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At Joel's suggestion, I took a picture or two of "Red, the Wonderdog", here doing something entirely un-lablike and actually wading in the water. I mean, it's not Labrador. A Chesapeake Bay Retriever would more appropriate, right?
Here's Georgia getting Skye to put her one the leash because of an unfriendly Pit Bull on a leash up the beach.
A close up of some Honeysuckle climbing on the cliff face.
A large mass of Honeysuckle. Boy, does it smell good!
Some Bindweed, a member of the Morning Glory family (Convolvulaceae), named for the way it twines around other plants as it grows. While pretty in the field, it's a nightmare in the garden, difficult to control and eliminate.
By the time we finished our walk, the beach was pretty well occupied by families enjoying the warm temperatures, and the on and off sunshine.
More people on the beach south of the harbor mouth.
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