical question. Because it would be bad for Democrats, silly!

Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.05.21, At LI, DOJ Plays Politics With Swalwell “January 6” Claims Against Congressman Mo Brooks. I'm so grateful to Mitch for blocking Garland for the Supreme Court.

Its latest political move has to do with Democratic congressman Eric Swalwell’s lawsuit against Republican congressman Morris “Mo” Brooks and others for deliberately instigating the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to provide a routine “certification” that, under a special federal statute that applies to employees of the federal government, would have allowed Brooks to be dropped as a party from most of the claims in the case and the United States substituted as a defendant in his place.

By refusing to issue that certification to Brooks, Garland’s DOJ ignored well-settled law for what appears to be partisan political purposes, and left Brooks to fend for himself – and to incur what are sure to be crushing defense costs – in the action.

In March, Congressman Eric Swalwell filed suit against Brooks asserting that he conspired with President Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., and Rudy Giuliani to instigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and to prevent members of Congress, including Swalwell, from certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

To support these claims, Swalwell points to five post-election day tweets that Brooks sent out:

On November 5, 2020, Brooks tweeted that he “lack[ed] faith that this was an honest election” and said that as a House member, he would be “very hesitant to certify the results of this election if Joe Biden wins.”

Twitchy,  ‘To be fair, they say the same about YOU’: Chris Loesch takes a very sanctimonious (and ever-annoying) Adam Kinzinger APART in just 1 tweet. Meh, but your mileage may vary.

At Am Think Rick Fuentes asks Whose Insurrection is it, Anyway?

Fourteen thousand hours of fixed surveillance and police body cam footage would reveal the level of government infiltration and perhaps involvement in the January 6th melee. The most ominous-looking of the intruders in black bloc outfits, balaclavas, gloves, radio earpieces, and climbing gear who showed up at the Capitol West Front at the same time a pipe bomb was discovered next door at the RNC headquarters, were hell-bent on burgling the Capitol building and pressed a coordinated attack immediately upon their arrival. It appears that no one from that tactically-outfitted group has been arrested by the FBI, despite the testimony of credible witnesses and supporting video. Given the aggression of the FBI to hunt down every disorderly person and trespasser who wandered about the marbled halls, their disregard of those responsible for opening the first salvo is baffling unless the ranks of those insurgents included agents provocateur, as seen in other subversive investigations.
Yep, it's pretty weird how they managed to catch all the sight seers, but missed the tactical guys with climbing gear. 

Also from the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.05.21, Matthew Boose at Am Great wonders Does The Biden Regime Believe In Its Own Legitimacy?
The 2020 election was a sham, a Third World farce. It is not necessary to consider ballot shenanigans to acknowledge this. The sheer volume of lies the regime told to take down Donald Trump, the extent of the dirty cover-ups to protect Biden, were unlike anything in American history. The media behaved, as they do now, like Pravda.

Merrick Garland thinks it's time to steal states rights to hold elections as they set fit, and enshrine the WuFlu measure that led suspicions of massive cheating in 2020. From Dan Payne at JTN, DOJ legal threats against state election audits suggest unease about potential findings, "Agency warns states of legal consequences for investigating election irregularities too aggressively or rolling back emergency pandemic voting rules." Also at JTN, Attorneys general from 15 states file brief in support of Georgia’s new election laws "Ohio AG calls DOJ lawsuit an attempt by the federal government to take control of the details of states’ election laws." It should be more states. They're going to regret it if a Trump second term DOJ takes control over the country's elections. From the Independent Chronicle, Pennsylvania state senator hopes to issue election subpoenas within two weeks

At HE, Wisconsin Deactivates 200,000+ ‘Ghosted’ Voters and at JTN, Wisconsin deactivates 205,000 voters from registration rolls. It's not a big deal, they haven't voted at that address  in four cycles, and didn't respond to a questionnaire. Just potential mail-in ballot fraud subjects. 

At Breitbart, Republican Senator Introduces Bill Requiring States that Implement Vaccine Passports to Also Have Voter ID Heh! It won't go anywhere, though. Also from the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.05.21, at Gellar, 90% of Voters Concerned About Election Fraud, A Third Say ‘Biden’ Stole Election.

HE, Gov. Abbott Will Call ‘Special Session After Special Session’ to Force Fleeing Dems to Participate. "Renae Eze, the governor’s press secretary, told Fox News. “If they didn’t want to do their job to debate and vote on the issues, they shouldn’t have run for office.”" 'Bonchie' at Red State, Greg Abbott Puts the Kibosh on the Texas Democrats' Victory Lap

The Texas Democrats have two choices: 1) They can come home, make Abbott arrest them for the cameras, and claim that they were victorious for holding out for a month, or 2) they can continue to abandon their families and lives back in Texas in hopes of stalling the election reform bill until the 2022 election.

The best election Mark Zuckerberg could buy, Zuckerberg-Funded Nonprofit Paid $11.8 Million to Democrat Political Consulting Firms for ‘Nonpartisan Voter Education’ in Michigan 2020 Election "Considering that the declared purpose of the MCELA on its most recent annual report is “nonpartisan voter education,” it raises questions – at the very least – why the nonprofit spent all its money on high-powered Democrat consultants." We know the answer to that.

Atop Da Hill (temporarily) Liz Cheney says her father is 'deeply troubled' about the state of the Republican Party

David Catron at Am Spec explains Why Trump Still Terrifies the Democrats "Democrats should be afraid. Very afraid."

When the Democrats regained control of the House in 2018, they should have consolidated their position by working with then-President Trump and the GOP Senate to accomplish something positive for the American people. Instead, they decided that their raison d’être was the destruction of the Bad Orange Man. Now that they are barely clinging to thin majorities in Congress and encumbered by a deeply dysfunctional White House, Trump is coming after them. Their increasingly irrational and lawless behavior suggests that they are deeply afraid he will succeed in ousting them. And if they attempt to save themselves with a repeat of their 2020 assaults on our civil liberties, their political demise may well be permanent.

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