Saturday, September 18, 2021

Beach Report 9/18/21

It's been a couple of days since I posted anything, not because we didn't walk, but mostly because it was cloudy and stormy and the pictures weren't so good. Skye and I walked through the the boatyard today, and there, in the only place I've ever seen them, was the Viceroy butterfly, again. Weird. 
A Northern Water Snake enjoying the remaining warm days, and searching for some minnows to eat.
It's still sand castle season, too.
It was in the upper 70s, with mostly clear skies, a touch of humidity, and barely any wind.
The family that yaks together. . . 
Despite a pretty high tide, we did OK with fossils, 23 shark's teeth of no great note (I did find the smallest possible identifiable fragment of a Cow Shark), and a couple of stingray plates, but the winner of today's contest by far was another dolphin periotic bone that Georgia found. She's developed quite the eye for them. Ugly little suckers. 
Becalmed. I hope their motor works. 

No picture, but I only saw one Osprey today. It seems like they're disappearing fast for southern climes. 

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