Thursday, May 30, 2024

Justice is Dead

 Long live justice.  Stacy McCain, Rigged Jury in Show Trial Delivers Guilty Verdict Demanded by Corrupt Judge.

Was there ever any doubt about this predetermined outcome? The way that Judge Juan Merchan instructed the jury made anything but a guilty verdict impossible, if there was ever any doubt to begin with (which there wasn’t). As I explained 10 days ago:
The evidence and testimony don’t matter, because the outcome was predetermined before the “trial” ever started. This is a political operation organized by the Democratic Party to punish Trump and, if possible, to prevent him from being elected president again.
Understand that 86% of voters in Manhattan voted for Joe Biden in 2020. There are no honest people on that jury. They know full well why they are there, and what is expected of them. This “trial” has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with revenge — Trump beat Hillary in 2016, and Democrats cannot forgive him for that.
“Mother Teresa could not beat these charges . . . The whole thing is rigged,” Trump said. No honest person could disagree.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Out Of The Cellar up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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