Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Save the Planet, Shower With a Friend, In the Cold

From WUWT, Washington Post: Have Cold Showers to Prevent Climate Change

Clearly we haven’t plumbed the bottom of the well of climate absurdity.
Why you should embrace using cold water, almost all the time

Heating water gobbles energy, leading to higher utility bills and more planet-warming emissions.

By Allyson Chiu
May 12, 2024 at 6:30 a.m. EDT

You may not be giving a second thought to setting your washing machine on the hot cycle, cranking your showers to a steamy temperature or scrubbing your dirty dishes under a stream of scalding water.


If you did, you’d find that you probably don’t need to use so much hot water —
and that you could be saving energy and cutting your utility bills. Water heating is responsible for more than 10 percent of both annual residential energy use and consumer utility costs, the biggest share after air conditioning and heating, according to the Energy Department. An American household uses an average of 64 gallons of hot water a day — close to the amount needed to fill an average bathtub— by doing laundry, showering, washing the dishes and running kitchen and bathroom faucets.

While there are home improvements that can help you cut back on the energy it takes to heat water, including installing a heat pump water heater, one easy solution is to switch to cold water.

“If you’re wasting cold water to get your hot water, then you’re really wasting both water and the energy resources,” she said. “Those energy resources still come largely from fossil fuels, and so they’re adding to emissions in the environment at a time when we really need to be doing everything we can to reduce carbon emissions.”

…Read more:
The real question in my mind, how is the climate movement going to top this absurdity? Self flagellation every time you are tempted by machine age transport? Drinking your own pee to save water? Comment suggestions welcome, but please keep them family friendly.

Someone needs to follow up with the reporters to make sure they practice what they preach.  

The Wombat has Early Morning Rule 5 Monday: Smokin’ Blonde ready and awaiting your attention at The Other McCain.

So this is Allyson Chiu on vacation in Big Bear Lake, California. You think that spa is heated or not? Did she fly there on an electric jet?

On vacation in Mallorka.

A cold shower or bath?

1 comment:

  1. Not a cold shower in that last pic. I checked, in a scientific fashion of course…..
