Sunday, May 19, 2024

More Random Celebrity News

For some values of "Random", "Celebrity" and "News." First, via Marianne Angela at Da Caller, Miranda Cosgrove Recounts Terrifying Encounter With Stalker Who Allegedly Killed Himself In Her Yard.

Miranda Cosgrove opened up about the ongoing effects of a traumatic stalking incident which occurred eight years ago in an interview with Bustle published Friday.

Cosgrove revealed how an encounter with a stalker years ago continues to affect her sense of safety, especially at her Los Angeles home where the incident occurred. The stalker reportedly committed suicide by setting himself on fire and shooting himself in the front yard of her Los Angeles home. Before this incident, he had shot at a woman who resembled Cosgrove near the property, Entertainment Weekly reported. Cosgrove still lives in the same house, she told Bustle.

The memory of these events has impacted Cosgrove, who admitted the experience still haunts her and she still struggles with feeling safe in her own home, according to the outlet.
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The “iCarly” actress also unexpectedly met the woman who had allegedly been shot by the stalker during a Kitten Rescue LA event. The woman approached her, revealed her identity and offered another personal connection against the incident’s traumatic effects, according to the outlet.

OutKick predicts SI Swimsuit Model Xandra Pohl Is Ready To Dominate The Next Decade

The performance last night from 2024 SI Swimsuit rookie Xandra Pohl was like Ken Griffey Jr. making his MLB debut. 
It was like the first time Pirates pitcher Paul Skenes took the mound. It was like Sydney Sweeney's Hooters comedy bit on Saturday Night Live. It was like Bron Bron making his NBA debut.

DJ Xandra Pohl declared on Thursday night at Hard Rock Hotel in New York City that she's the future of pop culture and she's here to dominate the next decade. I've been at this game a long time. We're looking at all the intangibles. We're looking at a social media force.

We're looking at a 2023 college graduate DJ with over a million TikTok followers who can go ahead and determine what industry she wants to dominate and it appears the swimsuit game is next up. As we reported this week, she's already been spotted with new Chiefs running back Louis Rees-Zammit, the Welsh rugby player who's good-looking, young, super athletic and ready to make an NFL roster.

Tom Knighton at Bearing Arm distraught that Game Of Thrones Star Left US for UK Over Guns

Most of the cast of Game of Thrones was British. That includes Sansa Stark actress Sophie Turner. Yet Turner has apparently lived in the United States for some time. I didn't know. I didn't really care, either.

Nor did I really care that she got divorced from one of the Jonas Brothers. Where I started to care, though, was that in the battle that followed divorce filings, she started to make some claims about why she had relocated to the United States, at least according to Buzzfeed.
But, even more importantly, Sophie became increasingly concerned about raising her daughters in America’s political landscape, with gun control and women’s rights being the two biggest issues. In that sense, 2022 was pivotal for Sophie, with Roe v. Wade being overturned in June of that year — just one month after a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, that claimed the lives of 19 students between the ages of 9 and 11 years old, and two teachers.
“I couldn’t fathom being a mother of one of those children knowing that this was something your country could fix, that they’d rather have rights to guns than give kids a right to life,” Sophie said of the tragedy.

So Turner favors abortion--which results in terminating a baby before it has a chance to live--but looks down on us Americans because we'd supposedly rather have "rights to guns than give kids a right to life" and she sees no potential contradiction there?

Noelia Voigt
Breitbart reports Miss USA 2023 Noelia Voigt Resigns, Claims Toxic Work Environment Including ‘Bullying and Harassment’

Noelia Voigt, last year’s winner of the Miss USA pageant, resigned her position this week and is now alleging she suffered from “bullying and harassment” during her tenure.

In her resignation letter, which was obtained by multiple news outlets, Noelia Voigt singled out Laylah Rose, the president and CEO of the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA organizations, alleging that Rose is “actively building a culture of fear and control, the antithesis of women’s empowerment, that is causing a toxic workplace that is unsafe for future titleholders and employees.”
UmaSofia Srivastava
Her surprise resignation was followed by another resignation this week — Miss Teen USA 2023 winner UmaSofia Srivastava, who said on social media that her “personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

The dual resignations have sent shock waves through the beauty pageant world, throwing into question the future of the long-running Miss USA and Miss Teen USA competitions, which date back to 1952.

Noelia Voigt, 24, wrote in her letter that she was “made to feel unsafe” at events she attended during her reign, which “culminated in being sexually harassed at the 2023 Sarasota Christmas Parade.”

And since no celebrity post would be complete without Taylor Swift, from Ed Driscoll at Insty, HOW IT STARTED:

Who Said It, Adolf Hitler or Taylor Swift? Can you tell the difference between a quote from one of history’s most infamous revenge-seeking megalomaniacs and Adolf Hitler? Plenty of people couldn’t. —The Atlantic, August 30th, 2013.

White Supremacists Call Taylor Swift An Aryan Goddess. —NPR, May 27th, 2016.

Taylor Swift Claims She Had No Idea She Was a White Supremacist Icon Because She ‘Didn’t Have the Internet’ on Her Phone. —The Root, September 20th, 2019.

Academic conference looks ‘critically’ at Taylor Swift’s career — including the whiteness of her fans. —The College Fix, July 18th, 2021.

How it’s going: Historic German Church Hosts Worship Service Features Taylor Swift Songs. —MRC TV, Thursday.

 The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Pool’s Open up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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