Monday, January 13, 2014

Slip Sliding Away at the Beach

Georgia was occupied with some book keeping for the local civic association so I had to venture out to the beach alone.  A very nice January day, about 50 F, with a rising south breeze.
I had it in my mind to try to walk up to Western Shores, and get into the largely unsearched beach between here and there.  I found a few shark's teeth on the way up;  here's a small but fine Mako tooth...
... and a small, but well formed Snaggletooth.  At this early point in the year, these are the best specimens of the types, and went up on the top shelf (above the sink) for display until displaced by better ones.
However, at the far end of the walk, I found my way blocked by this slide.  Curses! Foiled again!

This is the time of year when slides on the cliff are most common.  The freeze/thaw cycles loosen the clay and sand.  This is a pretty small one.
A small grebe, probably an Eared Grebe poking around the harbor.

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