Monday, May 27, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Trump Stumps Libertarians

But first, Lou Aguilar at Am Spec hope this might be The Last Woke Memorial Day. "The Biden administration repeatedly dishonors our fallen. But signs show change is underway." But Jen O'Connell at RedState, Denali National Park Superintendent Tells Construction Workers They Cannot Fly the US Flag: It 'Detracts'. Insty, THE ENEMY WITHIN:  Oli London@OliLondonTV, "Shameful Princeton students rush to stop a MEMORIAL DAY parade after spotting American flags coming towards them. Hundreds of activists charged onto the road and sat down while shouting “Free Palestine” at the parade marchers who were honoring fallen service members & veterans." Sarah Arnold at TownHall, Pro-Hamas Activist Disgustingly Mocks Rep. Brian Mast for Having No Legs. Dan Greenfield at Front Page notices  Pro-Hamas College Protests are a Rich Kid Movement. "Campuses that educate students mostly from working-class backgrounds have not had any protest activity."

NYPo, Trump urges Libertarians to ditch their party and endorse him in raucous convention: ‘At least vote for me’. Dan Chaitin at Da Wire Trump Seeks ‘Partnership’ At Libertarian Convention. OTP, Trump Promises Dubious Libertarians A Cabinet Slot If They Support Him. Matt Vespa at TownHall hears Trump Delivered a Brutal Line to Heckling Libertarians. Ed Driscoll at Insty, INTO THE LIONS’ DENTrump Was Booed Relentlessly at the Libertarian National Convention, Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing for Him. "TRUMP: “Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years.”" I suspect many of them are proud of getting only three percent every four years. Matt Margolis at PJM VIP warns The Libertarian Party Condemns Itself to Irrelevance in Rejecting Trump’s Olive Branch. ET, Vivek Ramaswamy Calls for ‘Libertarian-Nationalist Alliance’. WaEx, Libertarians contend with Trump and RFK commandeering their convention. Nick Arama at RedState thinks the Libertarian Chair Just Levels Biden Team After Their Hot Take About Rowdy Reaction to Trump Speech.  Angela McArdle @angela4LNCChair, "You didn't even show up. You have zero credibility. Quote Biden-Harris HQ@BidenHQ "A seething and unpopular Trump lashes out and belittles the audience as they boo him." From Fox, Dennis Quaid 'really admires' Trump for visits to New York neighborhoods after historic Bronx rally "Quaid says the events conspiring against Trump have made him 'more human to people.'" At Da Fed, the Unsinkable Mollie Hemingway notes Trump’s Multiracial Working-Man Optimism Beats Biden’s Corrosive Anger And Resentment. Neal McCabe at RedState gives the example of Seven Years Later, Marine Widow Recalls Trump Hugging Her Son at Husband's Arlington Grave. They say this like it's a bad thing, Rolling Stone@RollingStone, "Trump reportedly told oil industry executives this week that he will immediately approve all of their projects and expand drilling should he win in November. More awful things he's promised if he gets a second term:".  Vince Langman@LangmanVince "Another great reason to vote for President Trump in November. I can't wait for $1.85 a gallon gasoline and world peace." Byron York@ByronYork "Commencement address at Brandeis. Burns warns students that electing Trump will create the 'entropy that will engulf and destroy us,' after which Americans 'will end up re-enslaved.' Adds that he 'dreaded' saying this."

Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller reports a  Pro-Biden Strategist Threatens To End Interview, Dismisses Dismal Polling Numbers As ‘Just Wrong’ John Kudla at Am Think thinks Biden Claims the Polls Are Wrong. He May Be Right. ". . . So, yes, I agree with Biden.  The polls may be wrong. Trump may be up by more than everyone thinks." Don't count those chickens until mail-ins come in. Da Wire cites Tim Scott: There Are 2 Things That Are Driving Black Voters To Trump, “jobs and justice.” Dan Greenfield at Front Page, sees Democrats Panic Over Jewish Voters. "Biden’s betrayal of Israel may end up costing him the election." NewsBusters laughs at  MSNBC’s Ruhle: Inflation is High But The Economy Is Great. From Breitbart, Carville: ‘Democrat Messaging Is Full of Sh-t’ Stop Ignoring the Economy.   At Althouse, "Democratic strategists seem to see climate change as a key political issue only for white liberal elites and assume that other groups, like Black voters, are either unaware of or apathetic about it...." "Writes Jerel Ezell, in "Biden Underestimates How Much Black Americans Care About This Issue" (NYT). So, the "better way to talk about" climate change to black voters — instead of talking about "a planet free of climate crisis" — is to let them know there are billions of dollars "waiting to be doled out" to their specific communities. And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article." At WaEx, Paul Bedard's White House Report Card: Biden sinks to buying votes, regulating spaghetti. ET wonders ET wonders Could Ticket Splitters Hurt Biden in 2024? "Some question if split ticket voting will tip the scales in some key Senate contests where polling shows large gaps in presidential preference." WaEx again, White House works to correct Biden’s remarks at ‘ridiculous’ rate

PJM's Rick Moran thinks Biden Ohio Ballot Access Story Keeps Getting Better and Better. For some odd reason, Republican legislators don't seem inclined to help. "But the fact that the Biden team took Ohio's rules for granted and expected Republicans to play nice and grant Biden ballot access says something about their arrogance. The Ohio General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday without finding a legislative solution to the filing deadline. It wasn't so much that the Republicans were trying to keep Biden off the ballot. They just didn't try very hard to get him on the ballot." Don Surber with Highlights of the News "ITEM 1: NBC reported, “Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Thursday called a special session for the state's Legislature to get President Joe Biden on the ballot this November, saying his patience has run out with his fellow Republicans who appear less than inclined to offer a legislative fix for a timing problem with the Democrat convention.” Democrats refuse to obey the law but somehow Republicans are to blame. DeWine is a reminder to pick up some shrimp at Captain D’s tonight."

PJM's Vicky Taft, says Hunter Biden's Laptop Is SO REAL It Will Be Used as Evidence in His Gun Trial, and lays out this time line:

  • First, Hunter left three laptops with a Delaware Mac repair shop and forgot to pick up one of them.
  • Then the FBI got a copy of the laptop in 2019 and pretended it didn't exist.
  • Then the intelligence community, knowing it could be a storyline in the 2020 election, "pre-bunked" the content of the laptop at an Aspen gathering, telling journalists invited to the yearly confab that if they heard anything about the laptop they should know it was "hacked" and should disregard it as disinformation.
  • Then it was dismissed as Russian disinformation and anyone reporting the story was a Putin poodle.
  • Then they got social media companies to censor the story and any outlet that reported it.
  • Then before the 2020 election, the worst secretary of State of all time got 51 lying politicians who used to work at the CIA and other spook agencies to say it sure looked like Russian disinformation.
  • Then its existence was a right-wing conspiracy theory.
  • Then Hunter's legal team confirmed its veracity in court papers.
  • Then the Biden poodle who had been "investigating" Hunter for years was caught doing nothing.
  • Then he looked at it to discover there were Mann Act and "gun use crimes while high on crack" evidence on the laptop.
  • Then whistleblowers highlighted Hunter's lawbreaking.
  • Then this week the laptop was real and its contents will be used as evidence in Hunter's upcoming gun trial.
  • Then the 53-year-old Biden said that his computer was hacked.

Mia Cathell at TownHall says Look What's Come Back to Haunt Hunter Biden at His Gun Trial. Anxious anxiously whines Biden's Justice Department keeps airing his family's dirty laundry. Hat Hair's Beege Welborn adds "Almost like they want to get rid of him or something."

Sarah Arnold at TownHall has Video Captures of Illegal Immigrants Throwing Rocks, Sand at Border Patrol Agents. Fox, ICE confirms Jordanians who attempted to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico were both in US illegally "One Jordanian national was in the US on a student visa, which expired in January 2023." DaWire, Biden Blasted For Claiming Trump, Republicans Have Prevented ‘The Toughest Border Enforcement In History’. WaEx, Ohio moves to remove noncitizens from voter rolls after amendment passage, Democrats oppose, naturally. 

Hat Hair's KT notes she's still lashing out, Hillary Clinton Blames Women Voters for her Loss to Trump. She's really running out of people to blame.

The Center Square realizes a Majority of House Democrats support noncitizens voting. WJ satisfied when the Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Republicans in Crucial Redistricting Battle

NYPo,  Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House. "The 81-year-old president’s message will be tailored to the outcome of the trial, according to Politico, but in any scenario, he intends to stress that the US legal system worked and Americans should respect the process." At Reason Jacob Sullum is amazed Prosecutors Are Still Hedging on Exactly What 'Crime' Trump Tried To 'Aid' or 'Conceal' "This week the judge presiding over Trump's trial ruled that jurors do not have to agree on any particular legal theory." Does he imagine this is meant to be fair? Sundance at CTH is outraged that the Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt. "Yes, you read that correctly…. The jurors do not need to believe a crime was committed in order to convict Trump of unlawfully hiding a crime he never committed.  Let that insufferable Lawfare logic sink in."  The real felony was beating Hillary in 2016. Steve Richards at JTN points out While Trump faces felony charges, NY-based Clinton campaign only faced fines for its records issue |Selective Prosecution? Following the 2016 election, the FEC determined the Clinton campaign incorrectly recorded opposition research as legal expenses, but was only hit with an administrative fine." Fox, 2024 wild card: Could Trump criminal trial verdict rock White House race? "A longtime GOP pollster argued that a Trump conviction 'is unlikely to make any difference.'"

Hat Hair cites Tom Fitton, head of Judicial Watch, At West Point, POTATUS Reminds Grads They Have a Duty If Trump Causes a RuckusTom Fitton@TomFitton, "BREAKING: In a speech today at West Point, Biden, who is directly trying to jail his political opponent, suggested the United States military must be prepared to intervene in domestic political affairs against President Trump." Sundance, Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened. Hollywood in Toto reviews ‘War on Truth’ which Should Shock Every American, "Subversive documentary tracks Team Biden's pursuit of J6 protesters."

Sarah Arnold at TownHall sees  Liberal Outlet Censors Sen. John Kennedy's Op-Ed On Protecting Women’s Sports Due To 'Loaded Language' "USA Today took down a published article written by Kennedy on protecting women’s sports from transgender athletes, claiming that his column did not meet the paper’s ethical guidelines." BIC sees a Mainstream Media Criticizes ‘The Apprentice’ Biopic For Making Donald Trump Look “Too Sympathetic”. Da Caller, NYT Inserts Head In Sand, Suggests Elon Musk Is ‘First’ Tech Lord To Try To Influence ElectionsNYT Inserts Head In Sand, Suggests Elon Musk Is ‘First’ Tech Lord To Try To Influence Elections

Brad Palumbo at WaEx, The Left’s war on merit comes for medical schools. Hat Hair cites Jennifer Block of the British Medical Journal on How the Cass Review Failed to Land in the USHow the Cass Review Failed to Land in the US. The Center Square California, California Senate passes ban on parental notification for TK-12 gender changes. Politico whines School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close. "The Republican governor’s school choice programs may serve as a model for other GOP-leaning states across the country."

Sauron's Eye, Cracker Barrel CEO says brand isn't relevant and needs a new plan. Here are 3 changes coming soon . "Historically, Cracker Barrel has made limited changes to our design aesthetic, and we've probably relied a little too much on what was perceived to be the timeless nature of our concept," she said."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Out Of The Cellar up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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