Sunday, May 3, 2015

Now, Not Even Yes Means Yes

Via Stacy McCain: Rape Culture Means: Guys, Do Not Have Sex With Jordan Bosiljevac
Jordan Bosiljevac is a deeply confused sophomore at Claremont McKenna College (annual tuition $47,395) and, like every other college girl, she’s got an opinion about rape culture:
Why Yes Can Mean No It started with “consent is sexy.” But, of course, there was no point in that—it was like saying rape is just bad sex, instead of a felony. Then there was “consent is mandatory.” It was much better, reminding us that sex is consensual, and everything else is rape. But then there was me, after a party, in a man’s dorm room. And there was “is this ok?” If we are being legal about this, I said ‘yes’ — no coercion, no imminent threat of violence, no inebriation (well, not a lot, anyway). But what I want to talk about is what happened before I said yes, who taught me to say yes, why I thought it was better to say yes, and why I really meant ‘no.’ . . .
(Pause, dear reader, to imagine yourself in the position of the male Claremont McKenna College student who is the other half of this story. You hooked up with Jordan Bosiljevac after a party, and now she’s going to tell everyone who reads the student newspaper why, in fact, she really didn’t want to hook up with you.)
. . .
Translation: Guys, do not have sex with Jordan Bosiljevac, ever.
She cannot authentically say “yes,” because “consent is elusive” and, while she is willing to stipulate consent as a hypothetical possibility, any male who would even think about having sex with Jordan Bosiljevac is as crazy as she is.
I'm beginning to agree with Instapundit that certain liberal hothouse flower college women are just totally incapable of interactions with  normal people. They need to be shut away somewhere safe, where no one can lust for them, and where everyone is dedicated to keeping their brain from being subjected to any slights or discomforts, and where they likely need to be heavily drugged to prevent imbalances. In other words, a loony bin.

Girls, men are interested in you for sex. If you don't have the will power to say "no" when you want to say "no", you should really avoid their company.

Now, in the real world, what happens when a woman asks 100 men if they want to have sex?

compare to:

Clearly, most women know how to say no.

Wombat-socho has "Rule 5 Sunday: Station To Station" ready at The Other McCain.


  1. Sadly, thanks to this madness, many an innocent man will have his life destroyed. But that's the point, right? Destroy the patriarchy, right?

  2. Jordan Bosiljevac is full of "I want to be equal, but you won't treat me as such" claptrap. I want to say no but I had to say yes - Are you that weak, unsure of yourself or confused that you don't know what you want or how to say no? Consent is not a privilege, but a right. Take some responsibility for your own feelings and actions (equal rights means equal responsibility) instead of blaming it on "wealthy, heterosexual, cis, white, western, able-bodied masculinity" individuals. "I wanted to say no but he was handsome, rich, white, straight, Anglo, non-handicapped, so I just had to say yes" - BS. "It's not my fault I said yes when I meant no, so even though I gave consent, you raped me you brute." You reinforce the stereotype of the "fairer sex" - the type who swoons at the drop of a hankie. What do you say to the woman who is so confident in her sexuality that she approaches the man she is interested in and makes the first move? You would probably condemn her instead of congratulate her on her self-confidence. Women with your dysfunctional attitude toward sex infect men with your confusion. Don't misunderstand - No means no - with no room for argument. But with your warped "yes really means no" train of thought, I recommend good mental health counseling or a good convent.
