Saturday, October 5, 2013

Red Tide at the Beach

We got off to a late start this morning; about 11:30.  It was another wonderful fall day, blue sky with just enough clouds, no wind, and clear water (check that out for contrast later).
The Kudzu on the cliff suffered a die back along the rocks where I presume it got a lot of salt spray a few days ago.  I swear, salt water may be the only thing that saves the world from from being consumed by Kudzu.  That and frost.
An old friend poses on the rocks.
 A good way to wile away a few hours. 

"Catch anything?" 

"Only a couple of Spot and a humongous crab"

"Keep the crab?" 

"No, too much trouble."
Barefoot lasses.
Now look at the water.  By the time we had returned from our walk, a red tide had washed in.  It was just a few blotches along the shore.
It's interesting to me that small algae cell that can just barely swim (a cm/min or less), and grow pretty slowly, manage to stay together in such coherent patches over long periods.  They must have some chemical means of staying in contact, and keep the patches together. 
A pretty good day for shark's teeth.  About 40 in all, though none were "top shelf" quality.  At least it will help keep the monthly average up after a few days of not collecting any.

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