Friday, May 17, 2024

Forget It Jake, It's Baltimore

Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Black Caucus Asks Biden to Pardon Marilyn Mosby. Oh sure, why not, she's going to vote anyway. Maybe twice.

After former Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby was convicted of various crimes recently, I was fairly shocked to learn that she was asking President Joe Biden for a preemptive pardon. I was convinced that the story had to be some sort of bad joke. But there are clearly a lot of influential people who aren't laughing. We have now learned that Mosby's call for a pardon has been taken up by the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, and perpetual race-baiting attorney Ben Crump. The question has been posed directly to KJP, so you know that the request is on Joe Biden's radar, though the White House hasn't offered any comment on it yet. Mosby's sentencing is scheduled for next week, so the clock is ticking. And the usual suspects in the media are taking up her cause, describing this as a "fight for justice." It's enough to make a person nauseous. (Yahoo News) 
The Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, attorney Ben Crump and others have joined in the fight for justice for the former Baltimore state’s attorney.

The Congressional Black Caucus sent a letter to the White House in support of a pardon for Marilyn Mosby, former state’s attorney in Baltimore. The White House and the Justice Department acknowledged receipt of the pardon application for Mosby, who faces 40 years in prison for receiving funds from her own retirement savings during the COVID-19 pandemic. During Wednesday’s White House press briefing, the Biden administration declined to comment on the pardon application process. The NAACP, along with groups like Win With Black Women, leaders like attorney Ben Crump, and political commentators Angela Rye and Bakari Sellers, are supporting Mosby in what they believe could be an excessive sentence.
A "fight for justice?" Give us a break. Notice how Yahoo News describes Mosby's actions as "receiving funds from her own retirement savings" and warns that she "faces 40 years in prison." This is a massive load of malarkey, as the target of her pardon request is wont to say. She was not convicted of "receiving" her own retirement savings. She was convicted of defrauding COVID relief funds at a time when neither she nor her husband ever missed a single day of work because of the pandemic. She was also convicted of perjury (twice) and only barely avoided prosecution over a pile of money that mysteriously went missing on her watch.

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