Monday, October 1, 2018

What Were Kids Thinking Back in 1982?

There's been a lot of thinking back to 1982 lately, prompted by the Kavanaugh nominations hearings. Just what were kids thinking about then? The best way to find out what kids were thinking about in those days is to check out the popular music of the time.  The #1 song for 1982, according to this fine list off the top of the internet, so you know it has to be true (or they paid Google to promote it):

So, pretty much what kids are always thinking about?

Is Olivia fat-shaming those husky guys? I think so!

Wombat-socho has Rule 5 Sunday: Brennschluss ready and waiting.

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine back in 1982, after Olivia Newton-John had released "Physical" and "Make A Move On Me", dryly observed that her next single would probably be "Please Get Perverse With Me".
