Monday, May 5, 2014

Liberal Pundit Proposes Permanent Solution to Democrats Midterm Problems

The Democrats midterm problem is, to boil it down to it's essence, that the democratic coalition relies on a substantial fraction of poor, young, uninformed and apathetic voters. They can, if motivated by someone of sufficient charisma, and/or bribed by the promise of more entitlement, get out to vote for presidential elections. But the midterms? In most cases they don't know who their Senators and Congressmen are, nor do they really care. Hence, the older, more experienced, slightly wealthier, and more likely to be working Republicans consistently have better turnouts (by comparison) in the midterms. This upsets democrats.

Liberal Pundit Alec MacGillis proposes a "final solution": Abolish the Midterms

Holding nationwide elections for federal office every two years feeds the permanent-campaign mind-set that grips our elected officials and political reporters, too many of whom would rather dwell on generic congressional ballot surveys and Cook Political Report ratings than on actual lawmaking.

The two-year term requires new House members to start their fundraising for the next election as soon as they arrive in Washington. This winnows the pool of candidates — and not in a good way. “The skill of telemarketing does not translate very often into the skill of governing, so there are real implications for the kind of people you get on the other end,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), formerly of the House, observed last year.

And midterms aren’t exactly a display of democracy at its finest, given that far fewer voters turn out than in presidential years. For example, in the 2010 midterm elections, 89 million ballots were cast, compared with 129 million in 2012.

Speaking frankly, there are just some people who should not be encouraged to vote, even when eligible.

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