Saturday, May 11, 2024

Maryland, My Maryland

 ET, Maryland House, Senate Races Could Determine Control of Congress  

Two key contests in Maryland could help determine control of Congress come January: the races for the Senate and the Sixth Congressional District. 
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Until February, the race to succeed retiring Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) appeared to be safe for Democrats until Mr. Hogan, who was popular as governor between 2015 and 2023, joined the contest.

Maryland hasn’t had a Republican in the Senate for nearly 40 years. The unexpectedly competitive race for Mr. Cardin’s seat may well decide who controls the Senate, as Republicans look to flip the chamber by targeting vulnerable Democrats in a handful of states.

Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District

Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District could be key in determining who controls the House of Representatives come next January as the Democrats look to keep the seat.

The major Democrat candidates looking to succeed Mr. Trone, who has been representing the district since January 2019, are Maryland state Del. Joe Vogel and April McClain-Delaney, the wife of former U.S. Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.), who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2020. Ms. McClain-Delaney last worked in the Biden administration.

The district encompasses five suburban counties including Montgomery County, which borders the nation’s capital. It is Maryland’s only swing district, with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report having it lean Democrat by 6 percentage points based on the average margins of how the district voted in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.

A miracle could happen, but I hate to think the fate of the union depends on Maryland.

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