Sunday, November 10, 2013

Under Tow at the Beach

Another bright, clear blue bird day in Southern Maryland.  The temperature climbed rapidly into the 60s but the wind screamed 20 mph and climbing, from the southwest, which hardly raises a ripple close to the beach.
 I just liked this photo, a rare one looking into the sun which works out.
For a short walk, we found a reasonable number of shark's teeth, 14, including this Snaggletooth, nicely colored, but a bit on the small side.  We found bigger (and smaller) but not better.
As we got back towards the harbor we noticed a lot of boat activity up near the south channel marker. Several boats were in the area, but two in particular seemed to be working together.

It appears the Trophy, to the rear, had a problem and lost power. Someone on shore called John Little, the owner of Flag Harbor Marina, and he went out on a rescue mission.

Under tow back into port.

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