Saturday, June 8, 2013

We Survived Tropical Storm Andrea!

As forecast, Tropical Storm Andrea, or more likely the remnants of her, passed to our east some time last evening.  As tropical storms go, it was a non event, we had high winds with the system ahead of Andrea, but not so much as the storm passed.  We had high tides, but nothing extreme. I could easily step from the dock to the boat, and not even use the ladder that I had to instal because the new dock is a foot higher than the original.

Basically, it was a rain event; it rained all day yesterday, sometimes very hard, sometimes lightly.  By this morning, our rain gauge shows about 2.5 inches accumulated, a decent amount, but not overwhelming.  By comparison, with Hurricane Floyd (1999) we got almost a foot of rain in 24 hours.  The lawn is happy. And the cicadas are gone.  They seem to have peaked late last week, and disappeared almost completely.  No drone, no fliers.  Birds have started re-appearing at Georgia's feeder, rubbing their swollen bellies.

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