Saturday, May 25, 2024

Oregon, My Oregon

At OTP, 13 Oregon Counties Support Secession Ballot Measure In Effort To Join Idaho13 Oregon Counties Support Secession Ballot Measure In Effort To Join Idaho

Thirteen fed-up counties in liberal Oregon have voted in support of measures to start negotiations to secede from the state and join conservative Idaho.

Crook County became the latest to approve the ‘Greater Idaho Measure’ following a vote on Tuesday.

The proposal seeks to move the Oregon border 200 miles to the west, meaning that 14 counties and several partial counties would fall under Idaho state lines.

Organizers behind the Greater Idaho movement say east Oregonians are being alienated by the state’s progressive policies which they blame for high crime rates.

They claim a move to Idaho would allow residents to take advantage of lower taxation and provide better representation and governance.

A view of Greater Idaho from Da Mail,

I notice they now include parts of Norther California and Washington in the scheme, which is reminiscent of the old idea of splitting a new state to be called Jefferson out of Oregon and California. That would at least have had the virtue of creating 2 new conservative Senate seats. If you're going to aim for the politically impossible, you might as well aim high.

Previous posts on the Greater Idaho movement.

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