Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Joni Ernst Makes the Pigs Squeal

Ernst wins big in Senate primary, DSCC attacks as “the Sarah Palin of Iowa”
Joni Ernst only needed 35% of the vote to avoid a convention fight against her four competitors for the Republican nomination to the US Senate. Instead, she gained a clear majority of 56% and put herself in position to consolidate GOP support across all factions to face Rep. Bruce Braley, the uncontested Democratic nominee for the seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Tom Harkin.
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Ernst got onto the national radar with the fun jab at pork-barrel politics by recalling her hog-castration experience, but she won the state by attracting support from both Tea Party and so-called establishment Republicans in Iowa. Ben Sasse won in neighboring Nebraska using a similar, open-tent strategy, and both are expected to be strong candidates in the general election.

The pigs were quick to squeal:
Ernst’s big win certainly has the DSCC worried, which rushed last night to paint her as a Sarah Palin clone:
“Her rigid partisanship and support for the federal government shutdown not only won her the support of Sarah Palin, but proved that Joni Ernst is the Sarah Palin of Iowa who would bring more gridlock and dysfunction to Washington,” Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Deputy Executive Director Matt Canter said in an email statement.
Gee, do all Republican women look alike to the DSCC? More seriously, do they expect that a Palin comparison will actually do damage to Ernst at this point, or at all in any context in Iowa? That looks like a boiler-plate Beltway perspective on flyover country that speaks volumes about the problems Democrats face in middle America this November.
More Joni:

1 comment:

  1. oneshot_hatemail@yahoo.comAugust 20, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    "Compare her to Sarah Palin"?
    Seriously, she makes DropoutMom look like an intellectual giant.which is really saying something horrible about PALIN.
    Impeachment if Obama loses in court? Seriously?
    Unllification of federal laws Iowa doesn't like? Seriously? Did you miss the War of the Secessionists in school Joni?
