Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Making of the Rope Swing Video

A few days ago I posted a video of some 'kids" jumping off a 400 ft cliff on a rope swing.  In the comments Spud and GOODSTUFF are indicating how stupid (and fun) it looks.  I agree.  However, Charlie sent me the link to this video on the making of the swing and video, and it looks like a great deal of planning went into it.  Of course, so did the Titanic..  Anyway, the video:


  1. every body should have a hobby

    camera man afraid of heights LoL

  2. Ah back in the day...there go I. How in the hell did I ever get to be this age ? My body could probably still withstand such, yet I'm sure the wife would kill me lol. Actually she'd say...I'll watch, go fer it.

  3. Oh, to be young, stupid and immortal again.
