Monday, June 9, 2014

Little girl empties a swamped canoe in second. Talk about being at home in the water.

According to the YouTube comments, she's Bajau Laut, often called "The Children of the Sea":
For centuries, the community of Malay has lived solely off of what the ocean provides within The Coral Triangle. Several indigenous communities live off the coasts of islands in this area but the Bajau Laut are some of the last true marine nomads, having lived almost entirely at sea their whole lives. Photojournalist James Morgan spent eight months on assignment for WWF exploring their traditional habits, their travels, and their role in adapting to modern culture. Although many have been forced to migrate to land or choose to live in stilt villages over the ocean, some continue to live on long boats referred to as lepa lepa. From a young age, the Bajau become acquainted with the ocean, even rupturing their ear drums early on so it becomes easier to dive deeper into the ocean.

People of the Coral Triangle // James Morgan // 1080p from James Morgan on Vimeo.

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