6 months |
Pregnant fitness model shamed for flat stomach responds to social media critics
Fitness model, Sarah Stage, took to Instagram last week to show off what she does to stay fit and healthy while pregnant. However, in addition to her impressive fitness routine, Stage took some time to let off steam about the hate she has been receiving for her toned body.
Somebody will find fault with almost anything.
Getting ready to pop |
As I'm nearing #8months I've wanted to share what's been on my mind. Since I've announced my second pregnancy, I've had certain "Instagram medical experts" tell me what I should and shouldn't do.. And while I find some of the comments hilarious, I choose to only listen to my OBGYN and of course I also listen to MY body. If something feels off, I don't do it! I always do what's best for my growing baby and put him first! It's a proven medical fact that continuing exercising while pregnant has many health benefits for you and baby 🤰🏻👶🏻 Clearly, I have greatly reduced the intensity of my workouts and stick to at home home exercises from my Fitness Ebook 2-3x a week. There are also some people who assume that since I am exercising while pregnant, that I'm obsessed with how I "look" but in fact I'm obsessed with maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will give my baby and myself the best possible quality of life 😊 Alternatively, I don't judge anyone who chooses to not be active while pregnant etc. as it's their own life... I'm just sharing my pregnancy journey and appreciate the positive support from most of you ❤️ #thirdtrimester #7monthspregnant#8monthspregnant
It's been my experience that skinny chicks don't show as much as women with more space. But she does take that to an extreme, but it seems everything came out OK, so it's all good.
Shamelessly ripped off from Instapundit. Wombat-socho has
"Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!! (Parte Dos)" ready for your reading pleasure.
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