I saw in the news somewhere this morning that Preznit Obama had proposed to increase the minimum wage as away to put more money in the economy, had exactly this thought, and then went off and did something else, which ended in a nap. In the meantime, Stacy McCain took the theme and ran with it. Proving, if nothing else, that if you snooze, you lose:
Remember the infamous business plan from the South Park episode?
Say hello to the president’s economic theory:
- Collect Underpants
- ?
- Profit
It would be an insult to readers to explain why this won’t work, but I will say that in my adult lifetime, every increase in the minimum wage has been followed within a year or two by a recession. Drew M. at AOSHQ endeavors to address the flaws in Obama’s idea, but it’s depressing to think that any adult can’t figure out why raising the minimum wage inevitably causes an increase in unemployment.I don't think Obama can't figure it out; I think he has, and just doesn't care. It is pretty much his stated opinion that he would rather have more equality through redistribution than a strong economy under which rich and poor alike are free to benefit.
Perhaps that's the difference between Stacy and I; it just makes me depressed.
And speaking of depressing things to think about, we’ve got 9 million people on disability, 15% of them for mood disorders!
Mood disorders! More than a million Americans are currently collecting a check every month because they feel sad.
It that’s not enough to make you fly into a manic rage . . .
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