Thursday, May 23, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Hunter Accused of Perjury, Joe Off Ohio Ballot, FBI Prepared to Shoot Up Mar-a-Lago

Brooke Singman at Fox reports House GOP claims Hunter Biden lied under oath multiple times during congressional deposition. "The committee claims Hunter Biden mischaracterized his role working for his firm, Rosemont Seneca, and actually controlled bank accounts he claimed in his deposition he did not.  The committee also said Hunter Biden claimed he did not help a foreign national obtain a visa, but the committee says emails between himself and his former associate Devon Archer show that the first son helped a man named Miguel Aleman with visa documents. The committee also pointed to Hunter Biden's claim that he sent a text to the wrong "Zhao," due to being under the influence, but WhatsApp records show Hunter Biden only spoke with one Zhao — Henry Zhao of Chinese energy firm CEFC." NYPo, House committee votes to release evidence that Hunter Biden ‘indisputably’ lied under oath to Congress. Didn't they read the fine print, it's only illegal for Republicans to lie to Congress.

Stacy McCain proposes we consider Cognitive Decline as a Policy Principle: Understanding Biden’s Confused Agenda "Would the policies be better if Joe Biden wasn’t senile? I don’t know — Democrats are Democrats, and their policies are always bad — but there might be more coherence to the administration’s policies if it were not for the blatantly obvious mental decline of the Geezer-in-Chief." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.21.24 (Evening Edition), Twitchy: Joy Behar Scolds Bill Maher For Not Doing Enough To Protect “Corpse-Like” Joe Biden and Chicago Boyz have A Word About Presidential Debates, There is only one excuse for Trump to accept the challenge to two debates as he did:  to force Biden into a public forum requiring him to put his dubious conversational skills in the spotlight for an extended period of time. Only time will tell if White House handlers can get the tana leaves mixed right for Biden to appear at least halfway cogent," The Geller Reports Biden to Black Graduates: America Hates You, and Legal Insurrection, Joe Biden’s Race-Baiting and Divisive Speech at Morehouse College Reeked of Political Desperation. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair notes the White House Issues a Huge List of 'Corrections' to Biden's Detroit Speech. Jim Geraghty at NRO, What If Biden’s Poll Numbers Haven’t Been ‘Wrong All Along’? "Is Biden campaigning like a guy who’s well ahead?" Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, "I suppose Biden wants to claim the mythical "right-wing media bias" for polling results, a laughable attempt to distract from progressive control of establishment media. However, even if one bought that argument, not all polls are media partnerships ... and all of the polling shows Biden as deeply unpopular, more so than Trump himself." PJM's Stephen Kruiser say Good Luck Chasing the Youth Vote Unicorn, Grandpa Joe. Nick Arama at RedState sees Sign of Trouble in the Blue States? Biden Gets Mocked Over Sparsely Attended Event. Ace, The Torricelli Option Is On the Table: Leftwing Bloomberg Begins Polling Trump v. Kamala Harris, Anticipating a Biden Departure "Hilarious. Obviously, Trump thumps Kumala. But why even ask? What are they hearing?" 'Bonchie' at RedState, NEW: Biden Is Off the Ohio General Election Ballot After State Legislature Tells Him to Pound Sand. Hat Hair's KT hears Trump Is Tied With Biden in...New Hampshire?  

Steve Hayward at Power Line goes Behind the Student Debt Shuffle: The Daily Chart. "Two features of the Biden proposal stand out. One part forgives debt for those who attended a low‐​financial value program (e.g., programs or colleges that fail the Cohort Default Rate or Gainful Employment). A second feature will forgive debt for those undergoing economic hardship. And who might qualify for these two stipulations? This chart gives a hint:" Capt. Ed, "Is anyone surprised? This has been nothing more than a vote-buying scheme to keep Dems in power, funded by taxpayers." @amuse@amuse "EQUITY: Democrats like NBC's @PeterAlexander are starting ask the right questions. Why is it okay for Biden to give $35K to people who went to college and not give $35K to people who became janitors, plumbers, or electricians. Why should workers pay for college graduate's debt?" Ace, Biden Announces Another Multibillion Dollar Giveaway of Republican Taxpayer Money to Democrat Layabouts. Update: Trump Tied with Biden in NH; No One Shows Up to Hear Biden "Speak" in NH "The president is allowed to make up laws and direct how taxpayer funds will be spent without the input of Congress. Didn't you know that, Racist?" NYPo, Biden to sell off 1M barrels of gasoline held in reserve to keep prices low before election. “Releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast reserve is a desperate move by Joe Biden to lower prices that HE raised,” tweeted Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.).”This reserve is meant for emergencies, not as a cover-up for Biden’s failed economic policies.” Roger Kimball at Da Spec, The Biden administration’s race-based tax plan is disgusting, "It is a malevolent effort to destroy middle-class prosperity by brandishing race." Beege Welborn at Hat Hair thinks #Bidenomics is Pretty Dang Good for Ee-Ville Corporations, Pretty Sucky for the Rest of Us

Hat Hair's Dave Strom, Of Course: Biden Was Plotting With Iran Against Israel and John Sexton, Well Done: Sen. Ted Cruz Grills Sec. of State Blinken Over Treatment of Iran, Israel.  Gabriel Noronha@GLNoronha, "Read this letter. Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal. He even ran away from a White House meeting to avoid getting confronted by the Attorney General." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.21.24 (Evening Edition), This Ain’t Hell: Americans potentially involved with a failed coup in Congo,“We Don’t Know Jack, but We Know This” – Iran, “C.Q.” Brown’s Gaza Advice. Ace cites Bill Melugin: Groups Comprised of Nothing but Men from Iran, Pakistan, China, and Turkey Are Now Slipping Past Our Border, With Nary a Mexican in Sight

Nice Deb at Am Great, FBI Agents Were Authorized to Use Deadly Force and Told to Be Prepared to Engage With Trump and Secret Service During Mar-a-Lago Raid. I rather suspect that's pretty standard with the FBI, but it would have been exciting if they had an open gunfight with the SS. Trump was not at Mar-a-Lago during the raid. 

Ace, Alan Derschowitz: Judge Merchan is a "Tyrant" and the Worst Judge I've Ever Seen; He Threatened to Strike All of Bob Costello's Testimony -- Depriving the Defendant of His Defense Witness -- if Costello Raised an Eyebrow Over His Insane Rulings. ""Hand-picked" judge." Capt. Ed asks and answers Just How Bad Was Cohen's Performance -- And Merchan's?. Dramatic reading at link. Kurt Schlichter at TownHall, on the Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court  "Everything about it is a lie and a scam, and as soon as you understand that you will understand this disgraceful case." Jacob Sullum at Reason reasons Alvin Bragg's Case Against Trump Presents a Tangle of Interacting Laws and Intent Puzzles. "To convert a hush payment into 34 felonies, prosecutors are relying on a chain of assumptions with several weak links. End Wokeness@EndWokeness, "AOC says the quiet part out loud: They stopped Trump from campaigning by putting him in a "legal version of an ankle bracelet"" Capt. Ed, No, it's an embarrassment to the rule of law and to the notion of free and fair elections. This is banana-republic turf, and it should be embarrassing to Ocasio-Cortez that she's so comfortable with it ... when it benefits her side. Just wait until the same strategy gets applied to her or her allies. Because that's how banana republics work, too." Althouse thinks AOC is Glorying in the humiliation of others — it's not an endearing trait. Stephen Kruiser, The Democrats Are Everything They Say They Fear About Trump. Projection is one of their skillsets. Athena Thorne at PJM, ‘Under Color of Law’: The Colorful Way Trump Could Prosecute His Tormenters, "And anyway, the goal is no longer to win: it's to torment, impoverish, and sandbag your opponents." Dave Strom, The Trumpire Strikes Back.

PM, BREAKING: Nikki Haley endorses Trump for president. "She said while Trump "has not been perfect" on policies important to her, Biden "has been a catastrophe." NRO, Nikki Haley Says She Will Vote for Trump. TownHall's Sarah Arnold reports a CNN Analyst Shocked By Trump's Surge In Support Among Surprising Group, black voters and  Trump Scores Huge Donation From Unexpected Group, The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) OTH, PJM's Rick Moran claims Trump Voters Are Defecting to Robert Kennedy Over the Vaccine Issue. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw disappointed by Trump's Bad Joke About a Third Term. At Althouse, "Is Gavin Newsom trying to help Donald Trump?..." ""California’s [gas] prices are the highest in the country—$5.21 a gallon on average vs. $3.59 nationwide—owing to hefty taxes and burdensome regulations, such as its cap-and-trade program and low-carbon fuel standard," and "The new Trump movie has his campaign in an uproar...." Hat Hair features J.D. Vance Makes 'Face the Nation' Host Look Like a Fool

Dave Strom, Judge Rules That Noncitizens Can't Be Discriminated Against in Voting Matters "A federal judge in Florida thinks so and has ruled against a Florida law that bars aliens from engaging in voter registration drives." Alpha News, Latest ranked-choice voting bill fails on House floor. "Three DFLers crossed party lines and voted against the RCV measure in the final hours of session " in Minnesota. At Twitchy, PolitiFact Debunks Speaker Mike Johnson's Claim of Migrants Being Able to Register to Vote. "So illegals are voting, but it's rare, so we shouldn't worry about it."  Fuzzy Slippers at LI, sees Media Traps: NBC News Tries Gotcha Question On Rubio About Accepting The Election Outcome “No Matter What”  “No matter what happens? No! If it’s an unfair election, I think it’s going to be contested by each side.”

The Wombat has and FMJRA 2.0: There Must Be Some Kind Of Way Out Of Here up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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