and Doug Collins -vs- Maria Bartiromo – Interview Brushes Up Against FISA Reauthorization…
Representative Doug Collins appears with Maria Bartiromo and points out a position on FISA reauthorization that is hopefully carried by the majority of Republicans. Collins states an approach where he, perhaps others, would advance a “short-term” FISA extension pending a full review of the upcoming FISA report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz, prior to any longer term reauthorization.From Twitchy, ‘Had concerns about Vindman’s judgment’: Byron York breaks down Tim Morrison’s transcript and it AIN’T lookin’ good for Schiff, It looks like Vindman was trying to make mountains out of molehills. Thanks to Schiff, he succeeded. Dan Flynn at AmSpec, Democracy Dies in Darkness — Speak the Whistleblower’s Name. At this point, the media is pretending not to know, and Democrats are pretending to believe them. From Elizabeth Vaughn at Red State, FOIA Emails: Eric Ciaramella, Victoria Nuland Received Regular Updates From Top Official at Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Look for coded orders.
FISA-702 authority, bulk U.S. person metadata collection, storage and surveillance, is set to terminally expire December 15th. The last FISC report from Judge Boasberg stated that all violations of FISA law are still ongoing and there have been no substantive corrections by the intelligence community to fix the abuse issues. The Judge Boasberg report was written in September of 2018 but not released (redacted) until last month. {Go Deep}
The Intelligence Community (writ large), the FBI and the DOJ are all seeking a permanent reauthorization. In my humble opinion this FISA reauthorization is the cornerstone motive for an IG report delay. There is an alignment of interests.
OAN, New Documents Allege Millions Went To Biden’s And Kerry’s Firm. The original John Kerry and his son. Apparently he was not content with Theresa's ketchup money. Tom Lifson, AmThink,
Dems' star witnesses bungle Hunter Biden's Burisma bounty
but according to Althouse "An overwhelming 70% of Americans think President Donald Trump’s request to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival... was wrong..." ABC News reports on its new poll. Was Sondland acting on Trumps orders to encourage an investigation? Politico, Sondland said he was acting on Trump’s orders, aide told investigators. I would hope so! Little Timmy also claimed White House Official Feared Trump Transcript Leak Could Be Politically Damaging according to Adam Schiff's latest leak. We even heard that Trump talked to Bolton about Ukraine. Imagine that. Impeach Trump for talking to his advisers!George Kent: "To summarize, we thought the [CEO of Burisma] had stolen money. We thought a prosecutor had take an bribe to shut the case."— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) November 13, 2019
GOP counsel: "Are you in favor of that matter being fully investigated and prosecuted?"
Rabbi Fischer at AmSpec, Did You Know This About Marie Yovanovitch? An Obama holdover with anti-Trump biases of long standing. I have no problem believing it, but I wish the Republicans would come up with some evidence or witnesses. Andy McCarthy at NR Breaks Down the Fallout from Marie Yovanovitch’s Testimony
On Elise Stefanic, Yahoo whines that Stefanik embraces spotlight at impeachment hearings. John Hinderocker Power Line, thinks She Must Have Hit a Nerve, for Democrats to post a photoshopped picture of her flipping off the camera. Democrats are all nerves and no brains. Scott Johnson, also at Power Line, Please Support Elise Stefanic.The president’s camp is the unapologetic source of the whispering campaign. They depict a very different Yovanovitch: a partisan deep-state operator, who abetted and covered up Ukrainian collusion with Democrats in the 2016 campaign. On Friday, that alternative view was the dog that never barked.
Her Democratic opponent is fundraising off Rep. Stefanik’s stellar performance and she is taking incoming such as the vile tweet from one George Conway noted in Ryan Saavedra’s Daily Wire story “‘ABUSIVE CREEP’: George Conway Blasted For Smearing Elise Stefanik With Alleged Doctored Image, Calling Her ‘Trash.’” Brit Hume responded in his understated style that should be sufficient to shame those who can be shamed (tweet below, also included in Saavedra’s compilation).
Nick Arama at Red State, CNN Contributor Claims Doctored Pic of Stefanik Is ‘Believable’Here is original image of Stefanik that was doctored.— Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) November 16, 2019
I’m deleting the doctored one now that the verification request was answered.
Her facial expression is real, the finger you will see in fake is not.
Memes can be fun, but they can also be weaponized.
Only clean fights, folks.
Twitchy again, Our ‘moral betters’ like Joan Walsh and Chrissy Teigen show us who they REALLY are in tweets to Elise StefanikWhy is the fake photo of Stefanik damaging? Bc it's sort of believable in light of her somewhat obnoxious performance yesterday that drew massive backlash and generated fundraising for her opponent. I mean, I did a double take. It must be labeled as photoshopped or taken down.— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) November 16, 2019
The only good Chrissy Teigen is a naked Chrissy Teigen (NSFW). Victory Girls, The Knives Are Out For Elise Stefanik and Erielle Davidson:our moral betters are furnishing us with new rules #projection— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 17, 2019
Nothing angers a Leftist more than a strong GOP woman. Two reasons: it shows the Left doesn’t really care about “supporting all women” (lol) and it derails their narrative that the GOP is anti-woman (it’s not).— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) November 17, 2019

I’m Sorry, Is Impeachment Not Entertaining Enough for You?
Impeachment Hearings Are Boring. No One Cares. Get Over It.
The Democrats Aren’t Fooling Anyone | Power Line
Schiff: Democrats will send "charlatan" Trump back to golden throne
IG report will be an indictment of Adam Schiff: Rep. Ratcliffe - YouTube
Sunday Talks: Jim Jordan -vs- Margaret Brennan – Important Note: Media Given Leaked Sealed Transcripts from Friday Depositions… | The Last Refuge
Goodwin: Nancy Pelosi has gone full coup coup in Trump impeachment push
Peter Navarro: If Pelosi Could Pause the Impeachment, Congress Could Pass the USMCA… | The Last Refuge
Is the impeachment inquiry legitimate? – Stopping In Flyover Country
Victor Davis Hanson on the impeachment inquiry/coup – The New Neo
Fox News? More like Trump’s impeachment shield - Hot Air
Nancy Pelosi on "Face the Nation": Trump has "every opportunity to present his case" in impeachment inquiry - CBS News
Due to a bout of the flu, the Wombat was a little late with Rule 5 Wednesday: Busy In The Kitchen and FMJRA 2.0: All About Chemistry.
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