Sunday, May 19, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Drug Testing for Sleepy Joe?

From ET, Trump Agrees to 4th Presidential Debate, Biden Refuses "‘These are the debates that voters have been asking for, and these are the debates that voters will get!’ President Trump said, with the Biden campaign refusing." But there's a kicker. Misti Severi at JTN reports Donald Trump suggests Biden will be 'jacked up' on drugs for presidential debates. Well, he did seem a little more alert than usual at the SOTU and Adderall is used to treat Alzheimer's.  TNP, GOP Congressman Claims Evidence Biden Was Under Influence During State of the Union. 

Murphy, a practicing surgeon, told Bartiromo that he did not believe the 81-year-old Biden could stay under the lights for the duration of the address or maintain focus on his concepts without aid. “I believe they gave him something to sustain the lights and sustain the vigor that he had. That was not Joe Biden. I was in there. He screamed for two hours,” he said. Murphy added: “I think I can have some evidence that shows that he was given something before.”

Fox,  Trump predicts 'jacked up' Biden at upcoming debates, blasts Bidenomics in battleground speech. "Trump said he was going to 'demand a drug test' for Biden ahead of any debates." Nick Arama at Red State, Trump Calls for a Drug Test Requirement for Debate, Biden Team Response Tells You All You Need to Know. It's not like there's no history of drug use in the family. NYPo, Trump demands drug test for Biden before first presidential debate. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Drug Testing Prior to Presidential Debates? Rich Lowry to Newsmax: Biden Had all the 'Leverage' on Debate.

Hat Hair's KT hears Big Donors Still Hate Trump But They Hate Biden's Policies More Now. Reagan Reese at Da Caller, ‘Extremely Alarmed’: Strategists Break Down Major Red Flag For Democrats In Latest Polling  "If I were Biden, I would be extremely alarmed by this gap that you’ve got voters out there saying, ‘yeah, I’d like to vote for this Democratic senator, but not Joe Biden.’ That is a huge red flag for them,”"  Also at Da Caller,  ‘Biggest Mistake Of My Life’: Biden 2020 Voters Explain Why They’re Backing Trump In 2024. More from Nick Arama, Biden Messes Up HBCUs and Tells Another Tall Tale During Confused Remarks. Matt Vespa at Town Hall thinks Whoever Edited this Clip About Biden Deserves Major Props...And Trump Certainly Noticed It

At Twitchy, The Excitement for Biden is Palpable as POTUS' Motorcade Moves Through Atlanta. At least four people held up by traffic. From Ed Sriscoll at Insty, PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE . . .

FFE does the math and finds Households Earning $300k+ a Year Are Biggest Beneficiaries of New Student Debt ‘Cancellation’ Plan, Penn Wharton Study Finds "The average debt relief for these households is $25,500 according to the study." Just coincidentally, the households that donate most to Democrats. Nick Pope at Da Caller, ‘This Will Kill Jobs’: Biden Admin Moves To End Future Leasing In One Of America’s Richest Coal Regions. At Unherd, Biden won’t win his war with China. "America's gamble could up end the global status quo."

Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair is concerned about Wisconsin Special/General Election Confusion Caused by Gallagher, who stuck a finger in the GOP's eye as he resigned from Congress. Florida's Voice reports Judge strikes down part of Florida law targeting noncitizens helping with voter registration, allowing non-citizens to participate in voter registration drives. 

TNP reports Anti-Trump Impeachment Counsel, Congressman, Sent Money DIRECTLY To Judge Merchan’s Family. "Representative Daniel Goldman (D-NY) appears to have sent over $160,000 in checks to the home address of Loren Merchan — the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who presides over former President Donald J. Trump‘s Manhattan hush money trial. The National Pulse reported Tuesday that Goldman acknowledged preparing disgraced serial perjurer Michael Cohen for his cross-examination by Trump’s defense attorneys, which occurred during the trial this week." Cathy Salgado at PJM, cites Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: ‘Caution’ Letter Proves Judge Merchan’s Ethics Violation. At ET, Rep. Bob Good Says GOP Lawmakers Voiced What Gag Order ‘Not Allowing’ Trump to Say. "Rep. Bob Good said GOP lawmakers went to the Manhattan court to ’say the things that this corrupt judge is not allowing him to say.’" Hat Hair's KT, Red Ties Show Up, Speak Out for Trump in NYC. From the TN Star, Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles Introduces the ‘Let Trump Speak Act’. I predict it won't pass the Senate. TownHall's Kurt Schlichter predicts The Trump Trial Farce Will Only Make Him Stronger

Althouse, "I think he’s praying. But if he is sleeping, you know, he certainly looks pretty while he sleeps." "Said Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, reacting to Congressman Robert Garcia, who'd had some reason to point out that Trump seems to be sleeping some of the time at his criminal trial, reported at Mediaite. This exchange took place at the same House Oversight Committee meeting where Marjorie Taylor Greene sneered at Jasmine Crockett's false eyelashes and Crockett shot back with a butch-phobic remark about MTG's body." Speaking of the little catfight in Congress, in Isn’t It Time We Discuss the Leading Cause of Antisemitism in America? Stacy McCain traces the origin of the spat to Jamie Rasputkin. 

At WaEx, Flaw and order: Jack Smith election case hangs on by a thread. Steve Richards at JTN, Legal Boomerang? Biden attempt to hide tapes to collide with precedent from past Democratic probes
President Biden’s assertion of executive privilege could face legal obstacles established by his own party’s pursuit of Trump records.

The AZ Sun reports Trump’s Former Attorney John Eastman Arrested in Phoenix over His 2020 Election Legal Work. "“These charges should’ve never been brought. I pled not guilty. I had zero communications with the electors in Arizona. Zero involvement in any of the election litigation in Arizona or legislative hearings. I’m confident that if the law is faithfully applied I will be fully exonerated at the end of this process,” he said."   It's now illegal to give legal advice that the Democrats disagree with or even find inconvenient at this moment.

WeEx reports Ex-disinformation chief told to ‘be as vague as possible’ amid board collapse: Transcript. At Trending Politics, Rumble Files Lawsuit Against Google, Alleges Billions Of Dollars In Lost Ad Revenue. Greg Piper at JTN, YouTube censorship of election, COVID claims in crosshairs of U.S., Canadian courts. "YouTube says it removed more than 35,000 "misinformation" videos in EU last year. 9th Circuit questions idea that YouTube "is not allowed to rely on government expertise." Quebec court greenlights class-action suit."

I skipped the Harrison Butker story when it first appeared, but it seems to be growing. Monica Showalter at Am Think sees Fans rally to Harrison Butker. Outkick reports City Of Kansas City Deletes Disgusting Harrison Butker Tweet, Missouri AG Threatens Legal Action and Missouri AG Investigating Kansas City Mayor's Office For Doxxing Harrison Butker. Matt Vespa believes Bill Maher Nails What's at the Heart of the Left's Outrage Over Harrison Butker's Address. "I don’t see what the big crime is. I don’t. And I think this is part of the problem people have with the left is that lots of people in this country are like this. Like he’s saying, some of you may go on to lead successful careers, but a lot of you are excited about this other way that people, everybody, used to be. And now, can’t that just be a choice, too?"

Leah Barkoukis at TownHall hears Morehouse Might Cancel Graduation Ceremonies 'On the Spot' if This Happens During Biden's Speech. At Chronicles, Columbia is Rejecting Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Campus Reform hears UC Berkeley building defaced with swastika, other anti-Semitic graffiti, probably not by right-wing antisemites. The Free Bacon riffs on The Washington Post’s Disgrace, their institutional antisemitism. 

And from the Balmer Sun, a Key Bridge/Dali update, Dali cargo ship, which crashed into Key Bridge, is set to be refloated Monday morning. Clearly, the deplorable boys with big toys have been allowed to do their jobs. 

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: There Must Be Some Kind Of Way Out Of Here up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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