Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Michael Cohen Testilies

At the NYPo, Trump’s ‘hush money’ NYC trial live updates: Trump slams ‘CORRUPT’ judge, accuses him of making ‘BIG MONEY OFF OF THIS SCAM’ in early morning rant Cohen spotted heading to court. Vicky Taft at PJM, Serial Perjurer Michael Cohen Testifies for the Prosecution in Trump NYC Trial. Jonathan Turley at home,  The Appearance of Michael Cohen: A Wreck in Search of a Race. "Michael Cohen is to criminal justice what car crashes are to Nascar: few want to admit it, but he is the perverse draw for the wreck-obsessed. The difference is that Cohen was already a rolling smoking wreck when he pulled up to the track." And from NYPo he says ‘Mr. Fix-It’ Michael Cohen bombs on the stand, offers no new evidence to convict Trump, "The problem is that Cohen only confirmed that Trump knew he was going to pay for the nondisclosure agreement and that it would be buried before the election. None of that is unlawful. He thinks Judge Merchan should intervene and direct a verdict of not guilty.  "Absent a sudden epiphany in his final testimony on Tuesday, Merchan should rule in favor of a directed verdict — that is, throwing the case out before it goes to a jury. If he instead sends this farcical case to the jury, it is Merchan, not Cohen, who may have a better claim to a reality show as the ultimate “Fix-It Man.”" I think it's pretty naïve to of Turley to think this case is about the facts and the law. At OTP, Trump ‘Never’ Sends Emails, Afraid ‘Prosecutors Can Use’ Them Against Him, and one can see why. Also, Trump's Defense Scrambles As Bombshell Tape Played In Court. ET, Republican VP Hopeful JD Vance Shows Up at Court for Trump. From NewsMax, Sen. Vance: Michael Cohen Can't Be Believed. Jonathan Turley notices Bragg’s Case Against Trump Goes Paranormal: “I See Dead People.” "It turns out that speaking to the dead was one of the few relevant things Daniels had to offer in the case, which is now on a collision course with a motion for acquittal before the case even goes to the jury." Madeleine Hubbard at JTN, Call records between Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels' ex-attorney deleted, paralegal testifies. Brianna Lyman at Da Fed, Paralegal Testimony: Alvin Bragg’s Office Tampered With Evidence. Dave Strom at Hat Hair reveals the Trial Judge's Daughter Helped Campaign to Kick Trump Off Colorado Ballot, but there's no conflict! In Trump's other New York trial, Judge in Trump Trial Faces Corruption Allegations according to Bryan Jung at PJM. "Real estate attorney Adam Leitman Bailey admitted to NBC last week that he gave unsolicited advice to Engoron, three weeks before he made his decision on the case, which is strictly forbidden by law."

Ace wakes up and notices Judge Cannon Will Hold Hearing to Determine if Jack Smith Was Unconstitutionally Appointed (He Was), and If His Indictments Should Be Quashed "He was never confirmed by the Senate. Only an officer confirmed by the Senate has the power to bring prosecutions against senators. But Merrick Garland didn't want Jack Smith to have to answer questions about his past and his politics so he merely hired him as an employee, not an "officer" of the US." ET, Federal Judge Orders Trump, Jack Smith to File New Redactions in Documents Case. "The orders were issued in relation to a February motion submitted by President Trump’s team that had alleged prosecutors unlawfully obtained evidence in the case along with other alleged prosecutorial misconduct. “The names of potential witnesses or clearly identifying information, ancillary names,” and other information relating to ”grand jury materials” should be redacted, the May 9 order said." At Tell Me How this Ends, Chris Bray has a good essay on how Mark Pomerantz Revealed the Madness of the Trump Cases, While Trying to Do the Opposite. "show me the man and i'll show you the crime"

Stacy McCain, notes gleefully Even CNN Has to Admit Biden’s Losing. Paul Bedard at WaEx, Better off under Biden? Fifty-four percent say ‘no,’ most black and Hispanic people agree. Nicole Silvero at Da Caller reports CNN’s Van Jones Says Young People Are ‘Miserable’ Under Joe Biden. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair has a NYT/Siena Battleground Poll: Voters Want Change -- Again. The Babylon Bee snarks  Latest Polls Show Biden Will Need Twice As Many Fake Ballots To Win Election This Year  

WSJ calls it The George Costanza Presidency "With each expedient act, from climate policy to the Mideast, Joe Biden digs a deeper hole for himself." 'Becca Downs at TownHall sees Dems in Disarray Over Bill to Force Biden to Release Hold on Ammunition for Israel. Jed Babbin at Am Spec, Impeach Biden? "No. The Congress should compel Biden to use any available weapon to pressure Hamas and free the hostages." PJM's VodkaPundit wants you to Meet the Jihadi Inside the White House, Maher Bitar. Are we sure there's only one? Dan Chaitin at Da Wire reports Cotton Accuses Biden Of Imposing A ‘De Facto Arms Embargo’ Against Israel. Sarah Arnold at TownHall, hears the Biden Admin Is Reportedly Bribing Israel to Not Invade Rafah. From Breitbart, VP Contender Doug Burgum on Biden Withholding Military Aid from Israel: ‘He’s Actually Negotiating for the Terrorists.’ Nick Pope at Da Caller, More Than 100 Lawmakers Slam Biden For Withholding Weapons From Israel

BPR, Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley admits diary describing showers with her dad is real. Hear the crickets? Ace, Ashley Biden Wrote Letter to Judge Confirming That Diary Reporting That Biden Showered With Her Until a "Not Appropriate" Age Is Real. "Snopes has been denying this for years -- and this is one of the "fact" checking outfits which social media companies use to decide whether to censor/throttle accounts. It was false for years, now it's true." Jacob Sullum at Reason, explains Why a Federal Judge Rejected Hunter Biden's Second Amendment Challenge to His Gun Charges. "Likening drug users to people who are "mentally ill and dangerous," the ruling says barring them from owning firearms is not unconstitutional on its face." ET, House Takes Steps to Hold Attorney General in Contempt, "The U.S. Department of Justice is refusing to turn over subpoenaed audio recordings." At NewsMax, House Oversight Moves on Contempt Charge for AG Garland.

Stacy McCain on Media Monday: Does Joe Biden Really Have a ‘Brand as an Empathetic Leader’? "There are days when I read things in the mainstream media that just boggle my mind. Today was one of those days: "Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki claims in her new book that President Biden never looked at his watch during the ceremony for soldiers killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 — contradicting news photos and firsthand accounts of Gold Star families." Matt Foldi at TownHall, Gold Star Families Blast Jen Psaki's Lies: 'Her Useless A** Wasn't Even There'. 'Bonchie' at RedState, Jen Psaki Outright Lies About Biden in Her New Book, and the Backlash Has Her Scrambling. Hat Hair cites Anxious, Jen Psaki Lied in Her Book? Shocking I Tell You! Dave Strom adds, "I think the media is getting ready for a new Trump presidency, and while they hate him with a white-hot burning passion brighter than the sun, they are likely also resentful that they have had to cover for the corrupt and inept Biden administration. Perhaps they are taking shots while they can." and John Sexton observes Jen Psaki Attacked 'Misinformation' About Biden in Her New Book, but Her Account was Misinformation. Ace, Shock: Habitual Liar Jen Psaki Habitually Lied In Her New Book (Which Blasts "Misinformation," BTW); She Claims Gold Star Family Members Lied When They Said Biden Kept Checking His Watch at the Dignified Remains Transfer Ceremony. "Oh, what an absolutely delightful! She bakes cookies for the reporters! Oh, what a sweetie!" VodkaPundit, The Dirty Little Secret Behind Jen Psaki's Memoir (and Most Every Other D.C. Book). Ghostwriters. "For politicians," he continued, "I would estimate that maybe 1 percent write their own books. Some spend occasional time with their ghostwriter in order to best express their personality and ideas."

The Freep, Nonprofits Are Making Billions off the Border Crisis "Federal funding has turned the business of resettling migrant children into a goldmine for a handful of NGOs—and their top executives." Dan Crenshaw@DanCrenshawTX, "Leftist NGOs have made a multi-billion dollar industry out of the border crisis. They have zero incentive to actually solve the problem. The worse it gets, the more they cash in." Mary Chastain at LI, New Panama President Wants to Shut Down ‘Crucial Migration Gap.’ “Panama and our Darien are not a transit route. It is our border.”  From Da Wire a report that Democrat Colin Allred Attended Event Where Illegal Aliens Were Taught How To Evade Authorities.

Ace, NYT Poll Shows Trump Leading In Five Swing States; Trump Draws 100,000+ in Rally In Democratic New Jersey. Fox, White House should be 'concerned' as Trump rallies as many as 100k in deep-blue New Jersey: 'Extraordinary'. "Trump reportedly rallied between 80k and 100k supporters in Wildwood on Saturday according to the Associated Press." YaHoo! whines that Trump leads his supporters in vulgar chants at Jersey Shore rally. "The former president said he had been indicted "more than the great Alphonse Capone… on bullshit, too." It prompted members of the crowd to chant "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!" in response." OTP, Trump At Rally: ‘Everything They Touch Turns To What?’ Cheering Crowd: ‘SH*T’. JTN,  sees Trump tax cuts, past and possibly future, becoming important election year issue. "The sweeping Trump-era tax cuts in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 are set to expire next year, setting up the tax debate as a potentially key political issue this election year." At Da Mai, Two highly partisan Psychologists make frightening prediction about Trump's cognitive decline and the personality trait that will only get WORSE. He's still light-years ahead of Biden in cognition. Da Fetched finds Leftists Triggered after Trump Calls for Child Sex Traffickers to Get Death Penalty. From Insty, WHO DO YOU LIKE FOR VP? “Assuming no shenanigans occur with the election (yes, a BIG assumption indeed), Donald Trump is on a very promising track to secure his second term as POTUS.” "J.D. Vance seems like the obvious choice to me, which means it will probably be someone else."

At ET, Judge Rejects Democrat Lawsuit Challenging Wisconsin Absentee Voting Requirements. "Challengers’ position ‘simply does not make sense,’ judge finds." Just the Facts cites a Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote. And they vote predominantly for Democrats. Ben Weingarten at Da Fed, Here’s Fresh Evidence Biden’s Using Your Tax Dollars To Turn Out Democrat Votes In 2024.

Rusty Weiss at RedState cites Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th. "People at the highest levels of government reportedly bypassed a direct, lawful command from President Trump because they were concerned about "optics."" Madeleine Hubbart at JTN reports the  FBI is probing whether Iran envoy Rob Malley mishandled classified info:  "Malley, who has been on unpaid leave since he was suspended last year, has denied any wrongdoing." Michael Shellenberger @shellenberger "In 2021, the UK government said it had not weaponized the Army's "information warfare" unit, the 77th Brigade, against the British people. But it had. Thus, it lied. . . ."

Insty, at his NYPo gig predicts Protesters, colleges are about to find out that, yes, the law DOES apply to them, too. From the College Fix, Far-left U. Wisconsin student groups suspended after antisemitic chalkings. Sister Toldja at RedState  wants you to WATCH: Frat Dudes Race to the Rescue Again With Hilarious Challenge to Antifa During U-Washington Event. Hat Hair's John Sexton, UNC-Chapel Hill Cuts DEI Funding, Transfers It to Campus Police. Herr Professor Jacobson at LI thinks Anti-Israel campus protesters have experienced “some kind of psychiatric break”.  "My interview with Mishpacha Magazine: “I do think it’s a psychological phenomenon, which makes it harder to deal with. It’s almost become a cult, and in order to be accepted into the cult, you have to announce your hatred for Israel, you have to announce support for people who actually hate you. So there’s something that’s hard to address, because you have people who’ve had some sort of mental breakdown.”" At Reason, 'Dozens' of Duke Students Walking Out of Seinfeld's Commencement Speech Is Not a Story "The media's habit of highlighting fringe voices out of context continues to create distorted pictures of reality." Hat Hair's KT says It's Not that Pro-Hamas Supporters Walked Out on Seinfeld, His Speech Was the Story

The Tax Prof takes note of a WSJ Op-Ed: The Smear Campaign Against ‘Christian Nationalists’. "[T]he slandering of evangelical Christians is more than a campaign strategy or proof of secularism’s triumph. Stripped of its academic jargon and pretense, it is a fashionable but insidious bigotry that seeks to marginalize and disqualify from our civic discourse tens of millions of Americans who take their faith seriously. ..."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves ready and awaiting your attention at The Other McCain.

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