Friday, May 24, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Hunter Trial Delayed

From WaEx, Judge grants Hunter Biden’s bid to delay tax trial until September. At Da Caller,  CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter Biden’s ‘Sugar Brother’ Kevin Morris, Docs Show. Ace, in red italic font, CIA Blocked Investigation Into Kevin Morris, the "Sugar Brother" Who's Bankrolling Hunter Biden's Milion Dollar Defense. "Who is REALLY funding Funboy's defense?" Guy Benson at Town Hall, Uh Oh: Whistleblower Documents Suggest Hunter Biden Repeatedly Lied Under Oath. Steve Richards at JTN has a list of the Most impactful Hunter Biden documents from new IRS whistleblower cache "This new trove of documents could set up a criminal referral of the first son." Jonathan Turley on Garland’s Ultimate Test of Principle: Will DOJ Send the Hunter Biden Perjury Allegations to a Grand Jury?.  Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, "I'll go on the record to predict that Garland will fail this 'test of principle,' because he has shown very little regard for it thus far. At best, he might kick this over to special counsel David Weiss, but the easy play here is to stall until the congressional session ends, and hope that Democrats can seize the 2025-6 majority in November's elections." WaPoo whines  Prosecutors plan to use highly personal evidence in Hunter Biden trial. "Hunter Biden’s former wife and another ex-partner could be called to testify, and intimate texts on drug addiction could be offered as evidence." Charles Glasser at Insty,  WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE? ME, OR YOUR LYING EYES? "An enormous trove of documents — 3.3 million pages of emails, bank records, and corporate memos — has been obtained by Just the News that prove what you already knew: Joe Biden flat-out lied repeatedly about never having met with his son’s business partners . . ." Fox reports  Ex-FBI director James Comey begs voters to re-elect Joe Biden: ‘You must vote for him!’ "'I don’t care how you feel about Joe Biden,' Comey said as he called on Americans to vote for him at all costs." Hat Hair's KT,  James Comey Pleads for Voters to Re-Elect Biden. At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.22.24, Twitchy OH SecState Says Biden Won’t Be On The November Ballot,

WaEx reports Biden polling drag creates split-ticket openings in swing Senate races. PJM's VodkaPundit  says   Never Believed Biden Would Drop Out, But... maybe he'll get pushed? Guy Benson at TownHall, shocked by a  Poll: Would Kamala Harris Be Stronger Than Biden Against Trump? Twitchy, We're As Shocked As You: The Daily Show Airs Hilarious Sketch Mocking Kamala Harris .

Atop Da Hill,  Trump on Biden’s continued candidacy: ‘I doubt he will even be running’. NYPo,  Trump reveals new debate format for upcoming showdown with Biden "Donald Trump revealed Wednesday that he has agreed to “sit at a table” with Joe Biden — despite his strong preference to stand — during their upcoming debates." Joe can't think on his feet; it's even unclear if he can think on his ass. Nick Arama at RedState, Biden Implodes at Reporter During Embarrassing Presser, Reveals 'Deal' Around Questions. From NYPo, Angry Biden complains press ‘never keep the deal,’ calls Kamala Harris ‘president’ during confused press conference with Kenya leader. Dave Strom at Hat Hair, The Left Can't Meme, But Biden Is Hiring a Meme Manager. Dave Harsanyi at Da Fed wonders  Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024? We'll find out. 

Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw shakes his head at KJP: Why Should POTUS Take Executive Action on the Border? NewsMax reports Many Border Patrol Agents Leaving Under Biden: 'So Bad for Morale'. Hat Hair's KT, Illegal Alien From Turkey is More Worried About Open Border than Joe Biden. At the Blaze, Judge drastically reduces bail for illegal alien accused of killing Washington state trooper.

The Peacock, Federal Reserve minutes indicate worries over lack of progress on inflation. Twitchy amused as a Sociology Professor Gets Ratioed Into OBLIVION for Telling People to 'Deal With' Higher Food Prices.Hat Hair's Duane Patterson says You Can Get Anything You Want at Joe Biden's Restaurant. PJM's Rick Moran sees Biden's 'Death by a Thousand Cuts' Student Loan Forgiveness Schemes Continue

Breitbart has a Report: Biden Admin Has Paid Taliban Nearly $11 Million Since Withdrawal Disaster. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 05.22.24, At Da Fed,  Pentagon Tacitly Admits Biden’s Gaza Pier Stunt Is A Total Failure.

From Fox,  Revelation of secret Obama-era program casts doubt on stated reason for Trump Mar-a-Lago raid. They already had the originals of the documents. Althouse, It's not so much that it was a "shouting match." It's what they were shouting about. "The headline at CNN is "Florida hearing in Trump classified documents case devolves into shouting match" (CNN)." Sundance at CTH, A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing 

WaEx, Fani Willis appeals judge’s dismissal of charges in Trump election interference case and Democrats’ lawfare campaign against Trump backfires.  The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "Weird: Soros-Funded D.A. Declines To Prosecute Soros-Funded Campus Protesters"

Steven Kruiser at PJM, So Much for the Lawfare—Trump Rocks the Bronx. Fox, Bronx residents excited for Trump's visit, frustrated with Dems who 'used us and abused us'. Hat Hair, AOC Frustrated That Her Voters Were Excited to See Trump. Althouse "I was doing great, I was sort of like a hot guy. I was hot as a pistol. I think I’m hotter than I am now and I became president". Nick Arama sees a TV Anchor Reveals Democrat Efforts to Create Failed Counter-Protest to Trump Rally. Sundance at CTH, President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

At NRO Never-Trumper Noah Rothman whines Nikki Haley Gives Away the Store. Althouse, Why is Nikki Haley announcing support for Trump? I thought she pledged, long ago, to support the GOP nominee. "It was a condition for the debates last year. Were we supposed to just forget? Are pledges some kind of joke? Was the pledge only ever about stopping Trump from running independently if he could not secure the nomination?" Dave Harsanyi at NYPo, Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays. From WaEx, Trump and DeSantis appear to push aside feud in appeal to donors: ‘I love that you’re back’. Don Surber, says Be kind to libs because they're losing. "Donald Trump isn't the only one getting the best of them."

Jacqui Heinrich on X "FBI confirms my reporting, via @davidspunt - "The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force. No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter. The standard deadly force policy statement included in the operations order for the search of the former president’s residence was also included in the operations order for the search of the sitting president’s residence in Delaware, as is standard practice for all FBI operations orders.”" The Babylon Bee snarks DOJ Authorizes Postal Workers To Use Deadly Force On Trump When Delivering His Mail.

The Babylon Bee, Democrats Release Damning Photo Of Justice Alito Reading The Constitution. Capt. Ed, "This is only slightly more absurd than accusing Alito of having insurrectionist sympathies because his wife once flew an American flag upside down or had a historic American Revolution flag at his boathouse. This is just desperation by the Left to set up arguments about an "extremist" court when decisions come down next month, especially the one on presidential immunity. This campaign is utterly shameless."

Mediatite whines Media Matters Staffers Announce Sweeping Lay Offs: ‘There’s a Reason Far-Right Billionaires Attack’Capt. Ed comments The Daily Caller also points out that MMFA faces investigations in Missouri and Texas over attempts to manipulate data on Twitter/X, which prompted the suit by Musk. At Twitchy, Babylon Bee’s Kyle Mann Has a Plan for Former Media Matters Staff (and More Schadenfreude!)  Kyle Mann @The_Kyle_Mann "1. We hire all the fired Media Matters writers at @TheBabylonBee 2. We tell them it's a serious journalism  job 3. We have them keep writing the same stuff they were writing before 4. Profit??"

Matt Taibbi at Racket is Introducing the Censorship Files |What you can expect to find in Racket's FOIA library, opening today. Why we targeted publicly-funded "anti-disinformation" programs, which are misnamed." On YouTube, Twitter Files Extra: Mudge Zatko. Dave Strom catches WaPoo Saying the Quiet Part Out LoudJohn Woodrow Cox on X: The Post is creating a Narrative Accountability team, and we need an editor. Nick Arama watches Megyn Kelly Schools Bill Maher on Trump, J6, Biden and the Border in Epic Interview, you can too. At Hollywood in Toto, Jon Stewart Denies We’re Being Silenced. Here’s the Proof "'Daily Show' host pretends Biden, Big Tech censorship aren't a grim reality."  Capt. Ed, And don't think for a moment that it's not happening again in this cycle, either. 

Ace, It Begins: Taxpayer-Funded Government Schools in Seattle Are Now Offering Hormone Blockers. "They've covered the floor with gunpowder and they're dancing around on drag queen high-heels creating sparks..." Capt. Ed, says Avoid UCLA-Educated Doctors, Part II: Westwood's DEI Blue, and Yale TooAaron Sibarium on X, "SCOOP: Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants. As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence. We've obtained shocking internal data.
Rusty Weiss at RedState Signs Are Pointing Toward Another Leftist-Fueled Summer of Violence. From Campus Reform, Hamas thanks student protesters, dubs them part of the Oct. 7 'flood' to annihilate Jews. Insty, at substack says This Is How You Get More Ants "Student protests and college administrators."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: There Must Be Some Kind Of Way Out Of Here up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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