Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Beach Report January 8, 2011

And yet another remarkable January day!  A little cooler than yesterday; the car was showing 49 F as we were driving home.  A few thin clouds, not much wind, and a low tide.  Can't ask for any more than that.
We walked further than usual, and found a lot of teeth.  When I cleaned my pockets, we counted 89 teeth, and several several ray plates.  This is the best tooth of the lot, a good Snaggletooth upper the Georgia found early on.
 The best thing was the Tundra Swans. There were ten of them up past the cottages, and they didn't seem at all upset by our walking by, in fact, a couple of them seems to paddle closer, as if to try to threaten us away.

 A big family came down to the beach to enjoy it.  When we arrived there were only a few people, the serious tooth hunters, but by the time we left, a lot of people were coming down to enjoy the weather.
 As we were getting ready to go, I spotted an odd bird hanging out on the south jetty.  Only in my over-zoomed, and somewhat grainy photos is the pattern on the bill apparent.  I've tentatively identified it as a Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata).

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