Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Trump Trial Resumes

From Breitbart, Stage Set for Closing Arguments, Deliberations in Trump Trial. Matt Margolis explains   Why a Hung Jury Is Likely in the Trump Case. At least one honest person on the jury? Jonathan Turley on Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury.  Capt. Ed at Hat Hair adds "I've been predicting the same thing for the past week, on the basis of Cohen's testimony. Todd Blanche demolished the core of the prosecution case in last Monday's cross-examination by forcing Cohen to admit to doing substantial amounts of legal work for Trump and his family under the retainer agreement -- far more than he did for other corporate clients paying him more per month, in fact. If those really were retainer payments, then no records got falsified, let alone by Trump, whom prosecutors never tied to the actual entering of those ledger notations. This case shouldn't even go to a jury on that basis alone. But if Merchan allows the jury to get it, expect Blanche to hammer that point home. And I'd bet at least a few jurors got enough of a whiff of Cohen's stench to be open to the argument, too." Althouse catches Jon Swan and Maggie Habberman at the NYP whining "If the past is any guide, even with a full acquittal, Mr. Trump will be angry and vengeful, and will direct attacks...", and he should be. At Doug Ross, VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Will Biden Take Us Down With Him? "When these ritual trials are over, the country won’t revert to square one. But instead, Americans will be permanently distrustful of their courts. In cynical fashion, they will never again quite believe the once American hallowed idea of blind justice and equality under the law. And we will forever remember who did all this to the country."

Breitbart reports some Memorial Day Polling: Trump Eviscerates Biden’s Lead in National Surveys. Bonchie at RedState hears Democrats Are Having a Panic Attack Over Joe Biden's Electoral Prospects 'Full-Blown Freakout,'   Biden Has a ‘Jeb Bush’ Moment While Giving West Point Commencement Speech "It appears the entire West Point Biden experience was a compendium of elements from the list of the Sixth Stage of Alzheimer’s/Dementia."

Reagan Deese at Da Caller reports Biden Pays Visit To Daughter-In-Law Ahead Of Expected Testimony In Hunter’s Gun Trial. Matt Margolis at PJM wonders Umm... Did Joe Biden Just Commit Another Crime To Protect Hunter? Witness tampering. 

Hat Hair's KT reminds us Memorial Day Cookouts Cost 10% More This Year Than Last Year. Thanks, Brandon! At mrcTV, Two-Thirds of Americans Say They're ‘Shocked’ by High Cost of Fast FoodSteve Guest@SteveGuest "WATCH: CBS’s Margaret Brennan laughs in Pete Buttigieg’s face when he is unable to explain why only 7 or 8 electric vehicle charging stations have been built despite the Biden admin spending $7.5 BILLION to build chargers." At WUWT, Biden Goes All-In With War on Coal. PJM's VodkaPundit begs Dear Joe Biden: Get the Hell Out of SpaceX's Way. From the Free Bacon, Joe Biden's 'Equity Agenda' Has a New Target: Kidney Transplantsnull "HHS proposal would push hospitals to prioritize low-income patients in bid to address 'racial inequities'". At Aces MORNING RANT: Despite Expose’ of Rampant Sexual Harassment at FDIC, its Leader’s Resignation Will be Delayed to Prevent a Republican Replacement.

Bob Hoge at RedState, Sleeping With the Enemy: Biden Warns European Allies Not to Rebuke Iran's Nuclear Program. Da Wire, Biden Pushes World To Not Censure Iran Over Its Illegal Nuclear Program As It Nears Critical Mass. WSJ, Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program. "U.S. is arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the IAEA’s member-state board." In a metaphor for Biden,  HalalFlow@halalflow "Biden's PR stunt of a Gaza floating pier is reportedly sinking." Jen Van Laar at RedState has NEW Info About the Chechen Illegal Who Was Shot While Possibly Surveilling Special Ops Soldier's NC Home, and it's very suspicious. 

Kurt Schlichter at TownHall supposes Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 1) "The transition will be fraught because the Democrats just aren’t going to cooperate with a peaceful transition of government. They will do everything they can to disrupt and delay Trump’s people taking over. The shredders will melt from overuse as they destroy evidence of their own misconduct. What’s important for the Trump people to do is ensure that they make it clear that anybody destroying government documents or other materials to hide their contents will be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or other crimes. But the left will do it anyway, certain in the knowledge that a 97% communist jury pool in Washington, DC, will never convict any Democrat of anything."  NewsMax Reports Trump Says He'd End Anti-Israel Protests. At Da Wire, Trump Promised Donors He Would Deport Anti-Israel Student Protesters: ReportTrump Promised Donors He Would Deport Anti-Israel Student Protesters, the foreign ones. 

Also at Da Wire, Libertarian Party Rejects RFK Jr. Bid For Nomination, Rules Trump Ineligible, and get their customary 3%. Insty sees THE MORE HIS BRAIN DAMAGE RECEDES, THE MORE HE DISAGREES WITH FELLOW DEMOCRATS: "Fetterman, Flashing a Sharper Edge, Keeps Picking Fights With the Left: The first-term Pennsylvanian has battled with progressives on Israel, immigration and energy, adopting a more caustic political persona and alienating some supporters."

PM, Democrats Signal SCOTUS Sabotage Attempt. 

Evidence is mounting that the media flag hoaxes against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito are about undermining the top court’s independence and undercutting its conservative members in order to convict Donald Trump. Democratic lawmakers and leftist lawyers have been pushing for Justice Alito to be prevented from ruling on cases related to January 6 and presidential immunity, and calling for an “ethics code” that would empower Democratic lawmakers to pursue spurious impeachment proceedings against conservative justices.
. . .
Specifically, Raskin proposes increasing the number of Supreme Court justices to 13, which would likely see the current conservative majority overturned. The number of justices presidents can appoint is limited to two—meaning a re-elected President Trump could not make any more—and their terms are limited to 18 years.

Dan Greenfield at Front Page is outraged that the FBI Director Met With Hamas Supporters Asking Him to Lock Up Jews "The FBI has gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them." He should be. 

Across the pond at The Telegraph, Nellie Bowles argues ‘The antiracist movement argues for quite racist things’. The Babalu Blog notes Pro-Hamas demonstrators desecrate memorial to Cuban founding father Jose Martí in Coral Gables, FL Anti-anti-communists. At HE, General Mike Flynn reports military families are dissuading their children from enlisting

Ace, Politico: School Choice Has Allowed Parents to Choose Good Schools in Florida, and Now the Bad Government Schools Are Closing, and That's... Bad, for Some Reason. "But liberals really care about the children and not just the government workers, right?" Well, that, and the political indoctrination. 

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Out Of The Cellar up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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