Monday, October 8, 2018

Eine Kleine Russiagate

Working backwards from the interview content is perhaps the best way to discuss.  Nunes cannot say it out loud, but when he outlines what the Mueller investigation *is not* doing, he is highlighting the purpose of Special Counsel placement.

Robert Mueller (the entire team) was put into place, carefully selected by James Baker and Andrew McCabe, specifically to cover for the DOJ and FBI activity that preceded the firing of James Comey.   Mueller’s role has two essential aspects:
♦(1) Create an investigation – Just by creating the investigation it is then used as a shield by any corrupt FBI/DOJ official who would find himself/herself under downstream congressional investigation.  Former officials being deposed/questioned by IG Horowitz or Congress could then say they are unable to answer those questions due to the ongoing special counsel investigation.  In this way Mueller provides cover.
♦(2)  Use the investigation to keep any and all inquiry focused away from the corrupt DOJ and FBI activity that took place in 2016, 2016, 2017.  Keep the media narrative looking somewhere, anywhere, other than directly at the epicenter of the issues.
In both of these objectives the Mueller special counsel has been stunningly effective.

That leads to the second aspect of Nunes discussion, the role of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.  All of the visible activity being conducted by Rosenstein has been an intentional effort to keep as much of the evidence hidden from public review. When Nunes points out that Rosenstein’s motives are to keep the documentary evidence classified he is speaking directly to this aspect.

But the current corrupt DOJ activity is not isolated to FISA abuse and documents the usurping officials want to keep hidden. The corrupt activity also flows outward and can be found in the DOJ behavior surrounding James Wolfe; the busted Senate Intelligence Security Official who was caught leaking the classified FISA application to the media.

The reason Wolfe was not indicted for the more serious charges of leaking classified intelligence is because the *CURRENT* DOJ needs to hide what was taking place. Wolfe is simply a benefactor of current DOJ officials who need to hide their fingerprints and activity in 2016 and 2017. . .
It makes me think Rosenstein has to go.

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