Sunday, February 8, 2015

"If You Ain't Cheating, You Ain't Trying"

Said our Patriots supporting wellness club coach. But I don't think this was quite what he had in mind:

All Of Paraguay’s Temperature Record Has Been Tampered With

When Paul Homewood, who runs a small blog called Not a Lot of People Know That went off to look at the temperature record for Paraguay (hey, someone has to care) he found a disconcerting fact. All nine of the the major sites in that country had had their temperature records altered to reduce the historical temperature record which made the history appear as if it were warming, when the original records showed little or no warming, and in some cases actual cooling:

The reality is that, as far as the story of temperature adjustments is concerned, the genie is out of the bottle now, and no amount of huffing and puffing will put it back.

What is perhaps most telling is that we have not heard a word from NCDC or GISS. We expect the jokers from BEST to jump in, but this data and the associated adjustments are from NCDC and GISS.
Serious accusations have been levelled against them in the media, yet they have not responded or attempted to defend their data. Instead, they seem intent to sweep the matter under the carpet, just as they did last summer when they told us “the system was working as it was supposed to”!
There are reasons to adjust station data due to changes in the siting, changes in the landscape around the temperature sensor etc, but there is no justification given for these changes.

This is not the first time skeptics have seen what appears to be "fiddling" with the temperature record to cool the past, and make it appear as though the record is getting warmer. One adjustment to GISS cooled the United States record and got rid of the inconvenient fact that the highest average temperatures ever recorded in there occurred in the 1930s:

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