Thursday, May 30, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Jury Deliberation Begins

It's all over except for the jury decision. About the only excitement to be garnered is that the jury sent a request to the judge to review Cohen's and Pecker's testimonies and the judge's instructions, which I guess means someone actually intends to think about it one way or the other. At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.29.24 (Afternoon Edition), Twitchy,  NY Post Reports “Trump Deliberations Underway” & Twitter Reacts.  From the AP, Donald Trump’s hush money trial: Highlights from first day of jury deliberations. ABC,  Trump trial live updates: Jury to begin 2nd day of deliberations. At NewMax Trump Sums Up Prosecution's Closing Arguments: 'Boring! and Jonathan Turley: Trump Case Should End 'Not Guilty'.  At PJM Stephen Kruiser says America's Eyes Are Now on the Kangaroo Court Jury, Vicky Taft notes Trump Lawyer to Jury: You Can't Convict or Imprison a Man Based on the Words of a Convicted Liar and VodkaPundit thinks Judge Merchan's Instruction to the Jury Will Leave Your Jaw on the Floor. I can't say I'm that surprised.  Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Trump 'Hush Money' Judge Slams Defense Lawyer Yet Again. Sundance at CTH President Trump Delivers Remarks as Jury Deliberates in New York City, “Weaponized Deal to Manipulate Law”

Hat Hair cites Merchan to Jury: Choose Your Own AdventureJonathan Turley@JonathanTurley "...Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction. He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices.  Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous..."  Capt. Ed at Hat Hair adds "Needless to say, this is absurdly unconstitutional. Defendants are entitled to know the clear charges against them, and prosecutors are required to prove each element of the case. In this trial, the only reason these are felonies is because Bragg insists that Trump violated other laws, but never even presented a case on any of the three theories." At Da Caller,  Never-Trumper Andy McCarthy Says Trump Judge’s Instructions Are ‘Antithesis Of Standard’ As Jurors Don’t ‘Have To Agree On’ CrimeCapt. Ed, "There's already so much reversible error in this case that it almost feels as though Merchan has hit the 'f*** it' stage." Fusilli Spock@awstar11, "This just solidifies that Merchan has no expectation that a conviction will survive appeal and his one and only goal is to get to conviction, at any cost." At TownHall Sarah Arnold finds a CNN Analyst Shocked by Judge Merchan's Handling of Jury Instructions and Matt Vespa says Brace Yourselves for a Trump Conviction Because the Judge Just Tilted the Scales. Althouse is unconvinced, "The judge has now arrived at the reason prosecutors charged Trump with falsifying business records as a felony: Because, they say..." ""... he covered up a second crime, violating the state election law that forbids a conspiracy to aid a person’s election by unlawful means. The judge didn’t call specific attention to the layered nature of the two crimes — but this is where things get complicated. Some of the jurors are taking notes." From the NYT's live reporting of Justice Merchan's reading his instructions to the jury."

 NewsMax has one hopeful Report: One Juror Seems to Agree With Defense. At Da Caller, Jonathan Turley Says Trump Defense Made Right Move By Not Calling Alvin Bragg’s Missing Key Witness. For some reason, both sides seem to agree that calling Alan Weisselberg, Trump organizations former CFO dangerous to their side, which makes me want to hear from him. 

At the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 05.29.24 (Evening Edition), The Geller Reports ETHICS COMPLAINT FILED: Corrupt Biden Judge Presiding Over Trump’s NY Sham Trial “Randomly” Gets Every Anti-Trump Prosecution Case and The Federalist, Stefanik Complaint: Judge Merchan Was ‘Intentionally Selected’ To Ensure Trump Is Convicted.  Ace,  Rep. Stefanik Files Legal Complaint Against Merchan, Alleging His Selection to Judge Three Separate Trump Trials Was Obviously Rigged. "There are hundreds and hundreds of criminal judges in Manhattan. The odds that the same hardcore partisan and corrupt judge gets assigned all three? Zero point zero percent. "Hand-picked judge," Jonathan Turley calls him." Byron York at Front Page, channels George Conway, ‘Whatever They Can Get Him For Is Fine With Me’.  Dr Naomi Wolf@naomirwolf, "As a former Democratic political consultant, it’s deeply embarrassing to me that the party’s best idea now for winning is to imprison the opposition leader. The anti-Trump trials fly deeper into the Twilight Zone." (((Harry Enten)))@ForecasterEnten, "After all the testimony in Trump's hush money case, the effect on the public has been zero. Voters simply just don't care that much. They are far more tuned into news about inflation, immigration, etc. than Trump's trials. Unsurprisingly, Trump small lead over Biden is holding."

At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.29.24 (Afternoon Edition), The Federalist: Biden Pressers Confirm ‘Get Trump’ Lawfare Is A Campaign Stunt  Vicky Taft says that with their DeNiro stunt, BIDEN TEAM CONFIRMS: Trump NYC Trial Was a Biden Produced Political Show Trial. Althouse, "’The fact is whether he’s acquitted, whether it’s hung jury, whatever it is, he is guilty, and we all know it,' the actor said...". Stephen Kruiser at PJM says Robert De Niro Remains the Poster Boy for 'Just Shut Up and Sing' and Democrats Are Bathing in Desperation and Flop-Sweat. From Breitbart, Robert De Niro Slammed Online over Trump Press Conference: ‘Will Never Spend Money on Anything He’s in Again’. Capt. Ed hears the Biden Comms Director Gaslight: We Didn't Order the Code Travis Bickle

Matt Margolis is pleased when Judge Cannon Thwarts Jack Smith’s Attempt to Silence Trump. Breitbart, Judge denies request to restrict Trump statements about law enforcement in classified records case. Margot Cleveland at Da Fed says Judge Aileen Cannon Is The Latest Object Of Democrats’ Recusal Obsession

Pete Van Buren at Am Con, This List of Schemes and Hoaxes Shows What Trump Is Up Against. "What “normal” candidate would want to run for president knowing they would be exposed to such efforts?" At the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 05.29.24 (Evening Edition), Joe Lobue at Da Fed asserts Democrats, Not Trump, Are The Real Crooked Record-Keepers. At Da Caller, Which Party Is The Real ‘Threat To Democracy’? Democrats.

Ace,  Human Dirtgrub Michael Cohen to Run For Congress "As a Democrat? That fits. He's got the ethical and psychological profile sought by the Democrat Party." And speaking of Human Dirtgrubs, SCOTUS Declines Avenatti Appeal; Kavanaugh Recuses, at Hat Hair.  Chuck Glasser at Insty, CNN reporting that “Supreme Court turns away appeal from disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti.” "CNN not reporting that Avenatti appeared on a fawning CNN 108 times between March 7 and May 10, 2018"

Matt Vespa wonders Did Joe Biden Fall Asleep at a Memorial Day Ceremony? From RedState, Nick Arama reveals What the Biden Campaign Doesn't Want You to Know About His Philly Audience (it was tiny) and Biden Remarks in Philly Are a Slurring Race-Baiting Mess, With Mind-Bending Brain Breaks. Hat Hair's KT watches Jill Biden on The View: Trump vs Biden is Battle Against Evil and Chaos. Spencer Lindquist at Da Wire, Majority Of Democrats Approve Of Replacing Biden With New Candidate, Poll Finds. Twitchy, Read the Polls! Biden Tells Reporter Dems Want Him to Run (and Check Out the Faces on the Agents).  Roanoke College Poll: Biden and Trump tied in VirginiaCapt. Ed, "When was the last time a Republican won Virginia? Twenty years ago, when George W. Bush carried it, the last in a GOP streak dating back to 1964. If Virginia's becoming a battleground state, that does not bode well for Democrats at all." Althouse, What gender gap? Da Lid sees CNN is Worried: Donald Trump’s Black Support has Doubled. KT at Hat Hair VIP, Biden and Harris Take Their Act on the Road Searching for Black Votes. Breitbart notices Joe Biden Enlists January 6 Police Officers to Campaign in Swing States, are they still getting their regular Federal pay? Also, Top Democrat Official in Michigan Battleground County Refuses to Back Biden. J. Bob Smith at Am Think thinks If Biden is Reelected, It’s about War. Ben Shapiro at PJM tells of  The Campaign of Delusion, or dementia.

Capt. Ed,  Convention? What Convention? Dems Kill Biden Escape Hatch "Rather than wait for the convention to nominate Joe Biden as their presidential nominee, the DNC will hold a "virtual roll call" to nominate Biden in time for Ohio's August 7 ballot deadline." Jazz Shaw, DNC to Nominate Biden/Harris Virtually and Early. Ace, Cuckold Review: Republicans Have a Sacred Duty to Rewrite Ohio State Law to Put Joe Biden on the Ballot "And also -- if they don't rush to do this, they're terrible hypocrites about "lawfare" and every bit as bad as Alvin Bragg and and Jack Smith. This is National Review, everyone. America's Conservative Beacon."

TownHall's Guy Benson thinks Newly-Revealed Text Messages Present New, Sordid Problem for Joe and Hunter Biden. KT, RFK, Jr. Super PAC President to Publish Tell-All by Hunter Biden's Baby Mama. Bryan Jung at PJM, EXCLUSIVE: Single Mom Who Found Ashley Biden's Diary Says She's Victim of Corrupt DOJ.

Grayson Bakich at PJM reports an Illegal With Extensive Rap Sheet Arrested for West Virginia Murder. MxM News, Illegal alien wanted by Interpol for murder seen crying during arrest after crossing border under Biden

Ace, Biden's Terrorist-Aid Pier Is Now Sinking "The Bee->"

Hat Hair's John Sexton reports People Are Still Feeling the Pain of Inflation

At WaEx, Paul Bedard claims the Odds of Trump winning at highest point. Adam Turner at RedState on The 'Two Minutes Hate' for Donald Trump. Henry Rogers at Da Caller reports a Trump-World Lawyer Sends House GOP Playbook For How To End Biden ‘Election Interference’ "Davis specifically mentions House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, saying he must “issue subpoenas for documents and require sworn testimony of those involved from the Biden White House, Biden Justice Department, Biden Democrat state and local prosecutors’ offices, and all others–both inside and outside of government–involved in this criminal conspiracy against President Trump.”"  Sean Davis@seanmdav, "When Mitt Romney ran for president, Joe Biden said he was going to reinstitute slavery and put black people in chains." Quoting Jonathan Lemire@JonLemire "“This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.’ It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.’”" 

The Free Bacon goes Inside RFK Jr.'s Political Bromance With Rand Paul. NewsMax, reports RFK Jr. Files FEC Complaint Claiming Debate CollusionCapt. Ed, "If nothing else, the Commission for Presidential Debates offered some screening of liability for such lawsuits, although they routinely got similar complaints from minor parties over debate exclusion."

Da Fed's Shawn Fleetwood is disturbed by Michelle Obama’s Dark Money Group Campaign To Turn Out Likely-Democrat Voters

At In My Tribe, Arnold Kling examines Jewish Christophobia "Fear of Christians keeps many Jews on the left."

At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.29.24 (Afternoon Edition)  Da Lid reports Biden’s DOJ Claims ‘Deadly Force’ Order Necessary Because Trump Had ‘Knives’ in Mar-a-Lago Kitchen. Althouse, "There is concern for potential violent protests regardless of who wins the presidency in November."  "Although more are concerned about potentially violent protests by Trump supporters if Biden wins (36% very concerned; 31% somewhat concerned), there is also concern about violent protests by Biden supporters if Trump wins (19% very concerned; 29% somewhat concerned). Democrats were much more concerned about Trump supporters’ reactions (54% very concerned; 30% somewhat concerned), while Republicans were about equally concerned regardless of who wins." People seem to have forgotten the DC riots when Trump won in 2016. Sundance hears a Remarkable and Truthful Statement About FBI Political Surveillance "Governor Phil Bryant: “I’m the campaign finance director for Donald Trump in Mississippi, so we raise money. I’ve talked to a number of very wealthy individuals that God has blessed that say I can’t give money to Donald Trump because the FBI will show up at my door.”" Brandon Morse at RedState, DOJ Tracked 'Moms for Liberty' As a Hate Group, According to Uncovered Emails. NewsMax, Report: DOJ Tracked Moms for Liberty as Hate Group.

Jordan Schachtel at The Dossier notices the Biden White House spins up 'scientific integrity council' to shield Government Health bureaucrats and DEI agenda from possible Trump second term. HE, Far-left outlets now pretend to care about ‘free speech’ now that their antisemitism is being challenged.

mrcTV reports Girls Refuse to Clap As Biological Boy Takes First Place In Their State Race. At the Stream, Protect the Children Part 4: What Is Grooming Culture and How Is Your School Promoting It? At Hat Hair, Jazz Shaw, Cruel and Unusual: Female Prisoners on Living With Trans Prisoners, and John Sexton, UK Announces Temporary Ban on Puberty Blockers. The Free Bacon reports California Dems Want To Fast-Track Medical Licenses for Applicants Who Will Provide Gender-Affirming CareCapt. Ed, "This is a state that notoriously slow-walks licensing and permitting for business start-ups. Rick Perry had a field day at Jerry Brown's expense by talking to California businessmen and explaining how they could get approvals for construction in six weeks in Texas that took 18 months in California." Spiked, Ricky Gervais has every right to ridicule trans activists

From Campus Reform, Yale students call for 'open intifada,' say activists should 'escalate disruption' and 'paralyze all aspects of normal life' Back at ya, girls. Ace, Yale Terrorists Call for "Open Intifada" Against the Citizens of the United States "Not a peep of criticism -- much less hysterical alarm -- from those who bleat about "insurrection" and "Muh Normzzz" every single day."

Priorities, Twitchy reports a  Manhunt Underway for Driver Who Left Tire Marks on a Pride Mural.

Hat Hair reports Politico dismayed, Alito to Critics: Pound Sand, I Won't RecuseYashar Ali@yashar "NEWS San Francisco has removed the “Appeal To Heaven” flag which has been flying outside of City Hall for decades. This is the same flag that was flying outside of the Alito’s beach home."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Out Of The Cellar up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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