Thursday, May 16, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Presidential Debates On

Just hours after Biden Campaign Officially Turns Down Presidential Debates Commission (Matt Margolis, PJM Media), Hat Hair's KT, Make My Day: Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates  "with the following conditions Dates in June and September, Only Biden-friendly outlets (my opinion) - CNN, ABC News, Telemundo or CBS News, Bypass the Commission on Presidential Debates, Microphones only active during each candidate's turn to prevent Trump from responding to Biden as he speaks, No audience, No Robert F. Kennedy, Jr." 560The Answer, Trump accepts debate challenge on the Hugh Hewitt Show  Larry at Hat Hair, Trump/Biden Debates Confirmed, Can Joe Save Failing Campaign? Althouse, "President Biden said in a statement that he has received, and accepted, an invitation from CNN for a debate on June 27." Twitchy, So Much for 'Make My Day': Check Out Actual List of Biden Campaign DEMANDS Before Joe Will Debate Trump. At WaEx, Four reasons Biden wants to control debate rules. From the Babylon Bee, Here Are Biden's 10 Conditions For Debating Trump "#4 No one can ask any questions about the economy, inflation, Afghanistan, Gaza, the border, crime levels, Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Ashley Biden, campus protests, Title IX, or any other topics in existence: Pretty standard." Nick Arama at RedState, A Closer Look at Joe Biden Debate Video Is Funny and Shows How Bad He Truly Is, "He has five edits in there in a 14-second video. He can't even get through a 14-second video without all that help." Ace, Biden "Accepts" Offer to Debate, With Special Conditions to Protect Biden; Trump, for Some Lunatic Reason, Accepts His Terms. "Your first offer is accepted without reservations! This guy wrote The Art of the Deal?" Hat Hair, Pelosi: Well, This Is a Bad IdeaManu Raju@mkraju. "Nancy Pelosi on Biden-Trump debates: 'I myself would never recommend going on stage with Donald Trump.'"

At TownHall Guy Benson has a Report: Biden in Deep, Deep Denial About His Bad Poll Numbers. At Da Caller, Biden Team Reportedly In Denial About President Getting Trounced In Polls By Trump. Don Surber explains How America came to hate FJB "Inflation, immigration, Afghanistan and Trump have done him in." Pete McArdle at Am Think on The Ravings of a Kindly Old Man with a Poor Memory. Ben Shapiro calls Joe Biden a Political Pinwheel. Mark Hemingway at Da Fed believes Biden’s Incompetence Is Outstripping Voters’ Fear Of Trump. At the Victory Girls, More Evidence That The Tide Is Turning: The “Never Biden” Crowd. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair wonders Will 'Never Bidens' Settle the Score? From WaEx, Paul Bedard sees Black voters fleeing Biden and Democrats over inflation and extremism and Byron York says Trump faces troubles but Biden campaign is dead in the water. Dave Keltz at Am Great, Who’s Ready For President Kamala Harris? "We will be doomed if she becomes the 47th president." Hat Hair VIP's KT, Kamala's Charm Offensive is an Epic Failure - Again

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.15.24, Twitchy, President Biden’s Aides Reportedly Worry About His “Psychological Torment” Over Hunter. Margot Cleveland at the Fed wonders Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblowers Aren’t Under Investigation, So Why Did Weiss Suggest They Were?. Matt Margolis at PJM, Snopes Admits Ashley Biden’s Diary Is Genuine, So Let’s Talk About What It Says. Ryan King at NYPo, Oversight Committee unveils blistering contempt report against AG Garland over Biden tapes.

Bob Spencer at PJM, Why Has Biden Betrayed Israel? Look at His New Special Counsel, Maher Bitar. From the Free Bacon, GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Continue Arms Sales to Israel. NewsMax reports White House Pushes Dems to Vote No on Israel Resolution. Hat Hair, Joe Biden Asks Democrats Not to Denounce Him. Virginia Kruta at Da Wire reports Biden Admin Signals Partial Reversal, Will Push Ahead With Arms Package Bound For Israel. "The previously withheld 2,000 lb bombs may not be a part of the deal." David Harsanyi at Da Fed explains How The Media And Democrats Helped Create The Israeli ‘Genocide’ Lie

At NYPo, Migrants charged in attack on NYPD cops in Times Square offered plea deals, including one who was rearrested. Da Wire, Previously Deported Illegal Migrant Charged In Connection With 3-Month-Old Baby’s Death. Breitbart, New Mexico Prosecutors: Migrants Gang Raped Deaf Woman in ‘Multi-Hour Nightmare’. Dave Strom at Hat Hair, COVID Emergency Policies Keep ICE From Detaining Migrants?! REALLY?! Nice Deb at Am Great reports Guatemalan Authorities Investigate Biden-linked NGO Suspected of Child-Trafficking Crimes "Save the Children operates in more than 120 countries, with U.S. operations headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut. Jill Biden was named board chair of the organization in February of 2017, a position from which she has reportedly since resigned. Since Joe Biden came to office, the NGO has reportedly received over $21 million in grant money for its work in Guatemala, most of the funding coming from USAID and the U.S. State Department."

Joe Lobue at Da Fed claims  Since Biden Inherited The Trump Boom, The Whole Economy’s Gone Bust. Even WaPoo's Glen Kessler admits Biden’s false claim that inflation was 9 percent when he took office. "In recent weeks, the president has misled about a key election issue." Capt. Ed comments "Biden is flat-out lying about the inflation rate when he took office, and he keeps repeating the lie when asked. It's not up for debate; we have hard figures for inflation, and it was 1.4% annualized when Biden took  office." Rick Moran at PJM sees a Financial Times-Michigan Ross Poll Shows Biden's Hopes Fall As Prices Rise. WSJ warns, Inflation Puts More Retirees at Risk of Running Out of Money. Fox Business, Fed's Powell says confidence that inflation will slow is 'not as high' as before.  Breitbart Business Digest: Powell Still Won’t Admit Rate Hikes Might Be Coming. Eric Boehm at Reason says Don't Give Biden a Pass on Inflation. Don't Give Trump a Pass on COVID. "Will the real president of the United States during the years 2020 through 2022 please stand up?"

Nick Pope at Da Caller, Biden Says That Americans Can Buy Any Car They Want. His Admin Is Forcing EVs To Be Huge Share Of Sales By 2032. VodkaPundit at PJM notices $7.5 Billion Later, Biden Is Up to 7 EV Charging Stations. At Hat Hair Salena Zito worries Steel Plant Falls in West Virginia, but No One Hears a Sound. Breitbart has a Report: Red Lobster Closes 100 Locations Around U.S. Ace, Red Lobster Goes Bankrupt, Walmart Slashes Workforce Because Bidenomics Is So Great. "Walmart will cut "hundreds" of jobs thanks to an economic miracle experts are calling "the Biden Boost."  They're also cutting benefits for the remaining employees."

At NYPo, Michael Goodwin thinks The 2024 race to the White House is now Donald Trump’s to lose. At Am Spec Jeff Lord discourses on Trump and the Significance of the Wildwood Rally "It can only be described as a movement."  and Scott McKay wonders Should Trump Follow the WSJ’s Vice-Presidential Advice? "Traditional political analysis doesn’t work anymore." WaEx, House Democrats investigate Trump dinner with oil executives over quid pro quo concernsTwitchy, She Still Can't Get Over 2016, Either: Hillary Clinton 'Can't Get Over' Trump's Offer to Oil CEOs.  

ReasonTV, Aaron Rodgers DEFENDS RFK Jr. after candidate is smeared as ‘MAGA-CRAZY’. He's nuts but he's not MAGA nuts. 

At GetBright, Study Says Up to 27% of Non-Citizens Illegally Registered to Vote. "Plus: About Those Trump Accusers…" Eric Lendrum at Am Great reports Ohio Removes Illegal Aliens from State Voter Rolls, opposed by Democrats. At Hat Hair Jazz Shaw sees GOP Senate Momentum in Maryland, West Virginia, with the primary victories of Larry Hogan, Jim Justice. 

TNP, Did Michael Cohen Commit Perjury AGAIN!? and Congressional Client of Loren Merchan’s Firm – Who Was Also LEAD COUNSEL for 1st Trump Impeachment – Coached Michael. Cohen for Cross-Examination. Capt. Ed, Is Michael Cohen Still Committing Perjury? (Updated) Is his mouth moving? Insty , I MEAN, I KNOW WHICH WAY TO BET: "Is Michael Cohen Still Committing Perjury? Related, from Jonathan Turley: “No sane prosecutor would rely on Cohen, let alone make him the entirety of their case.” Plus: Fixer-Turned-Felon Michael Cohen Testifies At Show Trial." Ace asserts Soros DA Alvin Bragg's Star Witness is a Convicted Perjurer Who's Perjuring Himself Further "Ed Morrissey recounts Michael Cohen's off-again, off-again relationship with the truth." At the Con Brief, Cohen May Have Blown Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump: Analysis. Susie Moore at RedState thinks a Blockbuster Appearance From His Former Attorney Blows Hole Through Michael Cohen's Testimony

At PM, JUST IN: Stormy Daniels' porn star husband says couple will 'vacate the country' if Trump found not guilty. And what a loss that would be. At Hat Hair, Bill Maher Decides to Reshare His 2018 Interview With Stormy Daniels and Things Aren't Adding Up. Ann Coulter at TownHall, catches the media portrayal of Stormy Daniels as the Rosa Parks of Porn Stars. Da Caller,  How A Blackmailing Prostitute And A Crooked Prosecutor Could Steal The 2024 Election. Jacob Sullum at Reason thinks The 'Heart' of Alvin Bragg's Case Against Trump Is Misdirection, "Contrary to what prosecutors say, the former president is not charged with "conspiracy" or "election fraud." Breitbart, Court Rules Against Donald Trump’s Gag Order Appeal. 'Bonchie' at RedState, WATCH: Sen. Kennedy Ends Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden in Under a Minute

At Da Fed Brianna Lyman notices a WaPo Opinion Editor Upset Lawfare Trials Aren’t Kneecapping Trump As Intended. Breitbart cites a Trump Pollster: ‘Political Persecution of Donald Trump Is Backfiring’. Da Fetched hears Elon Musk Make Major Prediction about 2024 ElectionElon Musk@elonmusk "The more unfair the attacks on Trump seem to the public, the higher he will rise in the polls." NBC cites GOP Sen. Mitt Romney says Biden should have pardoned Trump. "Romney, an outspoken Trump critic, told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle that Biden "made an enormous error" by not pardoning Trump in federal cases or pressuring New York prosecutors to drop the hush money charges." Matt Margolis thinks Karine Jean-Pierre May Have Admitted Too Much About Trump's Trial, it's about the election. PM, White House says Trump trial is 'related to 2024 elections'. "I can't speak to uh, um, don't wanna comment obviously as this is related to 2024 elections."

Twitchy, LOL, NO: Situation Room Officer Claims Mike Pence Was 'Close' to Being Killed on Jan. 6 and 'FBI Kept PUSHING': Damning Thread Shows Just How Involved the FBI Really WAS in Plot to 'Fednap' Whitmer. Ace, Assaults on Police Officers Are At Highest Level in 10 Years, Confesses Democrat Party "Law" Enforcement Agency the FBI "The Democrat Party is the party of death and disorder."357 Magnum, The FBI Has Truly Become the Stasi. Jacob Saget and James Sherk at Da Fed, fear a New Biden Rule Aims To Entrench The Deep State Forever. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, sees DOJ Busted for Illegally Retaliating Against Whistleblowers

TNP is outraged Pelosi Attacker Faces 40 Years, While Kavanaugh’s Attempted Murderer May Get ZERO Jail Time. Mary Margret Olohan at Da Signal, Mike Lee: Biden DOJ ‘Unjustly’ Persecuting Pro-Lifers, ‘Turning a Blind Eye’ to Leftist Crime and Pro-Life Activist Charged by Biden DOJ Gets Almost 5 Years in Prison for Trying to Stop Abortions. Jordan Boyd at Da Fed, Peaceful Pro-Lifer Gets Years In Prison After Biden DOJ Targeted Her Under FACE Act.

Nicole Silvero at Da Caller, Famed Journalist Says Press ‘Shouldn’t Be Neutral’ On Trump, Warns Of ‘Assassinations’ During 2nd Term, Nicholas Kristof. At NewsBusters Dorsey Spills on Twitter’s ‘Problematic’ Collusion with Gov’t Censors. Capt. Ed, "Hey, we were only mostly collaborating with government censors" is not the defense that Dorsey seems to think it is. They should have made these demands public, if not the specifics, and exposed the Big Brother system rather than collaborate in its violation of free speech. Elon Musk hasn't been perfect on this either, but at least he made sure everyone knew it. If Musk hadn't bought Twitter, the collaborators of Big Brother would still be shutting down debate and dissent." They still are. Dave Strom, Google Removes 35,000 YouTube Posts to 'Safeguard' EU Elections,

At Da Wire, Under Biden, Federal Foster Care Funds Can Be Used To Buy Kids Chest Binders, Fake Penises.  CJ calls Foster Children the New Pawn in the Gender Wars "A foster-care regulation from the Biden administration conditions federal funds on support for a child’s transgender identity." Da Caller, ‘Keep The Voices Down’: In Unearthed Video, Doctors Discuss Putting Mentally Ill Patients, Including Kids, On Hormones. PJM's Kevin Downey, The Morning Briefing, KDJ's Clown World Edition: As the Right Saves America, the Left Cancels Tinkerbell. Not gay enough. Jim Treacher, Warren Smith Learns It's Not Enough to Be Right "Leftists don't care about facts." TAT, When teaching to think is teaching wrong. He dared ask students to defend their anti JK Rowling diatribes.

Da College Fix, U. Delaware student faces hate crime charge in alleged Holocaust memorial vandalism and ‘Hundreds’ of Columbia faculty to go on strike if police not removed from campus. Oh, please do!  From the Free Bacon, Anti-Israel 'Anarchists And Communists' Take Credit for Smashing Windows, Releasing 500 Cockroaches Into University of California President's Office and Arab-Israeli Journalist Yoseph Haddad, Assaulted at Columbia, Says Campus Protests Are Middle Eastern Phenomenon. Bob Hoge at RedState sees Pro-Hamas Protesters Take Over UC Irvine Building, Quickly Find Out Things Are Different in Orange County. mrcTV, Narcissistic Activist Says Israel & the U.S. have 'No Right to Exist,' 'We've Been Trying to End Y'all'.  Campus Reform reports Cornell president steps down after seven years, becomes latest leader to resign amid Ivy League anti-Semitism epidemic. Julio Rosas at Da Blaze, LA County taxpayers are footing the bill for the defense of UCLA's arrested protestersCapt. Ed, "They would have had access to a public defender anyway -- the Miranda warning makes that clear -- but only if they couldn't afford to hire their own counsel. The supervisor voted to allow them to use the public defenders' office without regard to their financial status, which essentially redistributes resources from the poor to students attending an expensive university." Mary Chastain at LI observes Harvard Caves to Anti-Israel Encampment, Agrees to Most Demands. "Jewish student Shabbos Kestenbaum: “Jews here have no allies, no voice, and no advocates. The only way Harvard will ever change is sustained outside pressure. Please help us!”" From Front Page, Colleges Side With Radicals, "Their students be damned."  Am Con says it's Not Your Parents’ Protests. "Immigration-driven demographic changes and the advent of “wokeness” have radically changed the dynamics of campus politics." At NYPo, Survivor of Mao’s political purge getting ‘PTSD’ watching history repeat on college campuses Tyler O'Neal at Da Signal, BASED: Frat Boys Cause a Sensation by Defending Old Glory. Hat Hair's John Sexton notices Berkeley's Special Brand of 'Anti-Zionism' Has Spread to Middle Schools. TAW, Jewish student point fingers at the entity most responsible for campus antisemitism

Joe Klein at Front Page announces The House Passes the Landmark Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023. "Is it the right response to the Jew-hating, pro-Hamas mobs on campus?" When does Congress ever get it right the first time? The Free Bacon, Congress Launches Probe Into Groups Funding 'Pro-Hamas' Unrest on Campus. Ace, Congress to Investigate Foreign Pro-Hamas Donors to Campus Radicals. At Behind the Black, A database for identifying pro-Hamas anti-Semites. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair VIP, Pro-Hamas Libs Launch 'Blockout' Against Celebs. From Breitbart, Michigan Community Pushes Off Anti-Israel Resolution

Linked at 357 Magnum in Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 18 May. The Wombat has Early Morning Rule 5 Monday: Smokin’ Blonde and FMJRA 2.0: Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves ready and awaiting your attention at The Other McCain.

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