Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Eye Update

I had my one week followup appointment with the retina guy this morning. Everything is going well, and it sees better, and has less pain every day. He's also lifted my restriction on lifting more than 10 lbs, washing, and wearing the damn cage over it at night, although he suggested avoiding "strenuous" exercise for a while.
Of course, he dilated both eyes to do this (they scanned the left too), so I was all wide eyed and bleary when, after lunch, Skye started lobbying for her walk. I put on my "cataract shades" and walked her to the beach, and let Georgia catch up in the van. It's much colder than yesterday, 42 F and blowing 10-20 mph from the north. Fossil hunting was hard, but Georgia found this exceptional Snaggletooth.

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