Body Notes takes place on Friday, June 9th (rain date 6/10) in Times Square. Over 200 nude models will be painted for 3 hours in full public view followed by a photo shoot on the bleachers. Each person will have the saying of their choice painted on their front and back. The purpose of the event is to create a powerful expression of positivity and acceptance.
When I visited the sticky note wall (aka Subway Therapy), at the Union Square subway station, I was amazed and blown away. Thousands of expressions viewed by thousands people every day. It made me proud to be a New Yorker. And Matthew “Levee” Chavez, the artist who created Subway Therapy will be joining us as a guest artist!Deep thoughts, by Jack Handy. But hey, it's one way to wile away a lazy Friday.
Wombat-socho came in a little late with "Rule 5 Tuesday: EDC Girls".
Or fish, whatever.
Your name here!
But not the good stuff!
Can't read it all. Must get closer!
Nice art on nude body. I wanna art this on my body also.