Monday, March 3, 2014

11 Year Old Girl Shoots Cougar, Saves Brother

On February 26th Breitbart News reported that an eleven-year-old central Washington girl shot a cougar to save her brother. She shot the cougar on February 20th, and her father now reveals she "wasn't scared a bit" when she "pulled the trigger" to keep her brother from getting attacked.

According to the Daily Mail
, the girl's name is Shelby White, and her father's name is Tom.

Tom was in the house when he looked out and saw the cougar approaching his 13-year-old son from behind. He looked at Shelby and said, "Grab that gun and go shoot that cat." The brother didn't even know the cougar was behind him until Shelby's shot rang out and the animal collapsed.

Shelby's grandfather William White said he is proud of the action Shelby took. He said there are "a lot of predators" on their ranch and he wants all his "grandkids to know how to protect themselves." The grandfather "used to be a hunter safety instructor and taught all his grandchildren how to properly use weapons."

According to the Daily Mail, she used her trusty ".234 rifle" which I assumed was a .243 Winchester filtered though the lysdexia and the general gun phobia and ignorance of the media, coincidentally, the round I used to hunt Black-tailed Deer in Oregon.  Turns out there really is a .234 round, although it seems pretty rare. I'm still betting it was a .243, since .234 ammo is near impossible to find.

Perhaps we need to make gun safety and marksmanship a mandatory class in Middle School.  If it only saves one (more) life...

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